Fembots, how do you feel about Jow Forums hating women so much?

Fembots, how do you feel about Jow Forums hating women so much?

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>anonymous people please larp as a woman for me to make me feel less lonely

Women hate each other too.

They can hate me as much as I want, but it's annoying when they larp as girls just to hurt the feelings of other robots

It's pretty obvious when it's a larp too... Also, trannies are gross and you're not real girls, you're a fetish.
You are not a femanon or a fembot.
You're not welcome in our threads

I don't mind and try to remind them of the good in others knowing they're just prisoners of their own minds and sabotage their own happiness and future and can't help it because of trauma and isolation.

Pretty sad that Donald Trump has gotten so far into your head that you believe in such a division.

I can understand it. A lot of the things Jow Forums posts about women are true, even if its mixed in with some exaggeration. All the people in my life that hurt me the most were women too, so maybe I'm just predisposed to sympathize with that mindset more. I don't know how to fix that though, all I can do is try to be a good person.

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So you can understand the concept of not wanted here with trannies and your threads but you can't apply it to yourself?

>they're just prisoners of their own minds and sabotage their own happiness and future and can't help it because of trauma and isolation.
I have no idea what you are talking about

based femanon putting trannies in their place

>ugggg drumpf brainwashed yooo

Or perhaps men dont want to deal with mentally ill faggots?
People didn't like trannies before Trump, you know.

> all I can do is try to be a good person.
> posts anime
A niceguy is a rather bad person buddy.

R9K is an echo chamber and so is the mind

I didn't say trannies are unwanted everywhere, they just aren't femanons.

They're always gross, oversexual and slutty in ways we never would be

We don't talk about enjoying the smell of dick and c*cklust. If they weren't hell-bent on everyone knowing they are sluts I'd feel differently

This is a fembot thread so no point in complaining about the presence of females

Please I've been dumped recently tell me what's so good in having a gf, my mind is fucked just enough that I can't see any advantages on my own

*warm hug* Don't know why, you just seem like you need one.

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>All the people in my life that hurt me the most were women
>hur hur i knew a lot of cunts so all women are cunts
btich traitor.

Which one of you sluts is going to be my gf?

No what she really needs is a good brap


Obviously it's upsetting, sure it's like pitiable for being trapped in such stupid and sad mindsets and I have sympathy but it still hurts.

Most the people who hurt me in my life were men. If r9k were female dominated and anti-male I'd probably participate. I'm just as bad as the malebots here really in that sense.

Posts like don't help, there's a lot of femanons here who encourage the mindset because they somehow detach themselves from the fact that they are women to rag on other women.

i dont think that its always like that though. Sometimes their hate really is just hate for the sake of hating, thinking they're better than others. I feel bad for the genuine robots but normies who hate women are really just inexcusable.

>Most the people who hurt me in my life were men. If r9k were female dominated and anti-male I'd probably participate. I'm just as bad as the malebots here really in that sense.

Why don't you go to crystal cafe for that

>they somehow detach themselves from the fact that they are women to rag on other women.

pull your head out of your ass. why can't women hate other women? robots hate all types of guys, the hate isn't exclusive to women.

Oh shit, forgot to read the thread. I thought it was a he. Whatever.

That's like saying there's no point in complaining about trannies in their threads. You're the same thing as a tranny spammer, actually you're what the trannies aspire to be, they desire to be an annoying shit post influence like you are.

I don't complain in tranny threads, I'm not autistic

I already have a cyborg boyfriend
Want to be my orbiters?

What the fuck come on.

I have a very high mass YOU will orbit ME

Oh shit uhhhh do you have a Snapchat? I'll screenshot all your posts and cry about the fact I can't have you in oneitis threads

I weigh 315 pounds, as the biggest boy in this thread I demand one of you clean my bellybutton with your tongue.

>there's a lot of femanons here who encourage the mindset because they somehow detach themselves from the fact that they are women to rag on other women
We don't detach ourselves from being women, we're just self-aware of it. Its not uncommon for men to hate other men for doing traditionally male behavior either.

robots dont do that though. Robots say "men > women". Fembots here say "men>women" they're basically agreed and it's unhealthy for women to be thinking that way about themselves.

Yes. What are your contacts?

I was kidding, I don't want orbiters

that's not what I'm really talking about. I mean saying things like "yeah i understand it women are evil" as if men arent? I talk to many ex-r9k femanons and they all say that they regret it and they treated themselves as if they werent women themselves?

My mass is so high photons can't escape me and I cannot be photographed

Therefor no snapchat sorry bby

Don't worry about it and focus on your own happiness and healing. Don't torture yourself like this. You know you're in a bad state of mind and need time to reflect on you and what you value in life and your goals and how you can learn from the experience of this relationship to make the next experience better. Life is life. Relax, be mindful and let these feelings pass and focus on the emotion and sensation and just let it pass through you. You attract what it is you project. Life is all about perspective and control of oneself is control of how the world also responds to you and with that you control reality. Every experience has value, let go and do not live in regret. Take time and be easy on yourself and let things unfold and do not suppress your emotions or run away from them. You know you will be alright and I do too. Don't let this fester in you and be proactive. If there's a will there's a way and if you want happiness then don't let others dictate it. You have a long life to live. God brings what is meant for you in the end and miracles do happen and these terrible feelings will eventually disappate, but take your time and do not harm yourself. Do not torture yourself in thought and do not torture yourself by delaying or ignoring your own healing. You either take this as another experience in being human on this Earth and living life or you give up and say, why me? It's foolish to think the past controls your future and controls you. You must work on yourself as an act of self love, and love of life. If you do this you will attract what is truly meant for you and you'll find clarity and peace and will feel less isolated as you understand others through your own experiences and grow closer with humanity as a whole. If you fester in ritual thoughts and masochism then you invite these types of energies towards you and you'll have to relive all the same lessons in your next relationship as you haven't dealt with them from the past one.

Femanon here! As a femanoon, I say can't quite say uwu i have a vaginal opening cuz im fenamonie. [spoilers] orbiters now! [/spoiler]

Okay I'll bite. Dear femanons, how do I find a girlfriend? What do I have to do, what does it take?

I'm going to request some social media from all of you so I can make you great like Kelly

yep robots totally hate on other guys, yep you're right. idiot

>having social media
Eat shit, normalfag.

pls show vaginale opening

Implying I give a shit what an autist thinks.

women generally think that it's not exclusive to femanons. Men are better objectively you have to admit

Will you be my tough "takes shit from no one" gf?

Well nobody said that so I don't know what you're talking about.

Go to comfy bars, events with like minded people, school, work, and if you want a fembot gf, discord.

Don't do tinder or bumble

You could have had a true orbiter.... You blew it. I'll write a schizo letter about you in the letter thread

Femanon here! Ew you disgusting virgin! I have a bf and a husband! My openings are closed and full teehee

The chadcel is real holy shit

I don't have social media but I'm going to try to be a good orbiter

"men are objectively better you have to admit"
"women generally think that"

we really don't my dude it's just you

I would say when men are evil, men are usually grandiose about it. Men are the rapists, murders, and pedophiles of the world. But those are also a small minority of men.

Women are evil in more subtle ways, and more often in day to day life. Women are the ones that will wring a guy for alimony, or use his children to exploit him, or ruin a family. Women are usually more conniving and calculating in their evil. While not as evil as the acts that men at their worst do, its also much more common than what men do so you could argue that a larger % of women are evil than a % of men.

There's no real way to measure that though so its just a shit flinging contest.

>it's just obvious how superior I am inherently to you because of your genitals

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>You could have had a true orbiter.... You blew it. I'll write a schizo letter about you in the letter thread

I'm already being orbited by a superheated cloud of hydrogen I'm fine I think

I'm a girl faggot. Girls all have that inferiority complex and we need women empowerment bullshit to make us think otherwise

What makes you think you're autistic enough for me to date?

it's really not "much more common" at all. Men are bad in my experience just in general they are terrible TERRIBLE people.

Men are superior for many reasons genitalia is just one of many boys don't have periods to deal with, which is superior.

I haven't left my house in over a month and the thought of doing so frightens me.

you should take a break from this website, I am worried for your health and you creep me out

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Too late, you brought this upon yourself

Fembot, you've been around all too much red pill.

I don't disagree with you though.

Not to women. Men are terrible to each other.

you also can't birth life and most guys have literally 0 empathy

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oh yeah I forgot, they're not terrible to a woman's face (except the whole rape/abuse thing) they're more likely to talk shit behind her back like the little weasel males they are

Dumb thot I just came here after work. I'm doing my hair now. You need to get out in the real world instead of trying to defend your useless honor online.

Oh, I wasn't aware women were capable of asexual reproduction now.

Based Limeposter.

jesus see a psychologist if you have this much pent-up self-hatred, don't project it onto me. Disgusting.

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I hate women more than any guy I know.

Sounds like you haven't met me yet bbygurl

good. hate yourself too roastie.

I feel like they can suck my clit.

Like 3% of women are raped more girls fucks over guys with just divorce. Talk shit behind our back? I've never had a boy do that they're pretty straight forward. It's girls who always gossiping and saying shit passive aggressively and behind people's backs.

I'm 100% convinced that the women of r9k are the worst women on the planet probably. This thead proves it. They even hate themselves

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>feel like they can suck my clit.

But thats useless if you can't degrade them by blowing fat wads of cum all over their face

bruh i bet you also think women are the only ones who cheat and "divorce" and "rape" are not comparable you dumb self-hating bitch.

chad cum is already in the vagoo m8, they'll get their fair share of cum, dont worry.

lol men will literally risk their lives for random women and even animals and children. Most WOMEN have no empathy are refuse to put themselves in harms way to help someone. Women just scream and cry

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women who hate women just cannot be trusted

Having a penis inside you for a little bit is nowhere near as bad as having your entire life destroyed.

If the truth offends you go back to ribbit your feelings are irrelevant here

Its to be expected, I hate women as well. We are bitches. Sure not every woman is but on the whole we are. Manipulative sluts too. Modern feminism ruined our image completely.

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holy crap you are definitely a larper

so redpilled. BAYST XD

>any thread about fembots gets on the front page
>it becomes filled with infighting and insults
>these people will still make the same posts expecting a different result the next time

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>chad cum is already in the vagoo m8, they'll get their fair share of cum, dont worry.

Fair enough but you still can't shoot it out like a high pressure firehose

No one takes pathetic drippers seriously

No, it's very simple. Men's evil is much more serious and damaging. Women's evil is much more commonplace.

Fembots don't exist. The only "fembots" on r9k are men roleplaying as women, or trannies.

>pic unrelated

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I didn't claim to be a woman you dumb slut.

Go back dumb bitch

I came into this thread thinking men were worse than women and now I'm convinced that women really are evil, no man could ever be so self-loathing and hypocritically nasty to other men as the fembots in this thread are to other women

Women are worse than men. It's hard to admit but the honesty of this place is what keeps people coming here.

That's because you are easily brainwashed. Go back and write your feminism essay about how men are to blame for all our problems.

The only thing I love more than being a heartless bitch is sucking dick. Yum yum.

>doubting the power of the puss
say that to my vag and not online and see what happens

As a girl, I obviously dislike being hated and branded things but I can also acknowledge that women do a terrible job of arguing their case. Most women will attack those arguments by attacking the person's sexuality or saying they're virgins or the classic "not all women are like that" meme. Meanwhile robots will post statistics and countless news stories and data to back up their hate.

So while I don't want to be hated, I also can't disprove their hate so in my eyes, their argument for us being terrible is more sound than the reverse is. I can't just shrug off their arguments based on pure emotion, I don't operate that way. If women formulated their points as well as robots did their hatred, I could see being on that side.

This is a common problem everywhere too, not just here. Even in the face of pure numbers, women will resort to personal attacks and it just bothers me. I don't want to be on the same team as a group that would rather call a guy a virgin rather than calmly refute his points with their own data. It makes me believe that they can't and that robots are right.

I'm not smart enough to refute any of their points. I'd rather stay out of the argument completely because I don't have the wealth of research and knowledge to fight against the stigma. But it also looks like other women don't either and that's troubling to me because it really does mean we lose and are bad people.

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Thanks. I nearly slipped into despair again with all these r9k memes, but reading your post made me feel much more positive and realistic about myself. She wasn't even worth my time to be honest, fat one school drop off... Anyway, why are you even here on this board?

i'm not even a feminist and dont believe women should even have the rights to vote or work, I just think you're fucked in the head and evil lol