Post your screensavers, bots

Post your screensavers, bots.

Attached: Guitar+solo+from+hotel+california+plays+in+the+background+_db305a94a8f1dbd8729c0ef7c7cb66c8.jpg (648x595, 57K)

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Attached: download (1).jpg (225x225, 7K)

h33r 1+ i2

how the fuck is a screen saver real nigga like just turn the monitor off what the fuck

Background, whatever the fuck you want to call it.

you mean wallpaper you absolute tard
way to fail at making a thread

this is my wallpaper atm

Attached: 1532552275489.jpg (1162x860, 124K)

Remember the oldass 3d maze screensaver?

Attached: 1491160659593.png (1920x1080, 66K)

since 2016 through different phones.

Attached: Anime-wallpaper-6760862.jpg (960x854, 198K)

Gotta love Kentaro Miura's backgrounds.

Attached: 406048cc0f10a326aed24eef9b62dab5.jpg (2133x1512, 1.23M)

Do the dash in the whip
Count the cash in the whip

Attached: Untitled.png (1366x768, 738K)

I like this because I can keep my desktop black

Attached: 1513370017193.jpg (1920x2507, 720K)

A screensaver is not a wallpaper. Get the fuck out, boomer normie.

good ones

Attached: 1525846684975.jpg (8000x4500, 1.87M)

My current wallpaper. Originally

Attached: cropped-1920-1080-917740.jpg (1920x1080, 1.27M)

Made it myself, so I'm pretty happy with it

Attached: persona5.png (1920x1080, 59K)

I don't think he's a normie if he's mentally retarded

I have rotating papes, here's the current one.

Attached: 1506202965082.jpg (1920x1080, 439K)

>not using xscreensaver

JUSTice comes to all of us....

Attached: JUSTice2.jpg (960x640, 330K)

My monitor gets screen burn from youtube all the time. Is it on the way out.

Shore Trooper

Attached: image%3A33200_eightbit.jpg (1064x1600, 226K)

blue forest

Attached: Dark-Woods-1280x960.jpg (1280x960, 343K)

This one. Thisisalsoanoriginalpost

Attached: sunset.jpg (1680x1050, 213K)