What's your opinion about this guy?
Isn't he fucking 100% right?
What's your opinion about this guy?
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never watched him once
you should, he makes much sense in what he says. he could cure all of r9ks problems
He's an idiot. His core idea is that academia and society have been taken over by postmodern neomarxists. Even though postmodernism is fundamentally incompatible with Marxism.
Marxism is a modernist idea, a grand narrative about class struggle. To be post-modern you must reject any and all grand narratives. Post modernism is anti-Marxist. What he claims to fight does not exist.
Most of his insights are just stuff you could find in any self-help book from the 90s. Its embarrassing how popular he has become on the back of regurgitating pop-psychology.
also he claims to be a Nietzschean while at the same time refutes everything nietzsche said by promoting christian values
we had this thread yesterday
what is you problem OP ?
Faggot that siezed opportunity to cash in on lonely people without offering any solutions in return other than a lot of mambo jambo bullshit and word salad that doesnt help
His presentation and personality is a bit too masturbatorally intellectual for me, but his message of being strong and disciplined, taking control of your life, and freedom from dogmatic ideaology isnt bad at all.
He's an obscurantist who's loved by retards. This video actually perfectly sums up my thoughts about him.
>he makes much sense in what he says
No he doesn't lmfao.
Except he puts it in a logical, scientifically sound framework.
>Nietzschean while at the same time refutes everything nietzsche said by promoting christian values
Thinking that Nietzsche was happy about the breakdown of Christianity. God this place is full of dumb cringy fuckers
I think you're correct on that. but I think its more that he uses the wrong word for it.
why is it embarrassing? lots of people find truth in his words
I had to work yesterday, I actually never saw him on this board.
nietsche was about creating you own values and not blindly following what was written in a book \
>I actually never saw him on this board.
Too bad desuarchive is down right now
>why is it embarrassing? lots of people find truth in his words
It's like when people find Oprah inspirational. It's just embarrassing.
He's a pseudo intellectual offering nothing more than empty platitudes.
>I think you're correct on that. but I think its more that he uses the wrong word for it.
It's the basis of his whole ideology and he gets its fundamentally wrong. Does that not make you questions some of his other insights?
He just combines pop-psychology 101 with reactionary politics, all with a pseudo-intellectual veneer. The only people who like him are those to stupid to see what he's really doing.
like what? how is it empty?
he's a more intellectual than pseudo
why would you
reply like this
>Does that not make you questions some of his other insights?
not really, I'm not that much interested in his political view but I can certainly find some strength in his words when he says you have to develop yourself and become a stable person who has goals in his life.
The man is a tenured professor at one of the best universities in the world and has countless citations as a researcher. Disagree with him if you want but calling him a psuedo-intellectual is fucking retarded
You have to prove to us he is 100% right, lazy fuck.
this is amazing oreganooo
No, he thinks Africa is going to be the next China. China has an average IQ of 105 while African countries range from 67-84. It's patently delusional.
kek, cause im jumpy
Source out of interest?
this is satire , right ? i mean he sounds like the most stupid psychologist of the all time . i mean they are all stupid and philosophical , but this? this is special .
It's fake obviously
Source for which claim?
Sorry, that he thinks Africa could be the next China
You're fucking retarded. Faggot peterson probably doesn't even read Nietzsche. Anyone who has any knowledge on philosophy or literature knows that he has not done his homework, and that he paraphrases more than most pseudos.
His advice could help but I never feel any motivation to do what he says in his videos. There's this video where he sums up his advice that could be good though but I don't have it on hand.
>Thinking that Nietzsche was happy about the breakdown of Christianity.
He was. Try reading Nietzsche you stupid fucking moron.
The fact that postmodernism and marxism are incompatable doesn't mean that people can't create a postmodern neomarxist movement. It just means that the movement is based on incoherent ideas.
This is a perfect fucking example of JP faggots. they don't read anything. They don't understand basic fucking skills, they can't muster enough motivation to clean their rooms without some pseudo telling them to do it, they can't even form a real argument to defend their overlord.
Case in point
>also he claims to be a Nietzschean while at the same time refutes everything nietzsche said by promoting christian values
Thats just not right.
Nietzsche criticized the believe in "other worldlieness" as a coping mechanism for nihilism and the stereotypical priest for using religion as a justification to be a burden on society.
Following nietzsche religion is but a tool for humanity to justify its suffering without a clear goal.
But because religion is loosing its footing in the modern society, society is losing this justification for its suffering. (god is dead)
If a society has no justification for its suffering it becomes nihilistic, not in an instant but over time. This nihilistic society is self destructive by definition.
Political ideology is just a substitute for religious believe.
What peterson is offering is a justification to endure the suffering of life.
As well as tipps on how to minimize your own suffering.
I at this point do not care about having a rational meaning. I just care about making it through the day without wanting to kms.
And his ideas help me to realize that.
Im sorry for my bad english, its not my first language and im currently slightly drunk.
what? that you're fucking retarded? Nietzsche is not even hard to read. I don't know where this meme came from of saying Nietzsche actually meant something totally different than what he wrote in his books.
I think Peterson's Jungian critique of Nietzsche is about right. We can't create values; they ARE within us, but they're found, not "created."
>Nietzsche is not even hard to read. I don't know where this meme came from of saying Nietzsche actually meant something totally different than what he wrote in his books.
His prose is definitely clear, but it's rather nuanced. You can lose track of what he's saying over the span of a few pages if you just skim it.
he's the intellectual flavor of the X amount of time
we have done this before, and we have become extremely effective at it
remember TJ? that's the point.
t. Center-Left
>remember TJ?
The Amazing Atheist?
>80% of the thread complains about him
Because most robots like to complain about everything. I highly doubt any of you are smarter than Peterson, and I don't know why you have such nitpick complaints about him when he's basically the biggest mainstream advocate of the robot.
>Nietzsche is not even hard to read.
If you have an IQ above 115, sure.
He is wrong about everything he says because he used post moderninsm and neomarxism interchangibly. he also said cultural marxism once and this is wrong because as we all know there was no cultural marx.
it's an impersonation, wasn't actually him
Average Destiny viewer
Nietzsche: Christianity is a plague on humanity.
You: hmmm it is unclear exactly what his attitude towards Christianity is, but I am leaning towards it being positive.
>hey guys clean your room
>also don't collectivize white boy, you're not allowed to do that
>jewish influence? lol sounds like racist whitey to me
>I'm extremely profound because I get my speeches from a thesaurus
If people actually listened to what he says, nobody would follow him, but he uses the longest words he can find to describe basic self improvement and to condemn ebil nazees.
He told me to watch Ghost World and Crumb.
I do not undertsand enough about jungian psychology to make a confident statement about your sentence.
However i would like to propose an idea of my own thats been bothering me for a while now.
Maybe someone in this threat might help me to make sense of it.
The form our society, we as humans as well as our morality take is a censequence of the world we live in.
Morality (maning) is created by the same mechanism as are our limbs and organs.
Whatever moral helped our ancestors to survive in the least ineffective way made it into the moral we have today.
Insofar as moral is a justification to endure the suffering of life i would like to make the case that you should see moral and emotion as well as any other interior part of your mind as a tool justifying its existence by beeing a benefit for your survival.
We can not judge moral/ meaning by using a ideal or a feeling like pain or pleasure but rather by the abstract concept of human survival.
I hope this makes some sort of sense. And please do correct me if you find anything funny about my statements.
I'm a little bit suprised, thought jp would have inspired some robots. or at least they would admit he is right when talking about making a better person of yourself.
getting people motivated has everything to do with how you bring your message.
>but he uses the longest words he can find to describe basic self improvement
That's not true at all. I've listened to a bunch of his videos and he speaks very clearly and concisely. Listen to his recent debate with Eric Dyson if you want to hear real word salad.
Also it's not "basic self help". There are a million self-help books published every year and none of them are as successful as 12 Rules. Why do you think that is?
He's good except for:
>pussy-foot around the question when asked if you believe in god
>admittedly make no argument for the existence of god but claim god is necessary for any reasonable moral truths
>completely unwilling to admit a real distinction between abstract and concrete truths when debating Harris, leading to hours of talking that goes nowhere, while simultaneously deride the "New Atheists" for putting no emphasis on that distinction when discussing religion
>claim no atheists exist, disregarding the aforementioned distinction
It's kind of pathetic.
Truly, I think it's because most people here are so dissatisfied with life and are so used to complaining about things that they automatically do the same with someone who could likely help them.
based lobster daddy
>postmodern neomarxist movement. It just means that the movement is based on incoherent ideas.
This hits way to close to home. I wish we could just get rid of the post-modernists and have all proper marxist movements.
you will get the same benefit without the obfuscation
He's alright but neoconservatives are using him as a gateway to their other outlets like Shapiro, Lauren Southern, Milo and other ''Muslims and leftists are eebil, wars for israel'' pawns
This makes me intensely dislike his unwillingness to reject Israel.
>itt: neckbeard losers pretend to know more than jordan peterson
if JP knows so much why does he need to take drugs to function in society? Sounds like the first thing he should have figured out was how to function without them.
>Listen to his recent debate with Eric Dyson if you want to hear real word salad.
just listened to the debate, it was somehow remarkable how incompetent dyson is. he is no component for fry and peterson.
I dont know.
why don't you like him?
>I don't know
that's always the answer I get.
Not as brilliant as his acolytes think he is.
Not as bad/evil/stupid/wrong as his detractors
think he is.
This is the final answer.
If you find his pop-psych self help useful, then
good for you. Go for it. I found his bible lectures interesting.
Some of his evo-psych stuff in his 12 rules is
highly questionable though desu.
He can give you a few good advices based on common sense, but when it comes to philosophy and analysis of history, he's a self-contradicting idiot, for example: claims to believe in christian moral values but at the same time his favourite philosopher is Nietzsche who was completely against them. In one of his lectures, he quoted Camus saying that it was Nietzsche. He wants to find ways to solve today's people's problems but has no actual idea what they actually are and how to solve them as he doesn't have much contact with those in his enclosed world of academias.
tldr he's just a boomer
lmao why take medicine tho
what do you expect? I didn't know he did before you pointed it out.
>uhhhm I'll let you know my marijuanna is medicinal so it's not a drug okay?
I don't know what I expected. I for sure can't come up with an excuse for how you can pass yourself off as someone able to give other eople advice when you can't deal with reality without being on drugs.
>deal with reality
bullshit, whats your reality is not his reality. If you disagree with him fine. but not listening because he's on drugs is bullshit.
>his reality is not your reality
sounds like something a stoner would say. you can't do existential philosophy when you need drugs to cope. and he says he likes Nietzsche. apparently he didn't read the Birth of Tragedy.
Okay, I very much agree with you that drugs suck and one shouldn't have to use them to function (and certainly never recreationally) but "his reality is not your reality" is a perfectly valid statement.
Not a stoner, not that it would matter. What drugs is he even on?
there's is only one reality.
He has depression; and from his account, to a pretty extreme degree. Would you tell someone with schizophrenia "if you're so smart, why haven't you figured out how to function with that?" No, you fucking ass burger, you wouldn't.
serotonin reuptake inhibitors specifically. so the happy feelings last longer.
I would say that someone with depression can take all the drugs he wants, it's not my concern, but that he is no position to give me any kind of advice on how to live.
I'm no expert but I think our brain is unable to capture it. everyone has a own version of reality. we dont have the same reality as a ant for example. and I dont see why he wouldnt be able to practise existential philosophy while on anti depressions.
why not?
obviously his experience is different than mine. no two experiencers experience the same.
because he is weak.
I wouldn't say he is weak, he got some university degrees, he is a professor at a respected university. generally he has succes in life. thats quite the opposite of being weak.
no, it's not. I am talking about the strength to handle reality as it is.
If you think it's "weakness" to take drugs to correct a major psychological imbalance just so you can maintain what for normal people is a baseline level of stress and pain, you're an ignorant god damn moron. He isn't on heroin all day in an endless blissful stupor, he's on just what he needs to be to function.
surely you mean physiological. which there is no evidence for him having. they don't actually do any kind of measurement before prescribing these drugs. they just ask about symptoms.
In any case he is on drugs that make him feel better because he is too weak to not use them.
You dont know reality as it is. I thought I pointed that out. ''reality'' is nothing more than chemistry in your brain. I think you are fucking stupid
any adult with a house and food that begs people for money is scum in my book
He says the same stuff your mom or gramps would say but repackaged
He is a religious fag geeg
You should just listen to his colleges, you might need some help.
stop using reality to mean experience. you are obfuscating the conversation with your lazy choice of words.
a person who is a heroin addict is also just experiencing brain chemistry, the point is that the drug user(both the junkie and the peterson) are adding another filter between themselves and reality. because they are weak.
hes right about many things like how im a manchild because my mom gave me what my absent father didnt give her and whatnot
there's many things he's clearly correct about regarding psychology but anything outside of that he's retarded as fuck
I have never been diagnosed with anything. If I was I would never take any substances they gave me. Because I am not weak, like Peterson. I do not need drugs to prevent reuptake of dopamine and serotonin.
Psychological, physiological, in this case they're directly correlated. And yes, there are actually biological markers you can see in a depressed person compared one without it like decreased seratonin production or a shrunken hippocampus, but merely going by symptoms is all you need to go by in this case.
What your ignorant ass doesn't recognize is what a relative term "weak" is as you're using it from the perspective of someone without depression. This is like someone with a handful of pebbles calling someone "weak" for needing help trying to carry a boulder on their back.
I think a lot of moms and dads didn't say what he says. so many parents are fine with children sitting 29 hours a day behind a pc. not doing shit. like peterson said thats fine when you are in your 20's but not when you are in your 30's.
this guy is 100% confirmed brainlet, lmfao
He gives life advice that sounds like the sort of advice a parent would give their child. clean yor room etc
and he has weird as fuck cognitive dissonance about religion the way robots have about women
It's just like brave new world the good people need their soma to carry those big boulders.
I have an IQ of 155, which is higher than peterstein's reported one.