Be me

>be me
>It's my wedding day
>at the alter
>Bride's dad is a judge, so we had him officiate (marry us)
>Dad's killing it, classy routine with some jokes sprinkled in
>"Let me tell you some things about the bride and groom"
>"user is a hard worker, user sucks at golf, etc"

>"user works out... Obviously. I mean just look at him. I mean, he has to since he eats like 10 times a day, but it's a testament to his work ethic and his dedication as a man."

Me and my friend both decided to start lifting at the same time like 6 years ago. He's swole. At the reception, he said "remember when we were skinny fat? You would never have guessed that someday a fucking judge would call you jacked in front of 150 people".

I think I might have made it, boys. Yesterday, I married a woman who looked like a Disney princess and a judge declared that I do even lift in front of a crowd of people. It's worth it bros.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Post wedding night sex-tape

I’m happy for you user! I wish you a happy life and a successful and loving marriage.

Good stuff, user. I'll be doing the same in about 6 months. Now we just need to leave Jow Forums.

>inb4 mgtow autists sperging

post body

Happy for ya man.

Once you make it, you need to hold it

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You made it. But never forget you can unmake. Good luck once your future. Full steam ahead.

Older picture but accurate.

Thanks bros.

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What I like to hear user

Congrats user

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you'll be divorced and miserable in 10 years

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Good shit, user, congratulations.
Now I'd tell you to go enjoy the moment elsewhere before the 'bwaah wristlet/heightlet/etc' fags emerge.

Nice man, do you run?

i do construction work and it's physically taxing but i want to get fit for rugby which involved running, i guess i have the sort of "natural" strength but am unfit as hell.

Atta guy. Time to start grinding 2nd Tier. Now the real fun begins. Don't forget you never truly make it.

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Just for warm up before lifting. Do starting strength. Lifting combined with a physical job will keep your bodyfat low enough that you won't need cardio at first

Congrats, legit happy for you, OP. Now fuck off forever, you now normie shitbag.

nice, i want to train for sports though, so i probably will keep weight training but try focus more on cardio than weights thanks

alpha finger thickness


Once spaceghostpurp called my buddy a crab in the bucket over twitter, good times man.

Ah fuck. I guess I'll go make a Facebook profile now.

how old are you?

Congratulations man. Remember to keep working at it to not lose it!

mulan wasnt a disney princess

eat the rice. pay the price

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I don't know who/what that is

31. Decided to get fit around 23. Legit hit a second stride of my life. Started hanging out with more sociable people, got more confident around girls, etc. Met my wife at a bar 4 years ago. Finally decided to man up and make it official last year.

Congratz dude wish you the best and many healthy babies!

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Gratz, though no amount of lifting or banging Disney princesses will save you from being a wristlet

Are you blind? His fingers are too small for his wedding ring.

Congratulations user!

See you back in a few months, when you end up crying how you got divorced. Why people marry in 2018, is beyond me.

Grats user
White kids above replacement level please

>Dark body hair


Congratulations user. I'm genuinely overjoyed for you. Now please, fuck off forever and make the most of what you've earned.

Live for us, who cannot.

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Low risk raw sex

Congrats on making it man

Show wife, faget.

Have fun in a few years when she leaves you for Tyrone and takes half of all assets.

Who even cares for a judge opinion, these fucks just talk a lot.

Nice blog post faggot

looking real good user

Im proud of you user. Thanks for sharing.

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I married my gf and 3 months later she got pregnant
before marrying we were living 1 entire year with my parents
from the very moment the baby left his tummy she went completely nuts, this was 7 months ago
she locked herself in the house with the baby, the first days she constantly asked me why I was leaving (to work), she said that I was going to sleep at my parent's house, she never kissed me again but at the same time kicked me of the house because I stayed talking to a (female) neighbor for 30 minutes, she rejects my family, specially my mother, doesn't let me be alone with my daughter and a fucking ton of other things
I left her a week ago
the female brain is really something

What an ugly ill fitting ring wtf lmao, are you trying to be Big Daddy Kane or something?

Post wife

ouch user, what the hell is wrong with grills brain srsly ?

Congrats user! Don't know what they say in the US but in my country we wish 'have a stone house'; meaning have a strong household that shall never crumble.

>the female brain is really something.
Woman are in most cases underdeveloped, weak-minded, easily susceptible for mental illnesses to the point where we men think it's just how a woman mind works. They're strange inferiour creatures sadly. Wish it was different.

Godbless u magnificent bastard.

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godspeed m8

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Man do I wish the same with all my heart.

They aren't used to their instincts being wrong. And by wrong I mean anti-social and bad for their own wellbeing and that of those closest to them.

We males are used to tell instinct to shut up, by puberty we know we can't fuck everything that moves.
Girls don't have that fucking drive, they have other drives, and in general they're considered acceptable, like the instinctual drive to flock to strong (not only physically) males and test males close to her for that strength.
When those crazy post-partum instincts hit, they're already trained to accept them and act on them, so they will.

Godspeed user, mirin them hands, no homo

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Congrats, dude, hope your kids will mire you the same.

That is interesting.
I worry about settle with my gf now desu. She doesn't want kid anyway but she already have some crazy moments so idk what to think about that.
It would be easier if I liked men.

>It would be easier if I liked men.
it would be slightly harder to have kids tho

This is why we desperately need a return of stoicism. Either the stoics return or our society will crumble.

I recommend this op and everyone else itt

that's good man,that's real good

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>I married a woman who looked like a Disney princess

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Welcome to the married boomers club brah.

>get married
>post on Jow Forums the next day

Like me, you're here forever, but dude go enjoy your honeymoon and give your wife more dickings.

>the very moment the baby left his tummy
>his tummy

What's even the point of getting married if you can't brag about it to a bunch of teenagers on the internet?

Well done user

she had a c-sec


can't you at least google it?

>Leave Jow Forums

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You have made it, user!!
Thanks for the inspiration.
Be a good husband and father!

More of a why the fuck arent you spending more time balls deep in your wife


How tall are you?

Congrats user! Genuinely hope your marriage works out and you stay happy unlike mine

>Be me
>Wife starts cutting herself outta the blue
>This shits gotta stop
>Shoots herself with a 9mm point blank on purpose
>Noped.jpg the fuck outta there
>Pic related

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wtf why?

and you didnt help her seek psychiatric help?

You are an inspiration to us all user, you dun did it. Now stick to it

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We're gonna make it brah. We're all gonna make it.

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Marriage is retarded. But it she's as pretty as you say; you have, in fact, made it.

I dunno, we was married for around a year, everything was chill, bills was paid etc until she decided self harming was a good idea, attention would be my guess

We went to a shrink after she cut herself, got her meds changed, then literally 2-3 days after the shrink she shot her foot, I'm not gonna waste my time on some cunt who can't be happy when the world is full of girls

Was also worried she'd decide to shoot me desu

Thank God you left. You need to look out for yourself. She could have pulled some crazy shit on you.

>"user works out" is the only good thing he could think of saying about you
>there is literally nothing worthwhile about you other than the fact that you spend half your time picking up heavy things like an autist

Sad desu

>letting an old man insult your golf game

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I feel for the father, his daughter must be a superficial dumb thot, and he tried hard to put a positive spin on OP's only "quality", which is in reality nothing but an expression of extreme insecurity.

He never said that was the only thing said about him you bitter brainlet

Based and redpilled

Congratulations OP!
Thanks for letting us know that we can all make it, also don't listen to the crabs.
Have a Buddha on me, as gifting it will bring you luck and prosperity.

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Getting married was the best decision I ever made. Don't let the incels and bitter mgtow types ruin it for you.

Go find a nice cute girl from a stable family and you won't believe how happy married life will make you.

I'm guessing English isn't your first language huh?

Good show chap


My gf has anxiety and sometimes she starts crying seemingly over absolutely nothing just some thought she conjured up in her head.

ive been with her for 3 months right now and things are perfect between us, loads of sex, and we are totally in love but is she quite likely to go crazy as things go on? especially when kids are involved?

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OP is making it. He’s a faggot but he’s making it. That means we can make it too buddy. Never give up

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im kinda in the same boat if some based user could help us

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I wifed a crazy thot back in the day. Now she's a MILF, and much less crazy.

Work with her. Encourage her to see a psychiatrist, no shame in doing that. There is probably some past abuse that caused her trauma. There's no shame in taking meds to increase qualof life. The best you can do is be understanding (even if you have no fucking idea what the absolute fuck is going on), hug, love, and support her emotionally.

My mom is like that too sometimes and it worked for her and my dad for 22 years now despite it.
Thinking about it now, maybe thats where I got my depression and suicidal tendencies from.

im the total opposite to her, im calm, collected and confident in most situations, and thats what i do tbf, i just reassure her and tell her its all gonna be fine and that i love her. crying is usually a great therapy for her she crys for 5-10 mins and then she is totally sweet

I was mainly thinking of some of the horror stories ITT where the girl just becomes unmanageable, i can deal with anxiety

>she quite likely to go crazy as things go on
>hen kids are involved