How does Jow Forums like their steak?
Food thread
>How does Jow Forums like their steak?
I'm vegan, I don't eat steak
well done, no blood dripping from my meat thanks
I like it in between medium and medium rare. I wonder if theres a term for that
>still eating meat
enjoy youre cancer morons
As rare as good content being posted on this board.
Blue rare because I'm not some faggot with a shit immune system
That is not blood retard, it is myoglobin, a protein that delivers oxygen to the muscles
Medium Rare in most cases.
The fuck do you eat? Do you have recipes you follow or something? Give me your daily life.
It's called "Depends on the meat cut."
You have good taste user, loves me a blue rare steak
Medium rare.
Medium is edible
Rare is ok if it's a quality steak
Medium well and well done I'd rather go hungry
>"enjoying" steak where the fat hasn't been rendered
Well done because I'm not a pretentious foodie faggot.
Just a faggot then
Rare to medium rare desu
>gf is a vegan so I don't eat meat anymore
Well done for me as well
not user but also vegan.
we eat these things called vegetables
I get that faggot, I don't eat meat every day. I just don't know that many recipes or how you guys tackle transition from being a meat eater to vegan.
Well great Im fucking dead.
can't stand seeing pink even in my chicken
if all red meat is given "probably causes cancer status" then I guess I don't have to feel bad about eating my hot dogs
and wonders why Jow Forums makes fun of vegans
if this is legit im so fucked
basically I just cook shit and mix it with other shit... like, pick a few veggies throw some rice in with it or some noodles. then there's the obvious vegan options of things like pizza, 'burgers', 'chicken' patties, turning fast food/restaurant items vegan, etc. for me personally though, a lot of PB&J sandwiches, like, 20ish a week
why would i care what people who larp as fitness professionals on a chinese cartoon board that looks like it was designed in 1998 say about veganism
why would participants in such a forum take you seriously?
alive and not suffering
If it's not still bleeding, the taste is ruined.
I don't like it dry, I want the juices to squeeze out when I bite it.
extremely well done, like cut into small pieces before cooking and the outside blackened.
chicken tastes really good like that
agreed - i do it for all meat I cook really, but chicken's my favourite.
Everything you eat negatively effects you in some way.
>How does Jow Forums like their steak?
However it turns out.
t. Novice cook.
It always takes less than 5 posts for the vegans to arrive, always.
Medium to medium well. Otherwise my stomach will hurt.
Another vegan here. To give you an idea of what I eat in a typical day, for breakfast I started out with some spiced potatoes and pita bread, and a Monster Energy (the white one the Boomer is always drinking). Then for lunch I had more pita bread, with a mix of vegetables like garlic, dill, olives, tomatoes, and hot peppers.
I'm also sipping some black coffee and I'm on my third or fourth cone of vegan Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Not sure what I'll do for dinner.
Even if you eat a wheelbarrel of vegatables a day youre not going to get enough calories for a tall active man. You must be filling up on shitty starches. I eat vegatables, but i also eat meat for b vitamins, zinc, vitamin A in its true form, and protein.
I don't really know what any of this shit means and I just say medium rare everytime because it's what my mother told me to do when I was a kid
Doesn't pork basically get called "the other white meat" now?
This diet and cancer fad shit is impossible to keep up with
Did you put in like a dozen seasonings and a shit load of salt to make your vegan food taste ok like most vegans do?
>Not sure what I'll do for dinner.
Hopefully get hit by a bus.
You must look fucking awful
>still breathing air
enjoy your'rer cancer mormons
Monster has taurine which is extracted from animals.
I'm pretty sure they use synthesised taurine
>Not done
>Not done
>Not done
>Not done
All the pink shit contains bacteria that's in literal shit and will give you diahrrea.
Medium rare
kys mentally ill faggot
carnists 0 boomer vegans 1
No, the taurine in energy drinks isn't animal-derived. It's synthesized, as this is much more efficient.
i'm not even vegan, just saying
Also drinking Monster is fucking bad for you so ultimately whoever drinks is - 0
>implying meat isn't also seasoned to death
honestly, user, have you EVER actually had unseasoned chicken or beef? fucking awful
Spiced potatoes do have seasonings in them. That's what makes them spiced.
I found that things like garlic and dill and chili peppers are pretty much seasonings in themselves, although I eat them as vegetables.
watch cowspiracy then fucking tell me its ok to eat meat
>a Monster Energy (the white one the Boomer is always drinking).
Anyone else get dizziness and heart palpitations from these things? Thought I was dying after I had one the other week.
that's just what stimulants do user you're not supposed to take any of them if you want to be healthy
They have a lot of caffeine in which is a vasoconstrictor. If you're not physically used to caffeine or other effects on your blood pressure that heart palpitations from it aren't uncommon
Personally I just think they taste like shit
>unseasoned chicken tastes bad
>unseasoned rare steak tastes bad
Lol hell fucking no.
>eating rare and not well done
I'm a long-time coffee drinker, so I'm quite used to caffeine. Hope I don't have some kind of heart-related disease.
I'm surprised, because ounce for ounce, Monster Energy actually has less caffeine than coffee. Maybe you drank it too fast, or on an empty stomach?
Rare or medium rare when I'm alone.
Medium well when my mom is present.
>maybe you drank it too fast, or on an empty stomach?
Are you telling me people have to treat monster like it is alcohol?
Anything above rare is for girls and pussies
True, although you may be drinking more caffeine in a 500ml can of Monster vs one regular size coffee. I do remember having two cups of joe once and feeling similar sensations to what I felt with the Monster.
Should probably switch to tea tbqh.
Ello ello ello
>not giving yourself cancer so that you can beat it and become stronger than ever
Untested strength isn't strength at all.
medium rare. delicious
medium rare if i trust the guy and is dank meat, medium if im not so sure yet
LMAO like I would take 'research' from those mongrels seriously
The best meme is that the UK has some of the worst cancer survival rates in the developed world
Priorities have never been right here
I just don't understand why anyone would eat meat.
It is completely uneeded!
enjoy malnutrition and bird bones
medium well is as uncooked as i'll go
medium rare to medium, doesn't really matter to me
>he has week genes
i know people that have eaten tons of meat and fast food there whole life and are over 70 and very healthy
Mm yes let's form our opinions off of a poorly written and formatted infographic with no sources
literally jewish lies to turn you into a weak faggot
This. Well done is the only one that doesn't poison me so I always get that.
Medium gets the bullet too
why the fuck are there so many vegans itt? we want to discuss steak fuck off.
that looks like a shitty cut and a shitty steak.
I don't give a shit lol. Imagine unironically posting this and thinking it means something
Rare my man, all the way
monster can fucking kill you, you shouldnt be drinking it at all
i dont like steak but i get my burgers medium rare
murdering people and eating them thread coming soon plz don't oppose
Not, eating steak is fucking stupid.
Why not eat something that can actually be enjoyed while also being cooked well throughout?
Like hamburgers, meatballs, spareribs. Pretty much any other kind of meat.
Where are all of my medium rare brethren?
Is mashed potatoes THE best side when eating a juicy tender steak? Sometimes I like to add some mixed veggies
Also is it a meme to put butter on your steak? Tried it by accident but it actually made it easier to swallow
>Also is it a meme to put butter on your steak?
i eat my steak with herb butter
>animals are people
>consuming meat =cannibalism
fuck off back to tumblr you disgusting waste of oxygen
Personally I think Medium Well is the only way to go. This may be the restaurants I go to, but if I ask for Well Done they always burn the fucker. Medium Well us just right.
>not able to get enough minerals and complex proteins without intaking retarded amounts of fiber becuase no meat
>cares about animals
>preventing humans from advancing closer to transhumanism
>humans are more important than everything
>things i never said
you vegans really are retarded
fag you literally tried coming at me with
>animals are people
either you meant because animals aren't people it's okay to slaughter and eat them or you didn't mean anything at all
your a fucking coward, eat dead animals and live life naturally you faggot
nah, i'd prefer human meat if that's okay with you :-)
Medium rare and turned only once. Anything else just feels subpar.
Basting steak with butter makes it juicier
ALWAYS medium rare, and I can always tell the faggots in the kitchen give me medium or medium well. It infuriates me.
That looks absolutely repulsive. Cut the fucking fat off or get a better cow.
>being so terrified of muh cancer that you're afraid to enjoy a nice cut of steak
Imagine being this much of a risklet
Nearly everything causes cancer, mongoloid. Moderation stops that from being the case.