Sister getting married in two weeks

>sister getting married in two weeks
>a week ago I attempted suicide by overdose
>while i was in hospital she cancelled my hotel room booking so someone else could have it
>the hotel was booked and some of her friends didnt get a room, and she figured i wouldn't be coming

I dont know what the appropriate way to feel about this

im out of the psych ward and i still intend on going to the wedding but i feel a bit sad about the whole situation. and i'm going to have to get a taxi home that night while everyone else in my family stays over

it's like she immediately jumped at the opportunity to reassign my room when i was hospitalized. it's not like i was going to be kept in for three weeks so she knew i'd be out for the wedding

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Kill her and husband and let their corpses rot in your bathtub before you kill yourself properly this time

that seems a bit extreme. i'm not murderously angry about the situation

Have you tried not acting like such a faggot?

im sorry user, that's a shit feeling no matter what her intentions were. do you guys generally have a good relationship?

>attempted suicide
>didn't succeed

Well there's your mistake

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>she knew i'd be out for the wedding

but she didn't user. I mean if you already attempted once what's to keep you from relapsing and going for it again? Not to mention the fact those places can keep you under additional observation for any goddamned reason they like when it comes down to it.

>sister getting married in two weeks
>a week ago I attempted suicide by overdose
She just answered a fuck you to her with a fuck you to you, you attention whore

>he cancelled my hotel room booking so someone else could have it
How did you find out?

>not honor-raping your sister and making her your bride

What are you gay or something

You're a shit person for attempting suicide right before your sisters wedding and shes a shit person for promptly cancelling your room (aka not giving a shit about you).
Great family

my mom told me

>i still intend on going to the wedding
How blatant does she have to be to show that she doesn't want a dirtbag suicider attending her happiest day? She wants you as far away from her as possible. Honor that.

I can't tell if these people are joking or not but i laughed my ass off so i hope so

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She probably knew your feeble attempt was just a cry for attention, attention you stole from your sister since women feed on that shit.

Seriously, she was probably looking forward to this single event since she was a little girl. What you did was very selfish and you should stop being such a fucking faggot.

And this

Why do you wanna go anyways?

Take a gun to her wedding and blow your brains out right there. Show her how much of an inconvenience your suicide attempts can really be when you don't fuck them up.

Maybe she thought

>it would be too much for you
>you didn't want to go because you tried to kill yourself right before it took place
>she might be a bitch and want thought that your suicide was for show
>that it was done to shit on her wedding
>maybe she thought it was her getting married that triggered it

Wedding are boring anyways dude

I'm glad I have no sister

What she did is kinda fucked up. Ultimately, she was doing the most practical thing though. If you're actually upset about it, dont go to the wedding. If you do go to the wedding, don't make a big deal out of it.

Wow, that is fucked up. I think I would ask her why she did that, but then again I'm not sure there's anything she could say that I would want to hear.

Grab a gun and blow your head in the wedding, you will die and your sister will be fucked eazy

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um that sucks, but you do realize you did that shit to yourself yeah?
I would not be surprised that if your relationship with your sister isn't even that great, considering you already tried killing yourself, so she might've just invited you because she had to cuz family. can you really blame her for wanting to put her friends, someone she does like to the room when you demonstrated that you are just a ticking time bomb? why would she want to invite a depressed piece of shit to the so called best day of her life. its supposed to be all about her and the groom, so she gets the say.

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bruv you're the inconsiderate fucker who decided to attempt suicide before someone else's important day of their life, and you rsvp'd already. have you considered how you are being a nuisance to someone else?

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Make a second attempt at the wedding

ppffff baby mode

step it up a notch and yell something about how you should have been the one and how you guys fucked every night since 14 then blow ur head off.

user you are lucky, now you have a pretty nice excuse, weddings are shit

Listen to this guy OP, he's a wise man.

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Holy shit, I'm sorry user
She really is a woman...
I hope everything will be alright for you. I'm sure someone from your family might let you sleep in his room, or book one there for you, everything will be alright.

Show up to the wedding blind fucking drunk.

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If it's important for you, just go, and forget about the room. Didn't you learn anything while planning your death? STOP GIVING SO MANY FUCKS.

It's your fault you stupid shit.
Next time don't fail
>or just fucking grow up, you worthless skin sack

I like how you think user, how about the night before the wedding op suicide in the church and with blood op write in the wall "you make me do it " or some shity note like that

what if you break into there hotel room and kill yourself under the bed when they're at the wedding they might not find out until a week later and if so they would prob smash on the bed and they would find out and it would scar them for life.

Take that roostie

Or instead in the hotel room, in sister's house

>all these assblasted normies and roasties

Don't complain about your sister, OP. She don't give a shit about you.

nice one sherlock, really glad you could've caught that.

also op you a real faggot this time, you the kind of faggot who tries to kill himself and fails and posts on Jow Forums, and you expect you family to really enjoy your company?

Just don't go user, she doesn't want you to be there obviously

bring a microphone or loud speaker to her wedding and ruin it by playing lil pump whitney

cant wife no bitch ooo
cant wife no thot damn

record it and put it on youtube to make money off views and subscribers

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