post examples of why you should hate women
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What's with the article at the end? It was posted all the way back in 2011
i dont hate women. op sux
Women are vile but honestly all trannies and the vocal minority gays are 10x worse.
>only want to date super Chads and have unrealistic standards
>men don't want to marry or have relationships with used goods.
This is what women think, it's no wonder why MGTOW and other incel movements are growing so fast.
Reading that made me mad as fuck
Why do we actually waste energy on the women hate? Wouldn't that energy and emotions be used better elsewhere?
Do hating means we still care and long?
anyone have that screencap of women submitting to foreign invaders on their own will to rape them?
She is a virgin that married a non-virgin with tattoos. I fucking hate women.
This is an example of maximum cuck levels being achieved. I'm more angry at the guy for forgiving them. The mirror article should've been: "man savagely beats father and girlfriend to death after finding truth about secret affair between them"
Deep sea vantablack pill: hating women for their nature is as senseless as hating birds for flying or trees for needing the sun.
Can't hate niggers, then.
Women hate, in the end, is just a manifestation of self hate. One who loves themselves would follow your advice. But we as society are broken and unfilled and healthy relationships are not normal because the world is sick. It's not men vs. women. It's just people of two different types reacting to each other's energy. The issue is the energy is diseased and we have forgotten what truly matters in life and for humanity as a whole. Love is the answer, but it starts within, but most lack it because it's unfortunately by design. We consume in compliance and complacency. Things weren't like this before. We lost ourselves in dopamine loops, dope drips, surrogate activities that bring us no value. R9K exists because we are in pain and we are slaves to it because we choose to be slaves because it is comfortable. Why change when you can eat your processed meal, jack off to extreme porn, complain, have a roof over your head, play video games, get neetbux, so on. It's too comfortable and we as human beings aren't meant to live like this.
it's because people stopped judging women by their actions they simply stopped to grow and evolve.
And what's wrong with that? Is hate supposed to be something logical? Who are you to define what hate is supposed to be? If people want to hate shit, let them. If you want to change their minds and tell them they're wrong, go ahead. But don't take the stance that it is 'useless to hate'. It's a fuckin emotion.
(not that guy,but...)
I hate nogs about as much as I hate grizzly bears; I don't. I just understand that they are both a clear and present danger to my safety and I don't want either coming anywhere near me.
wow, a sensible post in one of these threads. Wonders never cease.
Niggers haven't had a fair chance in the world in a while, so it's too soon to rule their behaviour as innate rather than learnt.
It's an emotion that you can try to control. But even if you can't control it, it's understandable. What's not ok is judging a woman for wanting to be with the more desirable man, just like it's not ok to judge a wolf for killing another animal to eat it. It's ok to hate a wolf for killing your hens, but it's not ok to judge him for it.
lol why do women get mad when you say you will only marry a virgin? its not like they were lining up to marry me so what gives
imagine being this retarded and still announcing it in a public forum
gayest shit Ive ever read imagine being this retarded
That is your OPINION. It's not a fact that it's senseless to hate, as you had implied in your post. Why is it not ok to do these things? Why do we have to control it?
Also your tangential comment about things being okay to hate but not okay to judge is just semantic gibberish. If I hate something I'm feeling an emotion about something in particular which can also be a form of judgement. Just total nonsense. I get where you're coming from, but the main point was that you were initially calling it totally senseless to feel the emotion of hate regarding things that may not be entirely logical but have an impact on an individual.
>You get cucked and thrown under the bus by the people you're supposed to be able to trust because you hate yourself.
Imagine being this retarded. Nice bait, enjoy your (You) faggot.
If its illogical to hate why does hate exist in humans? Check mate.
Hatred is emotion that fuels our desire to destroy source of our pain and misery, so its good to hate women because it makes us prepared to defend outselvs and not forget the evil that is lurking behind cute little faces
fuck her yea but OP was a real cuck about it
And btw, who the fuck designed this compilation? Was it really so difficult to format this shit in a way that wasn't barely comprehensible?
seething fag enabler
fuck women and their roastie vaginas
incel rebellion starts now!
we will lead the incel rebellion brothers! We shall publicly execute every ch*D and r*Astie on the streets, in front of their family members! no children will be spared!
You're all fucking degenerates. Each and every one of you that unironically hates women are a sad and pathetic excuse of a member of the Homo Sapiens species. You managed to become so fucking warped that you'll never be able to accomplish your one BIOLOGICAL goal, of preserving your genes in the next generation. You will die, and your useless, pathetic genes will die with you, and good riddance
just go full nihon 2dmr girls. there's no hope anymore. fuck real women
good riddance to your useless genes, you spineless faggot
Gawd I couldn't imagine a worse situation
How did he not kill both of them or himself?
How is he still living?
>Being surprised or even angry at the fact that R9k is full of failures that blame the world for their issues
It's nothing new.
Are you a woman? The only people who truly hate all women here are those who never had a chance anyway or don't have the capability to try. You're wasting your time on people who just want to vent.
None of us ever had a chance man
Finally! You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
Welp, they have the IQ of a child rapist, so I'm not even surprised.
This is so fucking obviously bait I'm starting to believe the fags above have the IQs of a child rapist too.
>ruining your life for some faux bid for immortality
Something can be bait while also being a real opinion from the poster.
Try not to be so unenlighted. Do not come to suck quick conclusions. All of this is merely a machination of the modern world. The planet is overpopulated. We are in a "waning" phase. Talk of the 80/20 rule, it is true. As population becomes surplus, society leans towards only reproducing the lucky few. Or, to be more specific, simply more and more will be prevented from proliferating.
This is not anyone's fault. It is a characteristic of humanity. It is not always the biological goal, because it's not always an offer or an option made by the world to the individual. Sometimes the world births you and says "Now, die. You were an experiment. Here are your odds, and it's obvious that they are utter shit. Try not to take it too personally"
The bitterness and hatred is justified wholly by the fact that life is a bitch, and that bitch in love with other niggas. Violence is not justified.
>my fellow Homo Sapiens xD
>how dare you be degenerates on Jow Forums
Yea this is a serious opinion of a serious poster.
>Niggers haven't had a fair chance in the world in a while, so it's too soon to rule their behaviour as innate rather than learnt.
what the fuck dude? are you actually fucking retarded?
Id hate viruses if we didn't discuss them as a problem.
Women are pieces of shit who dont care about your well being. They just want a big dick with an even bigger bank account. If you dont have either, noone wants to get with you. Even if someone does, they'll be the ones who get mad when you find them inevitably cheating on you because you "didnt treat them right."
Fuck women.
There are a lot of normies here these days. Even if this one is a bait there are a handful of similar posts that are probably serious. And you can bet that there are some reading the thread who genuinely feel that way. Who cares, really. Responding to bait can be fun.
I donate my sperm for money because I'm tall white and blue eyed, my genes will go on and it's not the reason I hate women.
Male, 19. 285 lbs, 5'9"
come get me bitch nigga
It's funny how women have literally no data like this to back them up.
Its an okcupid poll, not exactly accurate.
Jesus you are fat. Lose some weight.
that dad really derserves to die. i dont think ive ever genuinely meant that about something that didnt do something illegal, like raping kids for example, both deserve their legs torn off and their souls given to satan
Pretty disturbing to anyone who doesn't want to turn a blind eye.
silly user
girls are not real
fucking hell the son deserves to have no dick at the very least for hes only going to be taking it from the amount of cuck he is
>I dont have a response so I'll rhetorically ask if he's retarded
shitty woman hate pic, doesn't demonstrate cruelness its just fucking larpers and just some ugly ass dude fishing for sympathy, pathetic.
tbqh the dad also has 50% of fault so it shows that it's not only women you should hate
It's even more damning actually because there's a huge sample size and women are rating by their feelings instead of with expectations to be fair like they would in some kind of questionnaire study.
But it's something. More substantive than the bullshit that normies delude themselves with
Honestly fuck you. Someone tells you that hating women is irrational, counter-productive and formed on rather shallow observations. You tell them "well buh why are you telling me to change it's only JUSTIFIABLE for me to be like that so HA I MADE YOU".
Really, anons? This fucking attitude of "I have no desire to change because I have no desire to change" is how I'd sum up Jow Forums and it's fucking awful. Please grow up.
Both white skin and blue eye genes are recessive. If you wanna have a kid to be PROUD of, search a white blonde woman with blue eyes.
Dude, are you seriously implying there's a telos beneath us who guides the population growth through evolution? Wait, you're gonna say this is why homo degenerates have evolved as well, suure, evolution has a purpose and an end buddy.
Okay, you're only proving what we've known since the dawn of time, women can be significantly hotter but also significantly uglier than the average
>but hotness is subjective!
Only behind a certain point
Not that guy but I think it's retarded too. How was that even related to hating niggers? Why can't you hate them for their culture and for environmental reasons? It doesn't have to be innate. That's retarded. Even if it was innate it isn't any less their 'fault' for being that way, so there's no difference in hating them for either reason.
You didn't really explain anything or counter any woman hating points you just strawmanned woman hating and that's all you continue to do you fat teenage faggot.
fuck off you horny teen
you are unworthy of prime pussy
Dad knew what a pathetic son he'd raised and took the chance to exploit women's nature. He was redpilled and cucked the disappointment he'd raised. I don't see anything wrong here.
What's your aim lmao honestly watching you try is amusing and also sad because of how pointless it is
>You couldn't even swing at him without breaking your arm
lol'd hard.
that's fake, that "nude" has been on the internet for like 8 years
>Lemme hate sumone becuze there not like me and they have a different culture and environment
Is that ignorance I smell?
Do you think the effects of feminism and sexual liberation will ever be reversed.
That's not what I said. I don't even hate black people. I was attacking the logic because it was retarded logic. Get some reading comprehension, please.
Because you're not making any "points", all you do is regurgitate MGTOW-tier garbage about the """nature""" of women as if they were extraterrestrials and not fellow people you eat, sleep and fuck with (sorry, I forgot, this is Jow Forums), and when they weren't that, they were just random screencaps of women doing bad things. Which again is not related to their "female nature" at all and depends mostly on IQ, upbringing, peer pressure etc.
>I'm new to this board and can't read between the lines, also what's this?
Why are you looking for what I'm looking for? I know you don't have a reputation for focusing on the arguments and instead try to parrot the other person with adhoms but other times it's more simple than that, I just get called a roastie cunt (despite not even having a cunt) and that's it. Why are you complicating this?
What are you even talking about? I think you're confusing the people who are replying to you because you're making no sense. I'm not that person LOL
What do you think is the best upbringing? I think it's a religious one, not Christianity because those are the biggest whores. Maybe Islam. What do you think?
>not Christianity because those are the biggest whores
I have to ask, is this bait?
No, I thought this was commonly believed. I meant Catholic because every single girl at my Catholic school was a huge slut. It's because both the guys and girls were raised sexually repressed and when they get the chance they'll fuck like crazy. Most didn't care about waiting till marriage or gave tons of blowjobs and handjobs.
Post lifefuel
I don't see anything wrong with this pic. maybe if you made this same thread again but this time with a pic of a Chad, and then compare the answers that could work.
>I said ya
Women cannot love.
>implying we are not the same
your pathetic inexperience is really showing
lolnope, you're just a manwhore.
No idea user, I was raised Orthodox in a highly religious country and can grant you women in our country are a lot more prudish and inhibited (but then again I could say that same about every person here). I think it's eastern vs western culture instead of a religious issue, you westerners give too many fucks about sex
I can't believe that post wasn't original, even if you put a period at the end. Everybody is capable of love, user, even a horse or a dog or a dolphin. Why do you think women, out of all creatures, aren't capable of it?
Because women are hypergamous. They can't love, they will throw away their old partners for bigger and bigger Chads.
They've been showered with attention their whole lives mainly for being a pretty girl, they can't stand the fact that someone sees them as undesirable (especially because she doesn't have the self control to avoid the cock carousel).
>go after cartoons
Imagine being this pathetic?
Honest mistake user... Chill it's r9k
Not him but I don't care. 2D makes me happier than any 3D girl will. I was never going to reproduce anyway.
what the fuck are you going on about dumbass nigger? lmao,men hating women has literally been a consistent act for millenia, and not just for the "uneducated", for nearly every great thinker from the past saw women as inferior.
OP pic always makes me so angry. Post stories of women getting BTFO instead.
serious question robots
if its not working with girls, why not try guys?
>It's ok to hate a wolf for killing your hens, but it's not ok to judge him for it
this is so badly written but I get it user.
Reading this made me miss the old Jow Forums more than anything.
Correct. I hate the system and betas that allow them to be like this. Also it's nice to know how women behave if they can do as they please unrestricted, but in an ideal society (ie EVERY society until 50 years ago, and most non-western societies now) this is not the case.
And inb4 >then go to Africa and some mudslime country if you don't like it here!
Yeah, because the West is successful because of women.
Serious question fag
do you think men can just switch their
sexual orientation as they want?
If they could there would be fewer fags.
Ted, they let you use Jow Forums in prison?