
Last night, I had sex with a blonde qt in my LUCID dream. Throughout, it felt way better
than masturbating, and it felt extremely realistic and surreal. I could feel every thrust, and I woke up cumming irl.


>spawn waifu in dream facefuck, cum irl.

I can teach you guys how to do it, and i will post an explanation and answer any questions
once the thread picks up speed.

So who wants to learn how???? 10+ posts or DUBS and I'll post the quickest explanation to get you doing it easy, and ASAP.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shut the fuck up faggot and tell me how to get lucid gf

guys why is OYASUMI in hiragana and PUNPUN in katakana? I'm a big noob and I've only just learned some hiragana and I'm curious

Will the OP deliver, or not? That is the one true question...

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Stop holding this valuable information from us the faggit and tell us

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NYS tripfag lucid dream schill. What a fucking nigger. This thread is shit-tier faggotry. Get out.

fukign tell meeee reeeee

Cause punpun is a name and they usually write names in katakana. If it's a foreign name it must be written in katakana unless the owner says elsewhere.

>sleep 8 hours+
>wake up 3 hours earlier, repeat in your mind "everything from now on will be a dream"
>dream, keep calm
>wake up, write down your dream
>rinse and repeat

It needs practice but lucid dream is easy. If you wanna try something on a whole new level look for the WILD technique.

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aLRIGHT SO! Here's the jizz of it (xd.) I'll probably be making a few post, but here's an introduction.

So there's this technique called wake induced lucid dreaming. That's the technique you will probably want to start out with. Now I would suggest doing some research on your own, but here's what I did:

So I did a bit of a mixture of lucid dream techniques. So the whole challenge of lucid dreaming is trying to figure out you're in a dream while dreaming, thus making you lucid (duh.) So there's a few ways of doing this. You can practice reality checks irl to see if you are dreaming, and eventually, you will start to do them while dreaming out of habit. Then, it will be pretty easy to tell you're dreaming. You can do something like: every time you walk in a door, look at the palm of your hand and try to figure out how you got there, and if you remember your day leading up to this. It will be pretty obvious immediately you are dreaming. This is kind of advanced though, and I'll tell you guys the technique i used when i first started out. Okay so this one is called wake induced lucid dreaming. Now it's been a while since i read a real guide on this, so correct me if I'm wrong:

(post 1/2, I'm splitting this up for readability. The standalone beginner tutorial will be in the next post all by itself, copy and paste it, then practice it.)

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>Realize I'm sleeping as a kid (10-12 maybe?)
>Start running so I can find a girl
>Find girl, rape her
I feel guilty and bad about it. I don't have a problem with wet dreams, but it was different,it lacked consent
I know it's just in a dream and I was young but it's just weird

haha OP stop being a retarded, no beginner can start with wild, it requires the focus of a Tibetan monk and a calm mind to go through the sleep paralysis without freaking out, without caution it could trigger an unwanted OBE and a trauma that will shut down further improvements on ld.

tldr, Op is a faggot that never had a LD.

She looks like a fucking Muppet.

I started with wild. Shut the fuck up boi. I did it within some of the first few tries. Don't psych them out, wild is actually by far the easiest to me. I basically tried out multiple methods in the beginning, but that was the first one I had results with. I was lucid dreaming within a few nights, with decent control too. Look dude, sleep paralysis isn't THAT bad, it's slightly scarier than a mild nightmare if you know what to expect .It's when people don't know about it that it freaks them out. Of course a lot of people gotta jump that hurdle.

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I just woke up from a LD where I was about to have sex because my little sister started screaming downstairs. For fuck's sake man. She was this fine as fuck blonde nurse and I got to slap her ass at least.

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Not that I did report OP, but people can for dubs/post number GET and extremely low quality. Jesus, this is autism.

Thanks, OP.

What's next though?

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SORRY ABOUT THAT GUYS, we had a non-believer trying to h8. I garuntee you he's never came-ded from an lucid dreamtacular either.

Been a minute since I read a full guide, so correct me if im wrong.

Step 1: set alarm
So, you want to set an alarm for about 4-4.5 hours after you fall asleep basically. Now, you dont want to set it for 4 hours after the current time, you want to set it for ~4.5 hours after you think you're going to fall asleep. If it's going to take you 30 minutes to fall asleep, set it for 4.5-5 hours after your current time. IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: Make sure your alarm is as close to you as possible. You want to move as little as possible in order to shut it
off. Also, if you can avoid opening your eyes without it seriously lengthening the time it will take you to turn off the alarm, do so. The blue light on your screen could fuck with your
melatonin and help start waking you up, at
least that's how I felt. Even squint them mostly closed if you have too, anything to filter out light and to help keep you in drowsy.

Step 2: WAKING UP:
So, when you wake up, you want to keep yourself as asleep as possible. As soon as you wake up, start thinking about your plan to lucid
dream, Try to turn off your alarm as quickly as possible with the fewest movements as possible, it also helps not to move too fast. When this is done, Lay flat on your back, arms at your sides, and neck in a comfy position. Make sure you are very comfortable, because any slight thing will bother you terribly later on.
Step 3: falling asleep:
Here's the trickiest part.Your goal is to remain aware that you are falling asleep, and aware you are going to enter the dream world.

So, after turning off the alarm, like i said before, you lay FLAT ON YOU BACK, arms at your sides. This is pretty crucial for it to work in my experience, idk why.

Pt 1/2, post is getting too long sorry. Ik it looks shitty, small text editor box is garbage.

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What next, OP? I want to know!!

Step 3 Continued
So as your continue to stay COMPLETELY STILL, you may get the urge to move as well. If you move, you fuck things up. It tells your body that you aren't ready to sleep yet. You may try to cheat, and it will cause this not to work. trust me I've tried. As you keep resisting the urge to scratch, you will start to notice that they urge to twitch, and to scratch fade. You've tricked your brain into thinking you're losing consciousness. It's at this point, that you may start to notice you're starting to feel like you're becoming paralyzed. This is probably one of the biggest hurdles in lucid dreaming. This is called sleep paralysis. It's not something you try to avoid, it's something you need to get comfortable with. As you fall asleep every night (and this night,) your body literally paralyzes. You will not be able to move, but you will be fully conscious. You can move your eyes around, and i think you may be able to open them, but you will have no control over your body. Once you've reached this stage, you're just about there. This means you have successfully tricked your body, good job! Now, it may sound stupid, but you may start to panic. You must understand nothing bad can happen to you from this. You won't get stuck this way, you won't stop breathing or something dumb.... Literally, this happens every night. I'd recommend you don't open your eyes btw for obvious reasons. But also, you can hallucinate really heavily, and you may see very scary things, which is very common.

Step 4: Transition into the dream world.

Pt 2/? (longer than i thought sorry. We're nearly there lads!)
originally i had meant to remove that. I wanted it just to be 10 posts so i could at least have a few people in here lurking to tell. Roll threads are the worst, and I've probably been filtered by half the board already (hence why i'd be motivated to remove it)

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moar? been trying to LD for years

I'd love to talk to you guys personally and train you over the next few weeks, as there will be personal hurdles you need to conquer that i cant help with until you start doing it.

My steam account is "/urmemlol" but my username is "Sauce12"
I made it unique so you could find me. My profile pic is tim heidecker's face close up
Pt. 4: Transitioning to the dream world:
This is the part that can go the worst IMO. So basically, you'll have your eyes closed, you'll be paralyzed, and you'll start to see all kinds of colors, even vague patterns at first, maybe even shapes. It's really important that you remain conscious of your goal here. Keep reminding yourself that you're dreaming, because it's easy to slip into a dream without realising it. It's hard to explain, but your brain will try to ease you into losing your awareness at every step of the way. After your alarm first goes off, you need to just keep repeating in your head "I am going to lucid dream." I maybe should have said this, but I forgot since I'm a bit more advanced than having to do that, so I forget sometimes.

to be continued, shit.

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But as far as the colors and shapes, I like to kind of focus on them. So try lightly to kinda of focus on them a bit. Now here's another bit of information that's important: As you start to lose contact with your body and go into this dream world, it's important you dont do something that will make you feel yourself (your body.) Say like, trying to start moving your eyes around hard and fast, wiggling toes or what not, or even starting just to even start thinking about it way too hard. You will start to feel your body again, and it will bring you back into the physical realm. But as you're seeing these shapes, you start to lose contact with your body, and you become less and less aware of it. Let this all happen naturally, don't sweat it too much. But don't let it be too natural, you need to maintain your awareness. So as you start to fall asleep, the colors and shapes will become more and more detailed, and become more and more elaborate. This is very good. You need to be relaxed at this state. If you start to be like "OH SHIT IM LUCID DREAMING NICE, WHAT DO I DO FIRST!"Then you'll likely fade into what I like to call "the black space." Basically, it's a blank dream. It's what happens when you're almost TOO concious during lucid dreaming, and your brain isn't generating dream on it's own. Lucid dreaming is a balance. Be too aware, and you need to do all the work yourself. Be just aware enough, and your brain can generate dream. This is the best stage, and if you master it, you can learn to control it more and more. This is the long term challenge in lucid dreamin, for me at least.
dreamiirldreamdmtSo, suddenly these closed eyed visuals will turn into dream. Then, you will feel suddenly like space opens up almost, and you have entered a room, depending on what you're seeing.
(to be continued, on more paragraph and we're onto what to do in the dream world boys)

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I wish it was possible to ucid dream with ADHD. Maybe in the next life

Fuck its too late at night for me to read all this, I'll read this tomorrow thanks dreamfag

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You'll completely lose touch with your physical body, and you will physically feel like you are in the dream world. For me at least, i can look left and right, and it feels like being irl, except I know it's a dream. It's honestly so insane, and unlike any dream you've ever had, even if it was lucid. I can't explain how insane this is, but it's basically like dmt from what I know about it.

(Maybe it is DMT?)

thanks for sticking with me lads. Honestly, it's just so hard to explain. This is probably one of the top 5 intense experiences a human can have. It's so real, it's just insane. It's almost hard to distinguish from real life. You can feel, hear, move, and look around as if it's irl. I think you can smell too, but I'm not sure about taste. Sometimes senses in there are a bit blurred. That's actually something that can cause you to go back to your body/the physical realm. Say you're trying to kick a ball, you might struggle sometimes. This is because your body irl is actually trying to move. That will often wake you up, unfortunately. Anyways... So, once you're in this dream world, you can begin to work on your goal. Basically, you need to start learning to control the world. Now, try to remain relaxed, and not too focused on the situation, You'll eventually come to understand what this means, and in time you will master it. Basically, what I want you to do is try to "spawn in" an item, or something. There's 2 ways to do it: You can either do a simple object you're super familiar with, but something simple. Might also help if the thing is vivid, idk. For me, I would do like a rubik's cube. I could keep one next to my bed, and look at it before falling asleep at night. Vivid, simple, etc. Maybe not for you, cause maybe you couldn't imagine what sides the colors go on, etc. So, when you're trying to do this, you may not be able to, try and relax. This is where part 6 really comes in.
Part 6: Mastering your surroundings

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wait up faggot. Here's a video you can watch in a few minutes.

Add me on steam senpai.
My steam account is "/urmemlol" but my username is "Sauce12"

You matter to me. You may just be one person, but ill spend hours teaching you how to do this if it brings you happiness. So, you there dude?

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You write like an absolute faggot OP holy shit
I still appreciate the advice though, so I'll reward you with this image

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nigger im high as fuck and sleep deprived, kill you're kms in the irl, you big jerk.

check out the video if you want a shortened version. Ima type the last of this shit tho

waitin on that 6th post op.

Part 6: Mastering the dream realm

Ok so, you will have to learn to make your setting, and spawn things in basically. This part is kinda hard to explain though, so forgive me. It's kinda like trying to picture something in your head from memory, except it's appearing in front of you. It depends on the clarity of the dream state your in (there's different clarities in my experience, thing of it like resolution.)

So anyways, if you happen to be in a state where your brain is half taken over, I like to try to push the limits, while trying to stay relaxed. If you start paying attention too hard, you'll go to the black space, and you'll either wake up, be at risk of losing awareness, or if you're good at it, you can get back into the groove of things. So basically just be careful, that's one of the times where you can lost awareness the easiest.

So after you've learned to control your body and things (this you'll do naturally,) you may want to try things like flying. For me, this was as much body control as it was actually generating the land and "textures" that came into "render distance," if you will.

So, basically after you've mastered the wake induced lucid dream, there's all kinds of other think you can look into. But heed this warning: those other methods are dangerous if you get really really good at them.

Allow me to explain. So the premise of one of them is doing "reality checks." These reality checks are basically as follow: You choose a trigger irl, like walking through a doorway. So each time you walk through a doorway, you check in with yourself to see if your dreaming. Look at your palm, try and remember how you got there, trying to remember what your day has been leading up to this... So at this point, if you're dreaming, you will realise it.This means that at any point while dreaming in the night, you can trigger a lucid dream. But, here's the issue. If you get too good at it, you can lucid dream 24/7. (this is bad,) (cont)

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Like I said before to everyone, wanna add me on steam? You'll likely need someone walking you through after the first few nights, because everyone's challenges are different, and there may be shit i didnt include that you cant find help with online. Also, I just want to see your reaction when you realise how insane and amazing this shit is. It's the most visceral thing you can experience. It's like vr, except it feels like actual real life.It's honestly unreal, and you're not gonna believe it. Even though you're reading this, you just can't understand until you try it. It's like some kind of drug experience i imagine, If you can't add me on steam, we can message eachother elsewhere. I don't want these posts to be in vein. If I at least each a few people to lucid dream, I'll be happy. But if i can teach you to fuck, I'll feel that this was a success. My language is a lot more fluid on there, forums make me post really weird. My thoughts dont flow too well, and i make super short sentences and shit. Forgive me for blabbing on all this time, but theres a lot of detail that people dont talk about on the videos and articles on lucid dreaming. But, all these weird nuance things are actually consistant accross the board often. Even shit like what kind of hallucinations are seen, even if they've never read about lucid dreaming/hallucinations before. Really weird shit, would like to talk about the mysteriious man in the Hat, and my experiences with him as a child and shit (before my knowledge of his existance.) But also possibly get to see your future experiences as you're getting into this new realm.

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I've experience sleep paralysis a few times in my life and it + nightmares have always happened when I sleep on my back. There is nothing that could make me want to experience that traumatizing hell ever again. I've also experienced lucid dreaming in my past, by chance, naturally. It's incredible, but I simply never wanna face sleep paralysis ever again in my life.

Who here has a lucid dream story they want to talk about?
alright, now that I'm done... I can start talking about some of the dreams I've had. I remember I was flying around, and I was looking at different types of cities and shit. Obviously I can;t show you, but here's an idea of the enormity and theme of what I saw:

This is actually very similar to the style. Except everytime I'd choose, I could change the city, A lot of them were aethetics that i can't show you because they don't exist. I also have no words for them, I can't seem to describe it. I could draw it maybe, or compare it to something...

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Kiddo look out or you will trip. here is my steam name if you cant find me give me yours, atm i am at work i will be back in like a hour

I am going to add you in a couple of days once I'm home

there is no steam name there senpai. I'll assure the ship stay afloat until you get back. (crisp salute)

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I use a way easier techniek.

I just sleep without blanked when it is way to cold or I give myself a leg cramp when it is warm until I fall asleep.
This feeling of coldness or pain keeps you from falling completely to sleep. I have lucid dreams all the time and a night can feel like hours.

The bad thing about this is that you can get bad muscle aches.

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My favourite one is where I have the ability to fly by swiming through the air.
I just feel so free and alive when I do this

What do you see? Tell me more stories ma, I really would like to hear them I've never gotten to really verify my experiences with many people, or so much as hear theirs.
To me, this seems like it would bring you back to your body too much, causing you to lose focus. But, my experience is one of many. I'm sure there's plenty who agree with me, but of course i know there's just as many people who agree with you as well.

Would you be willing to try this one?

Also, would love to hear some lucid dream stories. Any succ, like me?

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I had many lucid dreams in past few months and I always tried to make my waifu real. At first it was really hard and she always appeared as some sort of glimmers but after weeks of trying she finally appears normaly.
I hugged, kissed and had sex with her so many times. It was so beautiful. Sometimes I feel like I'm addicted to sleeping.

I have bad sleep apnea, can I still lucid dream?

OP you got some things wrong.
wake induced lucid dream is when you go from a wake state right into lucid dreaming.

what you described is WBTB, wake back to bed.
you also don't have to set your alarm 4 or 5 hours after you fall asleep,that's tedious.
you can just wake up 1 or 2 hours earlier than usual and then go back to sleep.

As for your resolution part: your surroundings become blurry because you can't imagine them fast enough and you lose the LD because you panic, what you have to do is stay calm,put your face close to the ground and examine it.
this way it will stabilize.

for real WILD you need to meditate and slow down your breathing/heart and don't let it pick up again because of the transition.
the transition also called "exploding head syndrome" is way stronger than when you do wbtb.

when you start with LDs try to remember how you usually fall asleep because as soon as you LD regularly you will want to control when to not go in a LD.
some people may become afraid and don't want to enter one anymore.

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Tf are people reposting this shit over and over again. Kys

The paralysis feels very slow for you too right? It starts with a lapse of sensation in my digits and eventuslly progressed to the point where it was hard to feel anything, it felt like I haid a lead apron on.

You'll know when it's complete because your body won't respond to any commands right? Because Ive always been able to move my fingers and digits.

I have one really dumb trigger. For some reason I noticed that I can perform autofellatio in dreams, and sometimes I'll notice myself doing that and think, shit I'm dreaming. My other ones are more mundane. Having a bearded /clean shaven face while having the opposite in reality, and seeing old high school classmates that I haven't seen in years.

Oh unlucky give me your steam than

I usually just lay in a field with most of the time girls around me.

Fuck it its 10 pm i will sleep for 2 and a half hours i will give update tommorow

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Hey sorry guys, I fell asleep.

"Sauce12" is my name.
Sorry, I fell asleep. I had posted it earlier in hopes you would see it in event that that happened.

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i always move my toes, its the only way i can get out after its started. Yeah, like i believe i explained at some point, its not instant. It slowly becomes more intense and goes throughout your body.
lol you're one person being mad this whole thread. This thread is funny, fuck off. Wet dream for the pros.

>am 26
>prior to last year I had maybe 2/3 lucid wet dreams my entire life
>have had around 10 in the past year

What the fuck is going on. The only thing that's significantly changed in my life is getting a gf, but because of our current housing arrangements we rarely get to sleep together.

I thought that lack of sexual activity might be the problem but I've had these frequent wet dreams since before we started dating - is my sex drive just gone fucking crazy or what?

Keep in mind I 3 times a week, so it's not like I'm without some form of release

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>want to lucid dream
>start dream journaling and doing RC:s
>also meditate and do techniques
>lose motivation after 1 week
>read about it again about a month later


Not true, what OP did is achievable as I did it myself months ago by chance. Hardest part just releasing it's a dream without waking up, you to like balance your consciousness.

Now the weirdest thing that happened to me was sleep paralysis in a car full of people, it was like I was dreaming with my eyes open. When I did wake up the transition from what I was seeing to reality was fucking incredible, everything instantly vanished. This was during a 4 day car trip, my dreams are always kinda trippy on travels this long.

Keep in mind I have 0 training whatsoever, these things just happen. Hell, I discovered the body heating technique by chance too.

I think it's crazy that I finally did this last night for the first time and then out of nowhere this thread pops up. Hopefully I get to see Olivia again tonight.

Weird, I don't remember posting in this thread before.

I remember something like that, I was like 14 and some woman was tied to a toilet naked, all bound and gagged so my first instinct was to start fucking her, I woke up soon after I'd started and felt pretty disgusted

I heard this shit might make you a shizo and when you have sex in the dreamworld do you cum in real life.

>unwanted OBE
This sounds more exciting than a lucid dream.
I remember one night I was trying to have a lucid dream like always and after realizing I was in a dream, everything faded to black. I stayed calm because this is like the 5th time in a short period it has happened to me. Still in the comfy black void, I felt like I was holding onto a pole and I was trying to pull myself out of my body. My body felt like it was tingling and I started to hear a hum and I pulled harder. At that point I got excited because I thought I was going to experience something amazing, then I woke up.

if only dream-walking were real, lucid dreaming is cool and all but I'd love to be able to visit other people's dreams
it would make long-distance a little easier

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