>1500 dollars a week
>hardly do any work
>dont even need a college degree
Who /ascended/ here? salty NEETs and jealous wagies need not hit that post button
1500 dollars a week
did you make a videogame or something?
what's your income source
I work in the oil industry
That's all I can say
1500 a week isn't even a lot of money. Sure it's like healthy career money but if this is what you're satisfied with you're going to be a nobody until the day you die.
that's not even that good buddy, unless you live in some shithole.
>implying I dont already have a healthy portfolio producing decent returns RIGHT now
>assuming I'll be doing this forever
Stay upset wagie
>6000 a month isn't a lot
This is bait unless you stop being vague
6200 a month post taxes is a lot man. It's probably 120k or so yearly pretax
Vague about what? I wanted to talk to successful anons about making it not a bunch of salty neets and weak rudeposters
If you want to get the job I got just move to Texas and get a CDL and if you are an autist who doesn't know how to drive a car then you're fucked
Comes out to about low 70s after taxes but since I hardly need to spend anything but food and rent money its accumulating pretty quickly
Thinking about taking 50k to start a business soon
I'm going to ascend soon. There's high risk though, and if I fail then I'll cut my veins and call ambulance then simulate borderline and bipolar so I'll be able to live in a mental hospital.
I hope you're not talking crypto
I'm moving from my shitty place to the capital of my country to live in a hostel for two months. During those I'll have to find a job being autistic sperg
2 weeks on 1 week off 12 hours a day stuck on an oil rig with a bunch of dumbass Chads? Nah, I'll take the pay cut for my quiet factory job where I can go days at a time without being obligated to talk to anyone.
That sounds like a shit plan desu
>He's a fucking TRUCK DRIVER
>posting about being mad rich when he's sat in a truck all day
lmao dude, you came here to show off and failed
>makes thread to validate himself
>thinks hes ascended
neck yourself retard
please make a greentext when all is said and done
1200e for sitting on my ass
After rent, electricity, water, internet and phone, I have 567e to spend
I could order pizza to my home everyday of the month and have 50e left over
I get more benefits because I fucked my brain with drugs and was in mental hospital for a few months.
Can you help me get a job user
yeah okay great, but why are you here?
>t. Neetbux recipient isn't it time for your daily meditation
Get a driver's license and move to texas
>brags about making good money
>posts IHOP
What are you spending that $6k isnt much? I could live comfortably with half that
Hes prob telling the truth my wife and I make 180k a year after taxes and she hasnt worked in 12 years and I havent worked in almost 5
I have a driver's license, but am not a skilled driver. Have too much anxiety for the road.
>he didn't get rich off crypto
There's no other way. It's not like I have a choice.
Sure thing buddy.
oh I get it, it's cooking oil
you're smarter than me
>>t. Neetbux recipient isn't it time for your daily meditation
thanks for the reminder actually
Yeah, totally not jealous. Good for you. I hope you have a plan to save that money.
I got a roth ira account that i deposit money in every month. In 5 years ill probably max it out and look forward to retiring in 30 years while cruising through life in easy mode.
Wait are you being sarcastic