I think that this is a blessing in disguise, that game is a fucking cesspool. 1
>14 year old girls give up the second things don't go their way
>constant feeders
>no one priorties towers or anything
>I have to be the tank bc no one else wants to
>spomoene gets first blood and they ff
it's a fucking nightmare
I allmost made it to gold, but then someone intentionally fed.
I quit for 3 weeks and then dropped to s2
someone wasn't doing their job and I called them out for it.
After that I was banned.
I think that this game is trash and filled with the scum of the internet. I don't want to play this shit again, but I probably will in six months.
What are your thoughts on this?
Got banned from league for 14 days
Why do you talk about the game if you're not even d1?
op if you want some good piece of advice you sell your account right now becaase the next time you get banned its a permanent ban
trust me dude
>silver 2
yeah you probably shouldn't play the game
I tried playing that game a few years back. Just gave me massive anxiety desu. I don't see the appeal at all. To me the only way to enjoy it properly would be to be really good at it, and the only way to be really good at it is to play it literally all day for a very long time. Not worth the investment as far as I see it
>white guy
>muslim apologist
How much onions did you drink today?
>playing tank
that was your mistake. you gotta play healslut to carry
user... LoL's been dead since 2015. I quit back in 2014 when I almost made platinum but got a bunch of feeders and got demoted to G4. Now I just watch it because LoL is fucking garbage to play
if you are below plat, you are the one who is bad stop blaming ur team.
also' /mute all ' is a thing
Dont worry about it. Ive been permabanned 3 times in the span of a year. Ive been looking at my chat logs every single time and they have been getting better. Game is gonna die anyways
>I think that this game is trash and filled with the scum of the internet. I don't want to play this shit again, but I probably will in six months.
>14 year old girls give up the second things don't go their way
What other games has girls to play with?
someone has to take the hits. If not, it all goes to shit.
>What are your thoughts on this?
That you must have sub-100 IQ if you're hard stuck silver. I made welfare plat (5) in under 150 games on my first account after getting the minimum number of champs to queue ranked.
it's like the holocaust all over again -_-
why do people continue to play this shit when it apparently stresses them out
Ahaha wow I'm glad I left league in s4, the girl gamers were bad, only playing op champs while being supported by some guy(s), but that bad?
I haven't played League since January, and I started in season 1. Seven fucking years.
Drop this game, user. It's not worth the anger, and the amount of time it eats away is absolutely ridiculous if you aren't a super casual ARAM player.
Also this game is now considerably different than it used to be, it's full of jaded veterans and the only new players are around 13 years old, the playerbase will NOT get better. The design now also flavors flashy combos, so if you aren't gifted with good reflexes and ability to pull off quick combos on a mechanical level, you're absolutely fucked. It used to be MUCH easier to play League some years back.
Also you're contributing to the cesspool yourself, obviously. It's actually pretty hard to get banned if you aren't an absolute, total piece of shit in the game.
If everyone below your d1 stopped playing the game, you'd stop playing it too because Riot would immediately shut down the servers.
And then you with your hard earned platinum would be the new silver. Not like there's much of a difference nowadays, silver is just smurfs fucking around and 12 year olds who just started playing and will soon catch up with your rank or stop playing entirely.
I am too dumb for this type of game
>he still plays the game after preseason 8 which basically fucked everything good the game had to offer
>implying silver level back line mages and ad's even know how to deal damage in team fights
lol lad you should carry yourself out if you really are better than silver (which i doubt)
How are you not able to carry in S2? People don't know how to lane in that mmr so if you do know how, then you will carry, even if you have a bad teammate, because there will be a bad player on the other team.
I just came back to league after a 2 year hiatus and am already platV after 70 games, all I do is play ahri/tf mid, ez/ashe bot, renek/jayce top, lee jg, sona sup