Why dont you believe in God r9k?
Why dont you believe in God r9k?
When I was 14 I prayed to God so that I could grow to at least 5'9. I'm still 5'6 so yeah I ain't trusting him.
because i am not stupid
what is stupid about it?
I believe that when I go to sleep I'll wake up the next morning. That's a start, right?
Because God is dead sweetie
Because I'm not a fucking shill for kikes.
God never helped me.
its hilarious people actually think Christianity is a jewish psyop
Because God is not real
He took both of my parents and ruined my life, not gonna believe in someone like that.
Because the entire world is ran by Global elite hardcore satanic evil fucks who kill babies and literally make our world more degenerate and so there isn't any way to fight back except to accept jesus and live a nice long life of being a fucking lonely pos robot until death so i can watch all the normies burn in hell
that's what they want you to think. in reality pedophilia and babykilling are extremely asocial activities and you wouldn't be able to maintain a multigenerational society of satanic pedophiles because there would be no loyalty between them.
It literally is you retard, it's Judaism 2.0: Gentile Boogaloo. If it weren't for Christianity, heebs would have just remained a bunch of irrelevant tribalist supremacist sandniggers fucking around in the desert, instead of being elevated to the universally recognized status of "Y*HW*H'S CHOSEN ONES" by self-flagellating Christcucks whose stupid little masochist religion is objectively dependent upon Judaism as a source of spiritual legitimacy.
It was a selfish prayer because you were praying to glorify yourself rather than God.
I belive in God.
But not in some emotional old man in clouds that wants to be praised and has human emotions.
I used to and then I went through confirmation when I was 13-14(like bible school for 1.5 years? might just be a Lutheran thing idk)
Most people I met there were fucking horrible and I hated going there
So I stopped believing
>I believe in god
but why though?
Because "muh magical skydaddy"
Also, I really wanna blow Sam Harris
I pray, and God answers.
The world would make a lot more sense if there were one. Not a specific God still. Objective rules existing that people must follow or we're allowed to get pissed and punish, the fact that we must come to one all mighty as children or that our bodies are simply clothes. It's enjoyable for me to live with a smug importance about myself and explain my loves of culture(/forms of art) as I'm in awe of something divine. Something blissfully beyond us.
>It was a selfish prayer because you were praying to glorify yourself rather than God.
Why the fuck did he make life so shit then I'm ugly and short yet I was a good worshiper for most of my life but people worse than me in every way have better lives. this whole thing is bullshit.
because any epistemic argument about the existence of a particular god can be applied to any other god and also be applied to the universe (ie creating itself). There are logical contradictions with omnipotence, omnibenevolence, and omniscience. The teleological argument is absolutely retarded. Empirical evidence directly contradicts religious text. Why would a god make it so difficult for a rational mind to accept its existence, yet condemn you to hell for not believing it?
I used to be an Athiest edgelord until about 4 years ago.
>"""God""" answers.
A shekel for the good goy.
The problem with your question is that, when the majority of people hear it, it sounds like this:
>Why don't you believe in a loving, magical man with a beard, r9k?
See, that's not what God is. Let's just erase that image for a second.
God is God. It. Everything, and Nothing. The universe, God is you, Me, the blood in your hands, the light coming from your computer screen. God is being. It might not make any sense, but you can't comprehend it with your mind, you'll have to feel it in your feels. Then you will understand.
God answers every prayer. Sometimes the answer is "not yet," but there is a season for everything.
based jewish nose.
Yes, all glory to God the highest
Because I've never seen any evidence of a god. You'd have to be retarded, indoctrinated, or desperate to believe in something like that.
Because God (to me) is literaly all Universe.
Just like this user says
I worship an empty milk carton
It also answers all my prayers and sometimes the answer is not yet
But does it love you and provide all your needs?
Yes as it looks over me and my family
Oh I see, I also belive in god then, given that we define god as being my cock and balls
Philosophically, God is not contingent to the universe in the same way all nature and matter is. Therefore, scientific reasoning cannot provide evidence for or against God because it is limited to the physical universe. You could not bring a glass beaker filled with the properties of God into a laboratory for testing because God is without physically testable qualities. This also means that God is not a being in the common understanding of what a being is. We are beings, God simply is that which is to be existing beyond the confines of all space and time.
May your family curdle, stink and spoil in rancid glorification of The Carton.
Because there isn't one. Zero evidence that there's any universal consciousness when it's merely our own minds that try to make meaning from this meaningless world.
If only you all knew the real-world reality of Satanism, then you'd be open to believing in Christ. Took me 1-2 years of research and is what brought me to the truth.
Yeah, I do believe in god. Just not the shitty, childish, *omnibenevolent* abrahamic god.
I do believe in God. Not necessarily the abrahamic god though.
Tell us moar, devil's lettuce get.
The highest ones rule the planet and are increasingly annihilating us in literally every way possible while still keeping us alive.
Yet some are just puppets for Satan. He's a very good series to start with on youtube: "They Sold Their Souls For Rock And Roll"