Why did he turn his back on us, /x/ and Jow Forums? Why has he tried to distance himsel from all of Jow Forums, from his racist, white nationalist, MGTOW, anti-ZOG past? It's like he's trying to avoid being exposed and losing out on his youtube income
Why did he turn his back on us, /x/ and Jow Forums? Why has he tried to distance himsel from all of Jow Forums...
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>It's like he's trying to avoid being exposed and losing out on his youtube income
Why would this be surprising?
He should use his influence to inspire people to give up on social justice and follow the true path
You need to calm the fuck down and be happy for him dude what the fuck is wrong with you
What are you talking about?
What racist, anti-ZOG past?
>his racist, white nationalist, MGTOW, anti-ZOG past
No idea. Who wouldn't want to be associated with that.
>He should use his influence to inspire people to give up on social justice and follow the true path
I'm pretty sure he isn't retarded enough to do that.
He used to be a tripfag on Jow Forums and /x/ around the same time he was posting on the BB.com forums. He was a hardcore racist, a true Jow Forumsack. There's screenshots floating around of him telling niggers and women to stop commenting on his youtube channel. There is also the time when he was living in his car claiming he was being gangstalked
Jewtube is already treating him unfairly even though his video content has nothing to do with his personal beliefs. If he started including such things in his videos or even just writing comments about them, they'll take away his main source of income and he'd be screwed. He'd be in way too specific of a niche for Patreon to support his lifestyle if he publicly embraced such ideas while reviewing food.
He was never one of you, he was always a shill
There actually was some Canadian guy who broke into his house and followed him around in his car, though. It really wasn't too far out of left field for him to assume it was an organized situation rather than one lone dedicated autist.
Is this some meme or conspiracy theory or actually confirmed? Because he really seems like a guy who just wants to do reviews and doesn't really get involved with politics.
Can anyone post the reviewbrah nudes?
thread over boys
pics or it didn't happen
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straight from his own mouth. trying to distance himself from his time here, he's a changed man, he doesn't hate anyone
Maybe because this place fucking blows?
2 reasons probably
1. youtube adbux
2. he doesnt want his fans who arent from here knowing about this place
does anyone have a link to that video where he beats up that nigger who spit on him?
Anyone else have his eulogy for eggman from a few years ago when eggman cracked and quit Jow Forums?
he reviews fast food.
He used the term roasties a few times in his older videos so thats not surprising
or maybe he just wants to do fast-food reviews
I believe the only time it was more or less confirmed that he was posting on here, and I believe it was on Jow Forums, he said something to the effect of not wanting to provide his views on politics but he knew the way that the world was headed and he was not optimistic. This was around the same time that there was actually a stalker from this board who was after him and he moved out of his parents house.
this kid is a fucking faggot. Why do people like him again?
Can you link those videos?
>one video
>just said roastie sandwich one time
you have any more?
you have an internet connection do your own fucking research you imbecile cuck
you're a liar. really obvious
Review brah is not some "red-pilled alt-righter" who has a shameful past that's he's trying to cover up. These rumours are completely fabricated. Unless you have solid proof that states other wise shut the fuck up with this nonsense.
>/x/ and Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
What a beautiful measured response. god i love reviewbra
big coincidence huh? Also, last night he claimed to have spent enough money on his meme radio station to buy a house. Yet he still lives with mommy and complains about his youtube income. How can such a sheltered virgin have the balls to talk about life and how to live it like he does?
>Yet he still lives with mommy
Have you even been watching his videos you fucking retard? in several videos he says he's staying with friends. heck in some videos you can see a mattress and pillows in the back of his car
He's got to keep his reviews impartial and objective because he actually care about ethics in fast food journalism and not cashing in the latest shady memes.
Lol the kids who actually believe that he was some faggot alt righter are autistic themselves. you're on a website full of the most impressionable, retarded sheep that society has to offer. The whole reviewbrah being a nazi thing has been disproven several times. An actual Nazi would not cover anything up.
Last i checked, Reviewbrah is literally currently a Florida Man.
gonna leave this here
he lives with family because his dad kicked him out of the house after all the gangstalking shit
I think reviewbrah has a history on this site but he's definitely changed his ways although might still post here