BBC/BLACKED posters always get at least 400 replys while asian masculinity and indian masculinity is laughed off
Is the black man this POWERFUL?
BBC/BLACKED posters always get at least 400 replys while asian masculinity and indian masculinity is laughed off
Is the black man this POWERFUL?
black men are definitely seen are more masculine/desirable than chinks and pajeets at the very least
Fun fact: black people might appear more muscular, but white people are stronger than black people.
Blacks have high test but will never have the intelligence to compete. Whites will take all their quality women and they will just get the white tramps. Meanwhile, the majority of the population will not race mix so who gives a fuck? In fact blacks are already basically all mixed in America.
Blacks: 75% African, 24% European, 1% native/other
Latins: 65% European, 20% Native, 5% African, 10% other
Whites: 99% European, 1% other
Asians: 100% Asian since most are FOB or from an insular multi-gen community
Whites: 60% or so
Blacks: 12%
Latins: 15% (15%*65%=9.75%)
Asians: 4%
With full admixture, the typical amerimutt will still be 70% white in a couple generations if it closes the borders.
Black cock is the most powerful substance in the Universe. Wh*te manbaby is powerless against it, wh*te women want to be its slaves.
OP wasn't even lying you Faggots really do get angry about this shit
It has already started Welp time to head out folks
Blacks: 24% x 12% = 3%
Latins: 65% x 15% = 10%
Whites: 99% x 60% = 59%
59+3+10=72% white
They're just gonna end up being slaves to this
Is that chicken their overseer?
I don't think it's a matter of being mad, but trying to keep our gullible white brethren in check by pointing out the obvious logical and statistical fallacies of the BBC myth. Too many whites are giving up and being cucks to black "men".
Your getting angry about something that rarely ever happens Jesus fucking christ your retarded. Seriously you tags fall for easy bait over this it's just too good.
I wonder the fuck why.
NFL transformed from a predominately white league to a nigger league over night, and somehow took over baseball as the country's most popular sport. This was done because of SECuck and ACCuck schools in southern niggerland turning their prestigious football programs into NFL farm teams full of tyrones. Jews aren't very good at subtlety.
BBC/Blacked challenges their harem fantasies
I hope you never make fun of WOKE hoptep blacks considering you employ the same logic as them.
Compare that contemporary photo with the collection of NFL legends that is over 50% white.
>there are people who regularly post interracial cuckold porn thinking they are a part of some online political turf war
>Black players are better at sport and get hired more because times have changed and you can get into a job if your black
>Must've been the Jews
Seriously you faggots are amazing they pick the best when it comes to the NFL what exactly is your point there's no Jewish conspiracy nor is there a magic Jew turning white me into cucks which rarely ever fucking happens.
>NFL gets blacker
>It was the Jews
But they aren't even better. White high school teams win state championships but their players get shunned by big programs and have more options for education out of high school so they end up quitting the sport or getting into coaching. Caste Football runs a lot of reports on this bullshit that Jews pull.
> doesn't know about the scores of southern white football players that get shunned by slavemaster SECuck coaches and Tom Lemming outright admitting there is a bias against white high school athletes in the sport.
Football is cucked. Baseball is still pretty based and any two-sport white high school athlete would be dumb to choose football over baseball for college.
Original post.
What do the jew conspiracy even gain from all this retarded shit?
It's like that retarded conspiracy about all famous people being trans, like, why would anyone even put that much effort into something so elaborate? What would they gain from all of that shit?
>Jews Jews Jews Jews
It ain't the Jews get over it for fucks sake.
>But they aren't even better. White high school teams win state championships but their players get shunned by big programs
Post your source that's about as legit as a Asian democrat screaming racism about white men.
>Paragraphs of stupid shit telling me I don't know the real truth
Seriously I'm outta here it's either the Jews or some other bullshit.
> Disney takes over ESPN
> suddenly ESPN runs "objective" reports on why black is superior at niggerball and whitey is inferior
> suddenly ESPN focus on football year round
> suddenly the top college football programs become black
> suddenly the NFL becomes black
Millenitards and zoomers know fuck all about the history of football.
Jews are a nice scapegoat also nice trips
>ESPN is a anti-white company headed by whites that says blacks are superior to whites at sports and covers football because it will fill their anti-white agenda
Yeah sure buddy what's next the Jews?
Disney got Jewed in 1984.
Look up Jimmy the Greek for fucks sake. And don't pretend the NFL has zero influence on American culture. The Superb Owl always BTFO's the every other program in ratings every year.
Blacks are superior
World Cup proves it
Only coping wh*Toid chinlet incels will disagree
One of the ways you can tell Black skulls apart is their lack of a chin.
Jimmy didn't get fired for saying things against the agenda. He got fired because he EXPOSED the agenda.
Have you ever seen someone getting beaten up by tech support?
>12 examples of "Jewish anti-white/pro minority propaganda"
>Beauty and the beast are both white
>Tarzan is just tanned, ffs
>Hercules, all of them are fucking greek, as white as it gets
>High School Musical, white protagonists, literally just one token black side character in a cast of like 7
>Hanna Montana, White as fuck, but here is a photo of her next to a black man.
>Five of those movies just have different races because is part of the story that it happens in Arabia or ancient China. But I guess we shouldn't make Esmeralda a gipsy even though is a main part of the original story.
>Only real "diversity push" is The princess and the Frog, which tanked.
>Heavyweights, grasping at straws.
1 out of 11, those jews sure are terrible at their job.
>Black athletes are often portrayed as gods-though not always saints. They're gravity defying (Air Jordan), invincible (Iron Mike), supercharged (if Usain Bolt's last name didn't exist, we would have had to invent it), or all-around supernatural (Magic Johnson). These monikers help sell magazines and sneakers, but there may be a deeper bias at play. New research suggests that whites think of blacks in general as superhuman, or at least more so than whites. And this bias may have implications far outside the wide world of sports.
What did they mean by this?