How do I get my farts to not smell like ass and get them to not stick on to shit in my room. The smell is noticeable and lingers for hours I want to fucking die what the fuck
Protein farts making room smell
stop eating powerbars. they suck.
Shittons of fiber and fermented (nonpasteurized) food.
I personally have oatmeal for breakfast and put cocoa powder (3 grams fiber per 10 kcal) in my chocolate whey. I also have apple cider vinegar and probiotic pills.
>tfw sweaty gym thots protein farts
I switched to vegan protein powder and my protein farts stopped completely. Tastes better than whey as well
>Tasting your own farts
>He doesn’t appreciate the scent of his own flatulence
Never gonna make it faggot
... is that a kar98k?
Just become a sadist and learn to enjoy the suffering you cause others
>left handed
PUBGfag spotted. 1v1 at camp alpha, fag
>switched to vegan protein powder
you mean onions.. you're unironically taking s o y...
Open your damn window
Fucking lol
Looks more like an SVT-40 to me.
>not being aroused by your own musky, pungent proton farts
nope, neither it's what said, a short mosin-nagant
Jow Forums robs a store
>not using your your proton farts to decimate your enemies and be a general nuisance to society
Not enough feet in in picture.
This is a newfag who's trying to be Jow Forums.
>Jow Forums robs store
>Fart when other people walk by
>give myself away
>"I thought that was her; you have cancer."