What's the point in getting a gf these days?

what's the point in getting a gf these days?

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thots going to thot and not every girls a thot.

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It's just sex. They won't actually love you, they'll never help you, and they'll never support you. All they do is put out when the mood strikes them.

there honestly isn't one and i'm being 100% dead serious right now, not moping or cynical.

unless you're trying to create some family legacy, then there isn't one.
everything is convenient enough to where you can subsist on your own and children are 100% optional now.
if you don't populate, some other chinks or beaners are going to and they'll gladly ship them off to America, no fucks given.

some will say, "yeah, gf is good for splitting bills". but i would argue that the money you save splitting bills is lost on her whims anyway.

Having a loyal companion by your side to enjoy life with.
You must be around a lot of shitty women. I know plenty of happily married couples, and even if you don't, how do you account for couples who are still together in their 60s or 70s and 80s? Loyalty exists. It might be rare, but it's men's jobs to shoot for the margins and socially punish whores by not giving chances to used up whores.

>not every girls a thot

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>what's the point in getting a gf these days?

Life is financially catered to couples. It halves your rent and bills etc. And you can have sex. And if you're lucky she will massage you etc.

>it's that thread where people will pretend literally every single woman is a whore without any evidence and pretend finding pictures of whores is substantial

you are just mad because you don't know where they keep this wonderful women

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>tfw no bully gf to cuck me and send me snapchats

>if I be a good boy white knight on Jow Forums maybe someone will date me

How am I a white knight if I acknowledge most women are useless? Not every single one is useless, though. I don't want a woman to date me because I'm married.

Or just live with a bro

Well I would certainly like to be directed there as I am seeing nothing of the sort.

>he brings back girls
>makes you depressed
no thanks

>Well I would certainly like to be directed there as I am seeing nothing of the sort.
it's the girls that don't scream for attention.

>he actually fell for the marriage meme

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why do they do this?

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Tax credits are nice; financial incentives are nice. Are we now going to pretend, similar to how people have pretended literally 100% of women are disloyal, that 100% of women are thieves? Where is the evidence?

Most women are useless. Shoot for the margins and find a decent one. Never reward the useless ones in any way. No gratification whatsoever. Simple.

you guys don't think these are fucking fake?

Women were programmed to be sluts.
I accept this and want one.

so are men bro.

no this is normal for women. all women are cheating sluts

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extremely loyal and still a virgin.

when i see cuck posts, i no longer get angry. i just feel sad for the guys who subject themselves to it. it's pathetic. a few years ago i actually had the chance to fuck a girl who was in an open relationship with her boyfriend. i couldn't go through with it, because i felt so dirty and weird.

Wait a second, who is recording this?

The only point of getting a girlfriend is if you want to play the statusmonger game in some vain attempt to impress chest-beating Chad monkeys, user. Even then, that only works if the girl you're with is a 6 or above.

If you want sexual release, get a fleshlight and some hentai or regular porn. If you want the illusion of an emotional connection, play a dating sim. If you want the illusion of an emotional connection, absolutely must have sex in the flesh in order to fulfill your personal insecurities and hangups and also want to posture to Chads like normie scum, save up and hire an escort.

that is just a cope

This whole thread is just one big COPE

>that is just a cope

I wish but that is the reality. my father has the hear of gold and my mother cheated on him. why did he deserve to get cheated on? also many of my friends got cheated on by women. My friends sacrifice everything for their girlfriends and they get repaid that way.

>I wish but that is the reality. my father has the hear of gold and my mother cheated on him. why did he deserve to get cheated on? also many of my friends got cheated on by women. My friends sacrifice everything for their girlfriends and they get repaid that way.
it's not the end of the world to get cheated on dudes

>my friends and family picked shitty women, therefore 100% of women are shitty
That's not how logic works

>it's not the end of the world to get cheated on dudes

are you a girl??? do you know how devastating that is for men? men risk paternity fraud and women don't. We could be wasting limited resources on a child from other guy.

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>J-just shoot for the margins!
>J-just shoot for the .1% magical unicorn!
>Male promiscuity = high value genetics = "master key"
>Female promiscuity = delusional sexual standards = "shitty lock"
>Not all women are useless! M-MINE IS *SPECIAL* AND *UNIQUE*! SHE'S *DIFFERENT*!

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>are you a girl??? do you know how devastating that is for men? men risk paternity fraud and women don't. We could be wasting limited resources on a child from other guy.
Just weak men.

>J-just shoot for the .1% magical unicorn!
What's the evidence that the statistic is that low for decent women? I don't claim to know how high it is, but based on several of my family and friends building very happy wives, I doubt decent women are equivalent to unicorns.
The ones my friends married aren't useless, the ones my family married aren't useless, the female friends I have aren't useless. Most women are useless, but plenty are left. Among those that are useless, men should stop rewarding them. It's simple. And my wife isn't special or unique just because she's not useless like other women - because that's a standard trait any decent person should have. She's special to me because of values and traits that are rarer to exhibit and very easy for me to cherish.

>falling for the not all women meme

you know what they say if she breathes

fuck you not wasting my time and resources on cheating whores. also what if she cheats on you with someone with AIDS and then she has sex with you after? cheating is not something you take lightly.

>most women are useless
>except the ones im around lol

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>fuck you not wasting my time and resources on cheating whores. also what if she cheats on you with someone with AIDS and then she has sex with you after? cheating is not something you take lightly.
hahahah weak minded waste of life

>my friend didn't want to chill with me today what did i do to deserve this?

>i stubbed my toe what did i do to deserve this?

>i have depression what did i do to deserve this?

bad shit happens if you let the fear of something keep you from living or something bad taking place from living live you are weak and retarded.

Howd she cheat on u user?

>you know what they say if she breathes
I'm more interested in evidence instead of sayings, like I've been routinely asking for.
I've posted plenty of times in here and plenty of times I've said not to reward scummy women. Shouldn't I follow my own example and not be around scummy people or people who reward scummy people?

Maybe you should do the same. Cut scummy women out of your life and allow room for only one with decent values. Simple.

>Cut scummy women out of your life and allow room for only one with decent values
The levels of cope on this faggot lmao.
>What's the evidence that the statistic is that low for decent women?
>What's the fucking bell curve?

Then why don't you go wrestle a lion? Don't let the fear of getting torn to pieces keep you from living a little user.

What do I have to cope with? I identified a problem (a shitty group of people) and a solution (don't reward or be around a shitty group of people). Where is my struggle exactly?
>What's the fucking bell curve?
Show me a bell curve that demonstrates 0.1% of women are decent, which is the number you said. I already acknowledge most women aren't decent, but show me evidence it's that low.

>implying I would fall for the vagina jew in the first place.

never had a gf but I have seen too many women cheat to call it quits.


Those women are average women and represent pretty much all women. Women are strong followers and are very similar. It's not 100% who are like that, no, but it's easily 90%.

See? I'd agree 90% are useless. It's that other twat who's making shitty arguments to me about decent women being practically unicorns. Even if we say 10%, that doesn't make them unicorns. So like I said, shoot for the margins/10%.


Lmao he got back with her

nevermind it was all a hoax


people will do anything for views


Tell that to someone who's been with the same woman for over a decade and then she randomly leaves him for some dude that, come to find out, she's been fucking behind his back for the last year and a half. Then she takes half your shit and the kids and moves several states away, effectively destroying the entire life you've worked on building for as long as you care to remember. Yeah, that's totally not life destroying/suicide inducing.

I badly want to feel the warmth of another human. Hugging my pillow at night just doesn't cut it anymore.

>wrestle a lion
How can you compare getting rekt by a lion and your partner cheating on you?

looking at this is really turning me on
is this how a cuck fetish starts?

I think its worth it as long as you are high value enough. Relationships are really just a power struggle, whoever cares and needs the other the least will control the flow of things. Dating sucks nowadays because the average man has to fight tooth and nail just to get one girl, and she can always leave you in an instant for someone better, so shes free to be a bitch.

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>Relationships are really just a power struggle, whoever cares and needs the other the least will control the flow of things
Then it isn't a relationship if it doesn't involve genuine love. You must be around a lot of shitty couples.

Relationships are worth it because having someone who loves you by your side all the time is a blessing.

no reason

save up some money for a sex doll in the next few years that will be everything youve ever wanted

save more money for next 10-20 years to buy AI sexbot and to grow a son in a lab then live your best life i believe in you

I think most women are taught these days that loyalty doesn't matter. Not specifically to not be loyal, but women are definitely taught "your personal happiness comes first and foremost", which turns into "I don't want to help him because it doesn't benefit me in any way."
It's like when you ask a friend to help you move. Your friend will probably say yes if you two are close, and they do it simply because they know you need the help, and you would do the same. Women, from what I've noticed, will NOT volunteer their time unless they specifically benefit from it. I know a few that would, but the vast majority of women that I've met have the attitude of "if I don't want to do it, I'm not going to do it, and no one can make me feel bad"

>getting rekt
Opinion discarded

>its not a relationship if its not how I imagine it

Nope. Just because its a power struggle doesn't mean there isn't genuine love, but the fact is we are only as loyal as our options, and woman have too many options to just love one guy.

Why is it that virgin men are shamed for wanting a virgin gf? Because everyone knows woman are gonna fuck a handful of guys before you get to her, its unrealistic to expect anything else. Woman are gonna fuck all the guys she needs to until she finds the right one.

Its not that a small percentage of women aren't shit. Its that all women have the capacity to behave in these ways. So when there are generalizations on this board. Its more about their inherent nature more so than their thoughts or actions.

>but the fact is we are only as loyal as our options, and woman have too many options to just love one guy.
That's only because of the current culture. Social media and Jew brainwashing has made everyone a narcissistic and hedonistic sociopath, like you described. There's nothing genuine or good about modern relationships or people. There's no love or feeling in them and you're delusional if you think otherwise.

You have to play the same game. Have side chicks and hop from pussy to pussy like they hop from cock to cock. Why can they ride the cock carousel but we can't ride the pussy carousel? It's harder for us, but it's possible. It doesn't even have to be quality pussy. In the pussy game quantity > quality

Reminder everyone, the rate of men cheating in a relationship and being unfaithful in a marriage is higher than women.

You don't have to explicitly cheat to be unfaithful. Women are hypergamous and constantly seek out better men on the side or have backup plans. Their entire character is naturally disloyal and self-serving. Not mention, when women cheat, it's FAR worse. The family unit starts at and is based on the vagina. If you let some other guy in there, you violate your entire family/potential family.


Those numbers are inflated because woman are attracted to men who are more likely to cheat. They only want guys who other girls want, then expect him to be faithful.

A man's sexual peak value comes at a later age than a woman's. It's only natural and fair that he fucks around like she did in her sexual peak. They need to stop being bitter bitches and learn to accept cuckqueaning.

i suppose it'd suck to get a gf if you were some cuck loser, having to worry about your insecurities all the time, but for the rest of us its a quite fulfilling experience. People do like company and do form life lasting relationships, yeah you might not get to experience it but no need to pretend like its all a hoax and you're all being lied to.
genuinely healthy and loving relationships are very hard to come by, but they are there.
I'm willing to bet that most people on r9k are no where close to the type of social circles that would foster those kind of relationships, and americans are the worst offenders of shitty ass people syndrome

>i suppose it'd suck to get a gf if you were some cuck loser
It sucks for almost all men because women have no loyalty or self-control and will gladly use you as a stepping stone for a better guy or as a provider. Dating is a losing game for almost every guy except the top 10% or so.

alternatively you can just date down as a guy, instead of settling with insanely hot girls i just got a cute girl friend that i know im the best she'll do. and this doesn't mean you can't fuck hot girls first, just fuck around with really hot girls at first and when its time to settle go for the 7s

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>getting a 7

Dude a 7 is just as good as a 10, the difference is negligible. 4 and below is settling.

Of course it is, it's evolution, men have always benefited from infidelity more than women. Given a year, one man and ten women can make ten babies. Of course men are obsessed with the appearance of being stalwart and loyal and intellectual. It makes the hypocrisy all the more comedic when it becomes clear that men are, by large, self-serving narcissists who will bounce from woman to woman for whatever reason their testosterone-addled minds can event. Inevitably you get the males who try to say it's different when they do it because blah blah blah I'm the king of the world I can do no wrong but all women are evil sinful creatures. I'd have them all in cages.

the point is to go down where you are, a 9 to a 7 is a step down, also the fact that we only use 10 digits is because between each digit there is a difference, other wise it'd just be a 5 point scale why have useless digits in between

is that dude out of prison yet?

also all women are whores/sluts. not worth it

>in other words i'm ugly as fuck, 7's 10's they're all inaccessible to me so they must be all the same and indistinguishable
nigger how autistic can you be,

Its true though. Getting a 7 in of itself is amazing and fulfilling, anything above that is really just a bonus.

>alternatively you can just date down as a guy, instead of settling with insanely hot girls i just got a cute girl friend that i know im the best she'll do
No you can't. The female mind isn't like that. They're all hypergamous, regardless of how hot they are, and they'll always want someone better.
>and this doesn't mean you can't fuck hot girls first, just fuck around with really hot girls at first and when its time to settle go for the 7s
This sounds exactly like the female mating strategy. Fuck Chads then settle for someone more stable. I'm not going to stoop to their level.

>someone better
thats why i said date down, you make sure there are no better alternatives for her... not gonna preach this like its the healthiest way to go about your relationships, but its practically fool proof as far as i know

for you maybe
jokes aside idk how you define your numbers, but for me a 7 is a 7, and a 9 is worth more and a 7 is just settling for a safer bet for a stable marriage

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So you could have someone to teach you 24/7 how not to be feminine/girly/ladylike yet still look "normal" or socially acceptable. After you have absorbed this knowledge, you can dump or get dumped by her and become the gf of your dreams.

>not every girls a thot

sweet summer child of mine...

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thats a pretty cuck way to think of things

how so?


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because thats trying to precisely phrase life, specifically raising a daughter to be cuckish, life is about more than just who a girl ends up with sexually, its about the journey, growing up and learning about the world, finding ones passions, and also find love, and do some degenerate fun things for the heck of it when you're young. so yes, you do raise a daughter than will one day seek out sexual pleasure, not gonna lie most parents try not to think about it, but life is much more than just that, its also about what she does with her life, and what she achieves, and one day her own family and passing down a lineage, passing down the good teachings of her parents, and theirs, and so on.
My point is that for many things if you just frame it in a certain way, you can make it seem like whatever you want to, and it can be misleading to say the least.
that beind said i do love imaging girls being whores tho its a real turn on, not gonna argue that sex is not an important aspect of life, but life is about much much more if you let it, unless you a pornstar or something.

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Women in general have no goals other than getting fucked by chads. They mindlessly wander through life with the sole purpose of finding the next chad dick. Like a hummingbird but instead of looking to suck flowers for subsistence, they look for cocks to suck for pleasure. They're hedonist animals who can't see past their immediate pleasure.

Unless she's completely sheltered and I'm the only guy she's ever known, there will always be better alternatives. The female brain is wired to want the very best men.

usually going 1 or 2 down is reasonable, but if you are super insecure i suppose you could go like 3 or 4 down or something but at that point idk if YOU would want to be faithful knowing you have better alternatives for yourself.
unless you're like a 4 or something, you can always go like 3 down to make sure its unlikely someone as good as you would stoop so low

you probably don't know many girls, or any at all at a personal level huh

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GD that is one inviting pussy. I just wanna shove my cock all in there.

You don't understand. Even a 1/10 landwhale train wreck would still want Chad. That's simply the female mind at work. Their predisposition towards Chad is that strong, regardless of how they look.

What, you're gonna brag to me about all the bitches you've fucked to blow me the fuck out? You know I'm right, you fucking imbecile.

but chad would never go for her, yeah she might get wet when she sees chad on tv, but don't pretend you don't think scarlett johansson isn't hot when you have ur own girlfriend, the whole point of dating down is so that she STAYS with you, not like she'll never ever think anyone other than you is sexually appealing

nope, just that you have a twisted and incomplete view of women in general. to believe that all they can think of is chad cocks and nothing else is juvenile

>loyal companion
They arent loyal to anyone not even Chad NOT EVEN CHAD





even a 1/10 will still cheat with chad if she can get away with it

if you get married to a woman in 2018 and she gets impregnated by chad 3 years into marriage you sign that birth certificate thinking that its your kid then you just got cucked with child support alimony and all

Not all girls are thots... but all thots are girls

And the volume of thots is increasing

>Men are more honest about cheating

Chad wouldn't be in a relationship with her, but Chad can and will pump and dump just about anything. You could end up raising his kids and you wouldn't even know it. Plus, even if Chad doesn't want her long-term, there are bound to be other guys who do, and like I said, women have no loyalty so she'll pick any of those if she gets bored of you, which she certainly will. Dating down won't do anything because it doesn't change female nature and doesn't change the fact that men are the disposable sex.

What is the point to get a girlfriend:

- Because man are naturally attracted to them.
- Because you want to fuck and don't feel the shame of been a virgin.
- Because you think having intimacy with a woman can fix your problems.
- Because you want to be a normal member of society when you grow up. Have a wife, family and all that.

These are the main reasons that men have had in thousands of years to have a girlfriend.

What's the point in doing anything these days?

Girls aren't the answer to all of your problems, they aren't the #1 thing you should be focused on anyway.

Just ignore them.

Girlfriends are a recent thing, men didnt even date women thousands of years ago they just raped them on the spot.