Push/Pull or Upper/Lower?

Push/Pull or Upper/Lower?

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Whichever you prefer. You should also consider fullbody

I was doing SS but kept having to do deloads on anything that wasn't a squat or a deadlift, so I'm wondering what to do next. I was wondering about some kind of 1 2 1 2 workout routine weekly.

I am eating roughly enough protein based on the bodyweight I have. I have looked at what form should be on stronglifts. So I wouldn't know what else to do.

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All depends on your goals and what works for you/your schedule better

Everyone is different but in my experience I gained more strength on Upper/Lower and better aesthetics on Push/Pull

If you're going to split your exercises, U/L is much better, full body is completely acceptable.

I switched from PPLPPLx to PPLxULx and started getting stronger much quicker.

Then I went and fucking broke my foot so now all of my gains are forfeit until I heal

Upper, upper, lower

Sounds interesting. Care to share your routine?

Maybe I'll try both and see what happens. The U and L seem lopsided, though.

PPLxUL is what I run, lifts have flown up

Will I have to leave humanity behind to reach Sol mode?

Upper/Full body

Will one of you bros please share your routine? Doing full body 3x a week currently but I'm thinking I wanna start going 5x a week.

Anyone know a good source for gear cells?

Proper PPL is the way to go IMO, if you can't do it just add squats and calf raises to push and pull days respectively

how do you define proper PPL?

not but guessing "Proper PPL" means 6 days/week in the gym. I.E. PPLxPPL or PPLPPLX

vertical/horizontal senpai

full body

"PPLxPPL or PPLPPLX", it's the same thing

Are you dumb or just pretending?

>Do whatever the FUCK you wanna do
Based and checke'd

Nothing can compete against the mighty full body left/right split.

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push/pull. there's no reason to do squats and deads together, but squat and bench is ok.

What would be the best intermediate routine if I have access to a gym mon-fri and it has just free weights? Also I have pull-up bar but not in the gym. Doing PPxPPxx with deadlifts and squats added?