Vent thread, share your feels and stories.
Feels Thread
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Thanks for that image OP. I have lost it some time ago and couldn't find it.
The girl on the left is a total qt
>six years ago
Five bucks says that he'll see this in a year or two and get his mind blown
I've started talking to people online. It's incredibly stressful. I'm not good at it and I'm distrustful.
It's nice to have some interaction though.
I've been using the internet for my entire life instead of going to school and the only person I've ever talked to online post puberty was Nobody. That was his actual username, we used to have joke conversations here and there but I was too immature and he removed me when I was 15. 24 now and haven't had an online person to talk to since. It was Nobody that liked me now it's nobody.
I've been online for a long time. I've just barely started talking to people. I'm 22. Late bloomer I guess.
I'm really bad at this.
Why is /b/ so cringe
That text couldn't feel any more forced than that
>THIS MOMENT HERE, THIS EPIC MOMENT, is DEFINETLY, and I say, DEFINETLY, the last happy moment of his life omg how do u feel bee
I know that feel. I met my best online friend on a multiplayer flash game almost a decade ago. She hasn't been on discord in few months and I really miss her. She's the one person I can tell anything to.
I'm super miserable all the time, but after 1 glass of wine (or 1-2 beers) it's the complete opposite, and I'm extremely happy/blissful. It wasn't always like this, what is going on? What is wrong with me?
Sounds like you have latent alcoholic tendencies user.
Well now I feel sad. Thanks OP.
Damn... Makes sense i guess. Thanks a lot for a srs reply. Guess I'll cut back on the alcohol.
Have you had problems with substance abuse before?
I wish him the best in life. He deserves it for having that hand dealt to him.
I rediscovered this song and I can't get over how happy and optimistic it makes me feel.
Same age as you. What are you doing to keep yourself busy?
No... I smoke a fair share amount of weed, last few years I've done speed every now and then. But I never felt cravings of any sort. I've gone sober several weeks in a row with no problems. Do you have experience with this type of thing?
Secondhand. I've known a lot of people that were addicts of one thing or another. Just making an educated guess about your situation.
No matter what happens in my life I feel perpetually unsatisfied. I set myself these completely arbitrary goals just to feel some sense of productivity, tell myself that once I learn this skill or earn this much money things will feel better but it never does. I'm worried this feeling will never go away
Is there anything in particular that you yearn for?
It's called emotion. Use yours sometime.
Kind of. To become a successful teacher, to work on my music until I consider it good, being in a happy relationship, just experiencing more of the world in general. I'm just concerned that one day I'll find myself having achieved these and feel exactly like how I do now and my life is just chasing one empty pursuit after another without ever getting anywhere. What about yourself?
If those are your goals, I sure wouldn't call them arbitrary. They sound like pretty solid life goals to me. And life is so huge, you'll never run out of things that you want to do so long as you keep looking for them. Wether that's a good or a bad thing depends on your perspective, I guess. Do you feel like you're getting closer to achieving your goals? If the things you do does bring you closer in some capacity, they might not be that empty after all.
I think I am more worried about having not lived my life enough, and not having been a good influence on my surroundings. The thought of reaching old age and being plagued with regret really terrifies me, so I try making my time in this world worth something. I've ended up talking to miserable people I meet (or people I think are miserable) for hours because of this. A chat with a really down on their luck person can make me feel awful after, but I'm also glad because usually they really needed someone to lean on a bit.
It's just things that I like doing, in all seriousness I'll doubt I'll ever achieve it to a level I consider satisfactory but that's the whole point. The goals are meaningless in the sense that they're just a stopgap to keep me from going crazy, once I get there I don't feel particularly satisfied or even better than I did previously.
Yeah that strikes a chord with me too, I'm worried that sometime 10 years in the future I'll still be staring at the same stupid imageboards, feeling that same sense of being incomplete. Maybe that just ties in with feeling useful in a way? For me that's part of wanting to be in a relationship, having a positive impact on someone's life but so far it seems no one wants me involved in theirs
I just watched my wife's grandfather's dog die, he was cutting down trees when i came home from work, he has COPD and was breathing heavy, she was playing in the yard with another dog. He cut the tree wrong and got his blade stuck, so i got underneath and picked it up, then the rest of the tree started tipping over, she was underneath and when i slipped out underneath when it fell it hit her in the head. When i yelled at her to move it was too late. It smacked her head and i watched horrified as the blood gushed out of her nose as she was convulsing. His dog he took in off the streets when he put his wife in a nursing home. dead. because of me. i feel like shit, i respect him so much and i watched him choke up and act like it was nothing. Now im sitting on the couch wishing i wouldve held the tree up and let it crush me or i took the hit. I feel like a complete piece of shit and as i am writing this a family called and said he was laying down crying
can I offer you a seat user?
God man, that's heart-wrenching.
Kids are cute you faggots, it's programmed in our brains to think so. It doesn't make us want to fuck them, it makes us want to protect them.
For anybody who thinks this is some weird copypasta or something. I have to get up early to bury her, i literally cant believe this, its strange how one second something can be playing and having fun and the next minute, you are spraying blood where it happened. The other dog is scared and confused and doesnt want to come near the spot she fell
t. wants to secretly fuck her
I can smell you nervously sweating from the screen
came here to post this
>tfw no gf
>get gf
>get annoyed, bored etc.
>tfw no gf
Spraying the blood away*
This image makes me want to die because of how accurate it is
>emotions = bad
aspie detected
It is dude, all i wanted to do was help him, hes always calling me lazy like my brother in law ( he does it mostly joking) so it pushes me to help him even more. I just feel like i fuck up way to much, i feel like an idiot. And i loved that dog too.
I know what you mean buddy
fuck i'm sorry user. this might seem strange, but take this opportunity to really FEEL. fully embrace and the sadness and heartbreak at this moment. I say this because things like this, when pushed down, can sometimes cause a kind of long lasting trauma different than the more normal grieving process.
Oh im choking up and crying, im 23 and work as an electricians apprentice. i put on a brovado, but i love animals and i literally and handle myself right now, people keep calling me and asking if everythings alright, and i can barely croak out a sentence. i feel like a weak man to be honest
Cant handle myself*
who gives a shit about a stupid fucking dog. get a life.
You in here because your gf dumped you faggot? Probably because of your shitty attitude, hope you have to see a life stolen from something living, then you may realize youre wasting you life being a troll, and might go out and better someones life instead of hiding behind a screen and being a plague to society
it's a dog. it'd be like crying cause you lost your teddy bear. by all means, continue walloving in self-pity you pathetic fucking loser.
First of all, its not just a teddy bear, that would be an inanimate object, pets come into homes young and grow with the family, they become family, we rely on them for comfort and they show signs of intelligence and understanding also compassion. Second, it wasnt my dog and its not truly the thing that hits me at my core, its the fact the my wifes grandfather was greatly attached to the dog and it was his companion, it slept with him would protect him, laid by his feet, and with one swift moment it was shattered and now a man that i thought to be tough as nails and nothing bothered is sobbing on his bed, because he doesnt have friends anymore, they are either to old to visit or see or they are dead. He lost what in his mind was his best friend and i feel as though im to blame. And lastly, get fucked faggot, hope you get a dog and watch it die so i can see your dumbass in here
stupid old boomer deserves it.
You sound pretty angry at life user.
Not really, hes one of the nicest guys i know, he has been stolen from stepped on and lied to, but always gives for the family and suffers for the family. He is a great man and i hope i grow up to be like him one day, you have no clue what he is like, and you hold much hate in your heart kid, i hope you grow up and change. This isnt a way to live your life, you either have never witnessed death first hand or you havent matured emotionally, either way holding hatred will only lead to a shitty life,
I'm not angry, I am indifferent towards some stupid old boomer who cries because he has lead a stupid worthless life and his dog died. boo hoo.
I picture you as the reverse of one of those people with that disease that makes them grow old faster. You're an old man in the body of a young man. So young, already a stupid boomer in spirit.
Yes, you are angry at life. Literally mad at something that doesn't harm you in any way.
When your loved ones start dying or things you hold dear to your heart are taken away i hope you sing a different tune user, we dont live forever, we all die, and we will all have to experience death, i hope when it happens to you that you arent as callous, because if you are at that moment you need to be put on medicine or you need to look deep in yourself and find out whats wrong with you
Passively happy? 5 months ago but I fucked it all up by being paranoid that it was to good to be true, happy for a day straight ? July 28th went on a vacation with some friends and did some shrooms and drank some vodka
Yeah I don't know what to tell you. I feel absolutely no anger right now. It sounds like you are projecting because I'm dropping some truth bombs and you're feeling hurt.
typical boomer nonsense. yeah people die, big deal dude. are you gonna cry in the corner now? because people die?
I will take that as a compliment user, because if you lose something or need someone to lean on, even though they complain about our generation, its the older generation that picks us up when we fall. you are the reason baby boomers or any older generation looks on us with distain, people like you who only spew hate are gonna be what ends this world
I'm just saying you should let the man mourn his dog's death. He's a fucking human being, just like you.
>why don't you use tinder? aren't you afraid of being lonely whole your life?
Who is alive in your family user? Are you close to anyone? Or do you eat chicken tendies in your room and shitpost for a living, because your aspie brain cant take love?
I don't give a shit about him or his dog.
Thanks user fr
this world of sickly boomer fucks like you should end. the sooner the better.
*Alt right libtard who blames everything on old people alert*
yeah it's the young people's fault. they are to blame for being born. not the people who have been alive the longest. they are not responsible for anything.
Crying for something you've lost or for other people that are hurting doesn't make you weak at all. It shows that you are a good, empathic person who feels strongly, and every tear we shed for someone is an expression of all the love we still have for them.
If you didn't give a shit you wouldn't have spent half an hour being edgy. You enjoy being cruel to vulnerable people for some unfathomable reason.
It amuses me to see you make a fuss about something so trivial.
I think youre looking for this
I think you're looking for your mammas asshole bitch.
Man your trolling attempts are getting desperate and uncreative
It sucks knowing your not worth anyones time and no one wants to associate with you even if you try to improve yourself and social skills. I guess im destined to be alone
We all know what you meant by "total qt", user.
I hate that facebook exists. I know it's curated, but i still can't help thinking that normies must be pretty happy.
you sound like you've been crying.
Ignorance is bliss user. Normies dont know what life is really like, but life always rears its ugly head and they find it out the hard way
Nah bro im good but ive been lurking and seem to be losing steam if youre gonna trill atleast make it entertaining
Typical frogposter. Go back to /b/, you'll fit in more.
go back up your mammas asshole. you aren't cut out for life in this world being so soft skinned.
I'm not sure. I think some might be pretty unfilled, but HEAVILY invested in keeping up appearances.
When the fuck are retards unhappy? They are living it up most of the time
This is more of a positive feels for me
Yea, so I spent my 20s working hard, advancing in my field and now I'm a 30 year old guy probably worth more than most of the posters here combined income
Anyway, keeping this on topic I felt depressed for some time because I'm single and I feel like a weirdo because i have no relationships with people
I also recently found out that women won't really make you feel better, most of them only care about themselves and most of them only have one thing to offer you. Sex and even then most women don't even know how to have sex right so they just lay there like a dead body
Anyway, im done so take it for what it is
Women won't change your life for you
Change your own life, find happiness, and a girlfriend or wife is just a little something extra to make you happy
Women alone will never be the solution to your life
They have nothing at all to offer you except sex
Relatinonships are weird
Those on the inside want out and those on the outside want in
>Have gf, and relatively adjusted
>respected by friends and family as well-rounded, intelligent, and informed
>4yr degree but it's fucking econ with math and cs
>cannot find any work that isn't a fucking meat grinder
>the only places that contact me want to sell shit to my family or ruin my body
>It's been 1.5 years of job search and nothing good has happened
>family members are high ranking officers and can't get me a position
Fucking shit
Oh, just fuck off user
He's probably perfectly fine mentally, just physically deformed.
Went into a Wawa today to buy a quesidilia before I do Publix. A homeless guy outside asked if I could buy him chips, I asked what kind and he replied.
I went in, grabbed my shit and his chips, 2 gatorades, a few protein bars and a bag of M&M's, skittles, and a $20 wawa card.
I went to give him the bag, and he said I was mistaken and took out the chips. I said it was for him, and he started crying and went to hug me. He saw I would've been uncomfortable with a hug, and backed off and kept saying thank you.
I said no problem, and walked off. I mean, it was like $30 which isn't much to me.
I haven't been able to get that guy out of my head since then
>any emotion besides apathy is forced
I remember being 14. are you also an atheist? that part of your life will be a much less important part of your life in a few years too.
They are though. I fake every reaction that I have.
edgy sociopath roleplay friend
I want the world to collapse
There is no reason to keep living in it.
Its fucked and you all know it
I'm killing myself tonight
Sociopath? I thought those people are edgy manipulators. I'm just saying I don't really feel anything when I see "provoking" things. Just apathy.
Those were the days when I , along with other /b/tards, used omegle for getting nudes, so I get this girl, elizabeth. Its text only but the writing style suggests its a female or a very good catfish. I don't mind, I just want the nudes. But we just click. We chatted for 4 hours on omegle, I forgot about the nudes. I suggested we move it to kik, she says she doesn't have one and will download it. i gave her my kik ID and she soon dropped off. She was a poor girl, no dad, alcoholic mother working a dead end job, only good person in her life was her grandma. Anyways, i try to forget about her and play some vidya, my phone has a ntoification. Its elle. We start talking there as well, it went on for weeks. She sets her profile picture when I asked what she looks like, and she was cute Chubby, but at that time I just looked past all her flaws. I suppose she was really lonely and I was just around. She lived in a different country, so we talked on phone some days, but mostly it was just kik chat. I used to record guitar songs for her, knowing that my voice is horrendous, but she didn't mind. She mentioned getting a part time job to save enough to fly to my country, she got a job as a waitress. Few months later, she just vanished. Just like she never existed. Its not like I didn't try to dox her when we were talking, but there was nothing. It was like she didn't have an internet presence. She mentioned during the time we talked that she doesn't like social media, so naturally after she vanished I couldn't do anything except leave a message for her. For some days I went on omegle with the same interests as I did back then but she never came.
I know it was probably a catfish, but who cares. It was nice. She never really asked me for anything, on phone it was a girl, and I too needed someone to talk to. Now i fucking hate women but goddamn remembering those days makes it hard.