
mostly through 2018 edition

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First for prefabricated tower blocks

>tfw spoilt only child of rich parents so you can have the same quality of life as most wagies whilst being a neet

*flexes into thread*
you lads reckon your hard or something? Behave or I'll drop you both you cunts

First for beer even though u are sure u r dying of liver failure with no proof

>went for my first ever run
>cooked myself a proper dinner rather than a take-away/microwave meal
>didnt drink any beers
>in bed before 1am
>up before 10
>started reading a book
>written a cv to send out to try and find a job

sorting my life out laddies

>tfw scoochy bear might be renamed clutchy bear

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>fit 45 year old chubby escort close to me
>40 quid for half an hour
>"I don't see under 30s"


fuck off tranny i'll rip your balls off
oh wait you'd like that

Fact is lad it won't last and reading a book doesn't fix your life but I wish u luck

Take me, Swole

Since renting is so expensive, is it possible to camp out in the middle of nowhere and not worry about upsetting someone since you're camping there? Is there any land in the UK that no one owns, and no one will notice a semi-permanent resident? Would only be there mon-thurs

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Having some very intrusive thoughts again lads

Thought this was just post dream attraction ffs

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So please please please
Get me, get me, get me
Get me out of this cowardly country
This time

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Is it wrong to be kinda jealous of my gf? She has a nice, closely knit family and a large network of friends she's had since she was born. She was brought up to be kind and talented and have good morals. Meanwhile I don't keep up with my broken, dysfunctional family and I can't maintain friendships for very long. I have no plans, ambitions or passions. All I do is drink and play vidya. I'm a goddamned mess and I don't deserve her. I feel like she's going to outgrow me one day and realise I'm just dead weight.

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Do I call the work part of my CV "employment" or "work experience" or something else?

i've started exercising and looking for a job to try and fix my life
i just figured reading was a better hobby than games or anime though

i very much doubt you'd be able to hack it for more than a few days.

Mine says Employment History but I see Work Experience a lot

Sounds like you ARE dead weight. Try improving yourself.

Some places in Dartmoor, Lake Country etc can be wild camped on legally, though you'd have to look into it further and you gotta be careful on where you are and what you leave.

just off out for a cheeky bitta noncing
what are you lads up to?

Elaborate with us lad

I work 12 hours a day mon to fri, and I'd go home every weekend. I'd barely be there except to sleep, and I can shit, shower and shave at work.

Call it anything.
Call it "Previous Poos".
Free country. No one can stop you.

and laundry? a shower is no good if you have dirty clothes

I'm some aspect lad yeh but not necessarily. No point reading if you'd rather be spending your free time doing something else. It's stupid. Reading is active rather than passive, sure. However a lot of Ppl claim to read a lot but r reading trashy romance novels all the time. How's that better than watching a kino film or kino HBO TV show? Or kino moe anime?hehe

Nice cup of decaf tea in my clean, tidy room. Didn't really sort the clothes but I can get them another time

Need to go food shopping later on. Feel like I could play video games a bit later on as well

How would you rate your Saturday?

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I'm trying, believe me. But I can't keep up with her. I can't keep up the charade either that I'm a nice person and not an incorrigible piece of shit. The mask's gonna slip one day

cant drive without losing my fucking rag, nothing else seems to bother me but fucking driving, i'm sick of it since i'm never this aggressive. i just want to fucking crash that cunt and die

Why still rent a room and camp though?

Three beers in and almost regretting it but I've gotta push myself through to 6 beers then the sky's the limit. Do u drink tilde, laddy/lass?

>How would you rate your Saturday?
Gay and shit.

Boring, life is in general.

Life is objectively much better recently, I've improved so much about my living space, but now I'm just used to it, take it for granted and general feel bored

i'm not gonna spend all my time reading, and im not gonna read trash
but i thought reading a few good books every now and then would help expand my vocabulary for example, and i already spend way too much time looking at a screen so i wanted to cut down a bit

Try it mate see what happens
*flexes feminine balls*
You'll have to buy me dinner first lid

>How would you rate your Saturday?
i want to stamp on your fucking face you ponce

Keeping up a charade is NOT self improvement. You haven't even tried yet.

Select a single option

It should be a nice day of peace and quiet but I just feel super depressed for no reason.

*Passes a bottle of rose and a straw*
I've heard this is a good start

Fair enough lad, didn't mean to put u down. I've had a bit to drink and I'm feeling overly confident. Reading can only be good mostly anyway as it requires you to be actively using your brain

How is changing yourself the same as improving yourself? I'm not the person people want me to be, why should I pretend I'm not? Furthermore how is that improving yourself?

does anyone have homeless chans personal information?
just curious

Fuck lads my scalp is on fire since I got out of the shower

I rent a room close to where I work, 400 a month, I go home to my mum on the weekends. To save money (since I don't earn that much) I thought I could camp out mon to thurs, then go home on friday. I can do laundry there, but I can also do laundry at work.

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Yeah of course this is doable. Wild camping is illegal.
Like the other user said.You won't be able to hack it.
You have to carry all of your shit around with you. You wouldn't be able to risk leaving your tent set up. Could get trashed, things stolen etc. Long term sleeping on the ground is shit and you won't get a good nights rest. If it pours with rain you and your stuff will likely get wet.
In winter you will be freezing. You will have to set up camps in the dark.

I have thought about it a lot too. but in reality it's not worth it.

Popular porn category lad

Alright lad meet me round the back of Greggs later. Make sure you stretch first
*flexes away*

Tim looks up.
Lee looks down.

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Any lads fancy meeting up for a drink in central London?
I have no mates :(

No worries mate. I know that this is a place where people bullshit a lot.

I've posted loads of timestamped photos years ago so most of the old guard here know that I'm legitimate about who I say I am, it's good to show some evidence to the newer people too.

You shouldn't push yourself if you dont feel well, save them for another time

I don't drink. I never had the opportunity to try alcohol like most people do as teens via friends, and my dad was an alcoholic so I'm a bit scared of it

What's gay about it?

Yeah my life hasn't been too eventful recently outside of confidence building with cashiers and coming out to mum. There's a nice tranquility in a boring life though

How have you improved your living space?

You can't really control your mood I guess so bad days can happen whenever. It's just a case of getting through it and trying your best with things because things always get better

Maybe I could buy a van and live in that.
Just wanted to save money and live comfy is all.

so how many characters do you actually play lad?

>told myself i was going to apply for uni this year
>clearing now and still haven't done my app


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You're a buIIshitter, lad

Same boat here lad. Feels bad man
I feel the fact I couldn't get the application done tells me I couldn't hack uni just yet though

At the moment, zero.
Depends what you are referring to.

You're the biggest larper here.

Except you don't have the confidence and independence that comes with having a job, so it's not really the same.

Well, i'm already in my early 20s and not getting any younger. I have told myself every year since 6th form that i'm going to apply and i never do

I'm 25 lid. Again I can relate to your feels.

By not being an awful, bitter person like you claim to be. That is what changing yourself means. If you think you can't do it because it takes effort, then maybe try harder you sad fuck.

>Britnormie gets a US visa like it's nothing
>Tim has been spamming about getting one for years and never will

Felt very violated at work today lads. Was helping this lady out with trying to find the right size pillow for her pillow cases. I felt like she was being overly flirty and sexual throughout the whole thing saying weird innuendos like 'wow I didn't you'd be able to fit all that in'. She started saying I'd make a good house husband and I sperged out and stuttered thanks and gave her the pillos and quickly left. She had to be in her 50s.

what are your thoughts on the new guard of tripfags?
who needs confidence when you can shitpost all day?

Not with my trip on lad.
Poor Tim

Be more assertive then. Don't let a 50 y/o granny dominate the conversation.

what are the lads vibing to today?

Not great so far, but I'm about to head to the gym and hopefully be back in time to catch the 2nd half of Chelsea-Arsenal. Good on you for cleaning your room, keep it that way

Tfw depressed drunko today

SCEA was amusing but he is banned for life now.

With the rest it's too soon to tell.

brits are all a shower of cunts, specifically the english. fucking dickheads with a superiority complex over everyone else in the uk. fuck you lot

*clink* *clink*

Aye, that's 50p into my larp jar.

Cough up, the both of youse.

What does it feel like to take a BBC?

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>SCEA was amusing but he is banned for life now.

What did he do?

we'll make it some day

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You've gone too fat this time mate I've had it
where's swole? Someone needs to batter this guy

All he did was post about bombing the police, surely that doesn't merit a ban for life


not orig

>tfw no st vincent gf
not fair

former namefag here. you lads should leave this place. it's good for you

Aye lad we will. I'm going to apply next year, no meme. It was half-deliberate not applying this year as I honestly think I'm in no state to study if I'm brutally honest with myself.
Year to get my shit together, then off to uni. You planning to push for clearing in the last minute or do something similar lad?

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Threatening to kill police
Saying you're planning to do anything illegal in the US is a ban. Serious shit like murder is a lifetime ban.


>not original
someone else with patrician taste I see

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>too hot to wear my new comfy hoodie
fuck this weather

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Who are you lad? Nigii?

ok so what kind of knickers does swole transexuals wear?

no... idk who that is


I have serious body issues so I just power through it. Literally can't leave the house sometimes without a hoodie or coat on. Went out for a few hours this morning and came home dripping with sweat, but regret nothing desu

Don't remind me of that annoying cunt. He impersonated practically everyone, also lied about having fish for some bizarre reason

DM did nothing wrong

I like wearing tight fitting clothes to show off my muscles, but I also like wearing baggy hoodies sometimes too. Are you fat lad?

>toldder/baby chews on yellow capsule pill
>snatch it out of her hands
>have to shove my fingers in her mouth to get the powder pill caspsule balls out
>decide to make her wash mouth out with water and make her spit
>she swallows, YOU DUMB FUCKING CUNT
>spend the next 30mins trying to called sister or brother and get no answer, voicemail mum to call back
>get really worried now but don't want to call amublance because it was only a tiny portion of some pill
>spend 30 mins making her cry and vomit up stuff
>mum calls and is all chill saying i shouldn't worry "it's only one pill"
>wtf mum she's a baby if it was one pill it could kill her
>take baby niece to mum and she seems fine
>she hates me now because i tortured her for a hour
>doubt i will get paided now and i paranoid as fuck that she's sick
>can't sleep or relax
Never babysitting again because i can never relax, around babies because i always get worried over what dumb stuff they can do

why were pills just lying around? be careful lad


to assume the the baby would spit the water out was just retarded lad

any tips on how to make it big as a trip on here?