Probably a newfag question but i dont care

Why are we called robots and why is it called robot9001 anyway? Ive casually been on this board for about 8 months and i still dont fucking know.

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>Why are we called robots

who is that in the image?

>Heheh muh reddit amirite
If you cant even answer the question for me then youre literally useless. Die.

I wonder if there is a website where you can type questions like this in and get answers. Hmmm.

>why are we called robots
>meaning you as well

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rara anzai, user.

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There's an automated script (aka a "robot") that this board uses. If you read the sticky(s) then you'll see that the robot filters unoriginal content. For example if I merely typed "anime" as a reply it would probably get blocked by the robot because at one point in time someone else typed it as a comment. The point of the robot is to encourage originality in posts. The 9001 is a Dragonball z reference I'm guessing? Aka "IT'S OVER 9000"

Unironicly lurk moar, nigger.

You're one of the good ones. Thanks. This thread can die now. But if you virgins wanna keep it alive and keep spamming reddit thats cool too. I have a 9/10 babe in my bed waiting to get fucked. So see ya

Newfags OUT, your kind isn't welcome here.

It's bait...
Honestly the fact that you fell for such obvious shit is a bigger indicator of newfagdom than anything he said. Be better than this.

>on a Tibetan dog grooming forum
>having a significant other
I'm laffin.

>mfw a bunch of electionfags rush in to call op a newfag

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i dont know moonspeak
whats her english name? like emily or what?

What about this is bait?
Do you just assume that every question that seems obvious to you is bait?

Xkcd came up with the idea and chanman ran with it

It's 9001 because robot9000 was shut down and when it was brought back it was robot9001. As in the next version.

Before the >tfwnogf took over.

>Probably a newfag question but i dont care
in the title
>needlessly pointing out a specific timeframe of how long he's been here
>The fact that he didn't just take 2 seconds to google the question
>His second response calling everyone virgins and mentioning his 9/10 girl in his bed
You'd have to be pretty dumb to not be able to spot this easy bait desu. That seconds response is some "shit was so cash" tier shit.

lmao nice one buddy

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>itt: a bunch of virgins proud of how many years they've spent on this god forsaken site tells a normal guy that he is lesser than them

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This board is called that because it was programmed to put out constant original content, and robot9001 is just the name of that program. This is why you can't type accent marks, and why people put "original" at the end of common phrases.
I don't know why, but it seemed that INCELs and generally "nerdy" (as most people would call a lot of robots) people seemed to populate this board and most of its reputation come from this group. So "robot" is just a pejorative for people using this board as an alternative to normal society. Read Encyclopedia Dramatica, look up archives threads, and read the History of Jow Forums blog, they'll get you caught up on most newfag empty gaps. It's kinda like reading comic book, there is endless information online for any point of confusion.

I've been here for years and still don't know

I just looked up what robot meant and why this is called robot9001, and I didn't get any immediate answer.
OP could've already looked it up, and just assumed it would've been faster and easier to just ask on here instead of actually trying to search for the answer.
>>His second response calling everyone virgins and mentioning his 9/10 girl in his bed
How do you know it's the same person as OP?