*blocks your path*
>"You know the deal whiteboi, it's one liter of seminal reparations if you want past me! Get to it!"
What is your response?
*blocks your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
Provide the litre of seminal reparations
shove it in her pooper instead
whats the point of these fucking threads
One liter is a lot. We will be here for a very very long time.
*throughs cum jar*
I suggest flex seal or flex tape to the designated area.
I only fuck arse because I want to stay a virgin until marriage. She cool with that?
So she just stays in that position for a few weeks while I gradually fill her with an entire litre of cum over several sessions?
It's (you know who) posting shit.
pathetic wh*te boys need to make these kind of posts to not feel insecure.
disgusting and pathetic; anyone who enjoys or makes these kind of threads need to be murdered and replaced with a starving child from africa.
>user lets roleplay
>I'll be the slave who missed the cotton quota by half a pound and you be the slavemaster's son sent to punish me
I think they're kind of funny desu
>You think slavery is funny, cracker? Lie the fuck down.
>(((white boys)))
lmao not original
most of Jow Forums already fucked up with wh*te women so they chase black and asian chicks
>It's time to pay reparations, white boy
>few weeks
Weak ass nigga.
>tfw fiance is black
>done raceplay a few times, it's alright I guess but nothing incredible and you have to be in the exact right mood
>always kept it quite light as well
>show her a couple black girl threads on r9k
>she just finds it funny
>asks if they really mean it or are just memeing
>ends up getting turned on by the webms
c'est la vie
Why would whites feel insecure? No one is more desired than a top-tier white man.
>"Put your cracker baby in me white boy"
No, now fuck off nigger, or you get lead
>seminal reparations
gets me every time. You cucks are a riot.
yeah you or the posters of this thread and the high status white man are not the same.
you're pathetic incel who needs racebait to feel secure while he is not.
how do I get a qt blackfu?
Those men are generally still desired by non-white women.
Why are ebonyposters so bad at dialogue?
We can already see that the girl in the picture is clearly black, they don't need to say "whiteboi" in every sentence. It isn't like in incest captions where they need to say "bro" and "sis" constantly to affirm that incest is taking place and it isn't just a normal couple having sex.
>reading porn captions
>reading enough of them to be able to pick out over-arching trends in their grammar
jesus wept lad
if they didn't, half the fetish value would get lost
it's like interracial where they have to say "umm fuck me with your big black cock breed me with mulatto kids etc etc" despite it being pretty obvious that the guy isn't white
If that's the case then why the fuck is it weird trashy ghetto slang instead of raceplay slave type shit
do you randomly take pictures of every chad you come across in the train ?
Literally anything sounds better than "whiteboi"
>tfw you will never have a candid pic of you showcasing your superior genetics floating around a mongolian goat breeding website
Would she let me use the pooper instead?
white mofugga
white daddy
The black thing makes sense tho. Most poorfag girls with no options are brown/black these days; most Jow Forumsfags also no options. Fortunately (for me) I live in a state where white poverty is astoundingly prevalent and trailer trash girls are easy to find.
I prefer genuinely loving and sort of teasing instead of aggressive and racially charged.
>"Hey user, sugar. I know you had a bad day at work so why don't you let me be your maid and take care of you this evening. You know a maid has to do anything her master asks, right? Hehehe, oh dear what could you possibly be thinking right now?
Fuck man
Now I've got a new fetish that will go unsatisfied irl
>tfw always prefer this 1000 times over the cringey poltard raceplay shit
oh god i love black girls so much
>tfw no black gf who calls you white boy with a playful loving tone
I fucked a fit mixed black girl with the most beautiful, immaculate pussy I've ever experienced, and I've fucked natural redheads too for comparison and their pussies were gaping feeling compared to her.
We did so much kinky shit together if I posted it here I'd get 20 black incels on me calling me a liar
It's a nice feeling desu.
>"Don't stare at me, you! My hair isn't right because I just woke up. Yeah, yeah I know you like my hair however it is but I can tell when it's all messy even if you can't. Wow, your eyes really are all over me aren't they? Hey, want to join me and see just how 'bedhead' my hair can get? *wink* Hehehehe
Black girls always seem to be more polite and nicer too then white girls
it's THAN you mongoloid, seriously how do people not know the difference?
the slave play is more indicative of people who prefer the dominant part in a relationship
trashy ghetto slang evokes more of a "strong black woman" feeling, so I assume that submissive men would go for it
i can't help but look at this like a white devil/caveman mounting a defenseless african kween after a pillaging by europeans in ancient africa
also sauce?
>that ass
>those thighs
>them legs
White women just can't compete
>What is your response?
engage her sexually, with violence, speed and momentum
I always felt like these threads were the counter to the BLACKED threads that litter Jow Forums
i see you're a cheater as well
What if I do it because I have incredibly powerful jungle fever borne from dating a black girl for a couple months and they help me relive my memories with her in a sick and twisted way
I don't know if I even have the strength to contribute an entire liter of reparations.
Who wins, your nature or your race?
It's not the fact you fucked black girls it's because you said 20+ girls. Who here has fucked more than twenty girls of course we're not going to believe you it's a board filled with virgins.
why not both?
wish there was more black girl + white girl threesome porn desu
holy shit charls is not aging well
Post more Chads pls.
Always intriguing to see a Chad in the wild.
is that white guy going to roast that hurdle
they are but they dont work
dat it b
That's just because white women think being total cunts to everybody makes them look strong and independent.
why am I alive why was I born please someone kill me
How is that going to happen? Black women hate all men except silverback groids.
That will never be offered to me