Which style is the best and why is it Tomorrow?
Which style is the best and why is it Tomorrow?
Other urls found in this thread:
>He doesn't use oneechan
I don't need my waifu staring at me while I browse all day
You can turn that off. And why wouldn't you want to look at your waifu?
A custom style.
because maybe life will get better tomorrow
I love those tabs! upvoted!
Yotsuba B is the best by far
i use tomorrow cause its dark, fuck bright shit that hurt my eyes
>He thinks they're ironic tabs
>implying that's not even worse.
There is no original tomorrow
Fucking white paper waluigi
wait why fren?
I agree with you. It's the one style that doesn't look insanely outdated. It really reminds me of the youtube dark theme.
cant let myself fall too deep into the rabbit-hole or i may never find my way out
how df do i use oneechan,i tried before and it just fucked up everything
Because 4chanX just werks. I don't care about making it look good.
But the rabbit hole loves you.
It takes a while to set up. I can make a pastebin with my settings/theme for you if you want.
Proprietary, install gentoo.
What? 4chanX isn't proprietary
i would appreciate a pastebin
>He doesn't know
>not using photon
If I wanted to rape my eyes I'd do it with my penis, not some faggy style.