ITT: That kid thread Uni edition

ITT: That kid thread Uni edition

>that kid who argues with the professor on every single point
>that kid who never washes and stinks the entire room out
>that kid who died in the lecture theatre
>the kid who was caught fucking a sandwich in his dorm
>the kid who got pranked by having mustard squirted up his ass

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>that kid who always does his assignments the night before but still pulls 85% out of his ass
>that girl who sells her nudes
>that girl who always answeres the phone during lectures EVERY SINGLE TIME

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>that girl who attended lectures while wearing a diaper and no pants of any kind

where tf do you guys go where these kind of people exist

>that girl who shot arrows into her dorm walls
>the kid who got his work copied all of the time
>the girl who completely trashesd an IT lab because she diddnt get the grade she wanted
>the kid who got his legs broken

>that kid who only ever shows up to turn in papers and take the midterm/final
>that kid who turns red during his presentation
>that kid who wears fingerless gloves in the summer
>that kid who introduces himself to people sitting next to him in class

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>that kid who introduces himself to people sitting next to him in class

That doesn't seem so weird.

sorry forgot to mention that kid is ugly

>That kid who tried to convince everyone that he was the prince of Saudi arabia

>that girl who was adamant that she was related to the Queen of England
>that kid who has his first kiss only to be vomited IN
>that kid who would always ruin parties
>that kid who would go to parties and fuck with peoples things

Come on dude that shouldn't matter

i agree with you but it unfortunately seems to

>the kid who vanished on the first few weeks but you still saw at graduation
>the kid who always seems to get extensions for everything
>that kid who consistently gets low marks but doesnt ever get kicked out

>that kid who harasses the professor every hour of the day when they don't get an A on an assignment
>that kid who claims to be a self made millionaire but is in community college
>that kid who wears the exact same pants every class day
>that military chad who gets all of the bitches but is a committed man with 2 kids
>that boomer chemistry professor that teaches us conversion methods "the way he learned them"
>that mom who wants an extension on every assignment because muh kids

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>that kid who was inspired by circus performers at a young age
>that same kid who developed a love for pyrotechnics and knife throwing because of his love of performances
>that kid who gets called edgy because people think he's must trying to be cool but this stuff is a major part of his life
I'm that kid

>that kid who didn't go to uni
Me. Is it worth it at 22. Fuck trades

>Those kids who would listen to kpop in front of the bathrooms all day
>That kid who tried to kill the campus homeless man with his throwing stars
>That kid who jumped off the ecology center roof and survived
>That paranoid kid who always wore a bulletproof vest under his hoodie

>that kid who read MLP wikis during class on his laptop, faked a different accent every other class, and talked like he was born in the 18th century
>that kid who felt the need to bring up that he was a tranny fag in every class in some way or other (even though they were music classes lmao) and never had any idea what was going on
>that kid 7 years older than everyone in the class that would sit alone and never shower
>that kid who shows off that he already knows what we're doing in class and gets lauded as a genius for it
I want to fucking drop out.

If you want to then yeah, but don't do it if you feel like you have to. I doubt people'll care about you being a bit older, if anything you'll kinda be 'that older kid' which most people seem to think is kinda cool actually. What do you want to take, user?

>that kid thats heading for his third year in uni, has barely passed a couple of classes, feels completely overwhelmed when trying to study, attends nearly all lectures and has made no friends or connections whatsoever

>Those 8 bi kids that live in a 300 square foot apartment together and constantly have orgies

You could smell it from one floor down.

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Do it. I am turning 28 going into junior year for Physics with CS minor. So many fly ass honeys go for me at first because I look their age but back off when they find out I graduated hs a decade ago. Feels bad man. 22-26 is the perfect age for college dude. Once I get into my major I am just going to take 24 credit loads and get b's and c's because I want to finish in my 20's

>People that argue with the professor
Holy shit these are the most annoying fuckers on the planet. This person went to school for 8 years on this shit and you're education consists of a GED and some undergrad.

Not only is it disrespectful, you're wasting class time that could be spent learning important shit.

>That girl who wore a tiara every single day to every single class
>That kid who lied about being a CIA operative and formula one race car driver
>That kid who got caught with weed in the dorms one too many times
>That kid who you never talked to in class but would always chat with at parties.