How's your life going user?

How's your life going user?
Do you have enough to eat?

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Not really, but I'm used to it. Its comin up on almost time to kms anyways

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No. There's food in the fridge but it's not mine. I'm broke asf and hungry asf. The kitchen is never clean so I have to wash all these dishes before cooking and I don't have a car so I have to walk 2 miles to the store every time I wanna get groceries and only as much as I can carry in 1 hand. Also I have a massive appetite, no matter how much I cook I'll always eat it all within 1 day, if not 1 sitting. As a result it's usually a whole lot of time between meals, I eat once every day at best, sometimes only every other day. Feels like my entire day revolves around eating.

Oh yes I have plenty

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Uhh, I'd rather starve desu

Oh btw the lower fridge isn't actually plugged in, I just use it to keep the mice off my food

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Why are you gonna kys user? What's your story?
pic related was what I ate last week it was fucking delicious but the ingredients cost all my money I had. Also took forever because I live in the part of town where no stores sell Asian stuff like dumpling skins so I had to make them myself by hand which took a really long time. I made bulgogi and a fried egg too it was so good I can't stop staring at the picture and reminiscing cause I'm hungry asf rn. Boutta walk the 2 miles to the store rn, I had some Kratom and a beer first for motivation and I'm just waiting for it to kick in

>Tfw ywn be a cute rich girl
>Tfw ywn get a poor robot bf who you will cook for and make their life better

>dvw ik veel minder eten heb
je hebt tenminste eieren

>tfw only Chad gets cute rich girl

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No I do not. Haha.
I spent money on booze for my friend.
I'm responsible and healthy.

>How's your life going user?
It's alright from a financial standpoint but I'm also depressed so whatever.
>Do you have enough to eat?
Yeah, I just chose not to.

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Funny story btw. I'm not dutch nor do I speak your language, but I get ~180 Euro per month from your state just by living there. Thanks for money bro, or as the holland people say: "bedank".

Up to my neck in debt, no one will hire me, parents hate me because my brother is making it despite being 5 years younger and anytime I'm around them I leech somehow. Its just gonna get worse from here

It's 'bedankt'. I said I was jealous because I don't even have eggs. I haven't eaten all day. Yesterday I ate just 3 cookies. How are you getting 180 euros a month? Can you talk more about that?

i know that feel.
Moving out into the school dorm next month myself.
You just have to find something to do that youre not shit at and that does not make you want to kill youself.
I live in germanistan so i can apply for ~225 euros per month in benefits as well as 300 euros per month as a loan.
Even if life becomes hell after you move out its still better than beeing the constant punching bag in your family.

I don't live with my parents anymore but I quit my job and tried to kms and failed (well actually pussied out). If you're gonna do it, make sure you succeed, and be sure it's actually what you want to do.

I've been eating eggs, rice and potatoes for months now. And I can barely afford it.

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>spoon, fork and knife on magnets

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I like your magnet hanging system, you could also try hanging your phone on it for quick and easy access.

Belastingdienst pays me that for my apartment.

>two knives
Well, look at mr aristocrat over here

Why the fuck is your silverware, and everywhere else, so Goddamn filthy? Did you just give up in life? Do you live by yourself? What's your job?

turboneets are so filthy, I swear. If I got my fucking hands on them I'd clean their entire houses and not stop until every fucking inch was spotless.

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Clean your fridge.

I don't know, it just ends up this way.

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mate, maaaate

I fucking want to beat the living shit out of you.

Who /cleanroom/ here? It's one of the few things I put effort into but I do take pride in it.

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240 lbs
>I think I have too much to eat
>actual food too

And I thought I was living in a pigsty. Thanks for this.

It's still salvageable user....please do something

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Yeah same but that's just because my room is so fucking empty with only a bed, a carpet, laptop and a bit of folded clothing in a basket next to my bed. I don't even have any wallpaper. My room is so small and I can't get the tiny window open. I was overheating during the heatstroke and just tried to position myself as a starfish on my carpet.

Same house?

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Take out the trash. Clean. It's that simple.


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I feel you bro. No A/C, no shade around the house, weather gets up into 100+ and the wildfires start up and the smoke pours into the house. Pure hell.

jeez who lets it get so bad, at least it appears to be getting better as time goes on

Chronic depression

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i have a small container of Skippy peanut butter and a tube pack of crackers
that's it
well, that and like 3-4 water bottles
oh, and a vitamin
yeah, that's it

desu living in that garbage would make me depressed too. Clean it up maggot.