do you think Jow Forumstards would still be Jow Forumstards if girls liked them? sometimes i wonder if their rage at society is just because girls don't like them and they have to express their anger somehow.
Do you think Jow Forumstards would still be Jow Forumstards if girls liked them...
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It's not. There's more to life than sex and validation from women, you fucking moron. You can't grasp the concept of a higher purpose because you're a retarded blackpill loser.
A lot of people on Jow Forums and Jow Forums are only bitter because of women's rejection. Others are bitter because of some great societal angst. Some are just bitter people.
It takes all kinds.
There's more to life than being a beta male who girls like every once in a while.
Jow Forums is mainly jewish agitators these days, but the people who frequent it don't do so because of inceldom
can't be sure but i doubt it, many of my friends are poltards just when they want to express opinions that you can't really say in public out in the daylight.
what is the higher purpose?
>board for desperate virgins thinks that the primary reason anyone would think differently to themselves is due to sex and women
Not all of us let women or the rat race for their approval define our outlook and existence
I'm no stud but I've had a couple gfs, but having lots of women is degenerate anyway
I'm an identitarian and have had interest from multiple women. Even when I would speak out controversially, women were flustered by my confidence and honesty. I wasn't autistic about it or anything, just subtle and questioning.
many Jow Forums users are old and married. it's not all kids on this site despite popular belief
>higher purpose
>racial politics
pick 1 and only 1
I don't think it's necessarily lack of female companionship but there's definately something odd about wanting to spend excessive amount of time on a cesspit board like that.
They seem to often form all of their opinions of a country they've never been to or know little about based on what Jow Forums says and mass media, which is insane.
There's a line you cross when you start to harbor these feelings of bitterness for too long.
fuck that dude in his underwear is hot
I've never been to anything in my youth years where the guys would just take their pants and walk around like that
Why is this 19th century idea of "everything is sex and its manifestations" retarded freudianism so popular?
>tfw not Chad
>tfw will never have any sort of sexual conquest
>tfw entirely inadequate yet forced to live and endure everyone's unwarranted hatred of you for being inferior through no choice of your own
>suicide is seen as cowardly
>standing up for yourself is seen as laughable
What a world.
god i miss college and slutty college girls
This, I would definitely say that this makes up the majority of Jow Forums's population, popularity, and success. It is literally the only place where I can say exactly what I want to say without fear of censorship or other negative consequence. Bitter virgins definitely make up a significant percentage of Jow Forums, but I would say the majority are just normal guys trying to keep themselves sane in an increasingly fucking insane society. It's a refuge.
Literally all you know about that male is that he's physically large. You have no idea what his face looks like. This is just pure fucking proof that being tall makes you ineligible for robothood.
no, i always hated being around women, they're annoying as hell, i get second-hand embarrassment when i hear a woman speak
i never had any interest, i have never been rejected because i never even wanted to pursue a relationship with a girl in the first place
It doesn't take a genius to see that the hallmarks of Jow Forums's culture (conservatism, racism, misogyny, etc) stem from the impotent rage of having to see your society literally and figuratively cucked by amorality and foreign elements. I don't agree with them and I would probably agree with them if I fit into their demographic but I understand why the prototypical Jow Forumstard would be driven to that madness.
I have that same thong as the girl on the right
It was part of a giveaway when I was buying sweatpants lol
i think the same way user.
Reminder this is the average Jow Forumstard that calls you a kike
>calls you a kike
oh no. it's like another holocaust.
Fucking potato face disabled looking faggot. Fucking hell he looks like a spastic or a Polish.
2 on the left are 5/10 max.
1 on right is the only one their slightly above average in attraction at 6, maybe 7 out of 10.
Normie women have such an inflated sense of their own sexual worth its hilarious
girl in teh middle looks like a girl I met on r9k
He's an amerimutt, which makes it even funnier
she is a real q.t. for sure
yes, but hear me
he has a hot body and the back of his head + hair fits the aesthetic of the hot girl
also you'd have to be a little attractive to be the first one to undress yourself amidst girls and colleagues, even drunk
judging that the other guy is still in his pants, this party just got started
either that or he has a small peepee and doesn't want them to know
how do u meet a qt here
Achieving your true potential. Religion. The army. Unatainable sex from women way beyond your league. Anything.
no way. she's far to cute to be on this board
Thank god I don't look like that. Kid, if your reading this seriously work on your looks.
Read the preface, it's short.
Takimoto predicted Jow Forums and Jow Forums. The whole book/manga/anime is a look into the lives of mentally ill, internet addicted NEETs obsessed with conspiracy theories, which they use to scapegoat blame away from their own shortcomings. The protagonist Satou manages to escape being a hikikomori when he starts taking responsibility for himself. Granted, he was forced into working by his situation.
I meant the aesthetic of a hot guy*
have fucked 50+ girls, have had literally hundreds of girls into me. hate women and am full 1488racewarnow Jow Forumstard. ama
It looks like he switched his left arm with his right arm.
>Jow Forumstard. ama
phew, so you're just a normie, thank the heavens
if you said you were a Jow Forums I would be more worried. now get out of here Normand
I went to 0 parties at college
Should I have regret that decision especially since I'm a virgin?
>things that never happened
nice try faggot
only if you think you actually would have gotten sex if you had gone
but if you're not a huge catch then you're just as likely to get lucky just using the internet as you would if you showed up someplace
probably more likely even
>no ur actually a virgin and lying!! lol!!!
no u. cool argument losercuck
You would be just the wojak who's sitting in the corner and complaining about how his feet hurt
It's true. You got us. Shut it down guys we've been found out.
Stop stealing your dad's computer to post on this board , and go to sleep, there is school tomorrow.
>Jow Forumstards are such virgins, they ain't cool like us r9k Chads right guys???
I'm successful with women and still browse Jow Forums on occasion. I have met with a bunch of "alt right" guys and most of them seem pretty normal with the occasional Autist neet.
A real Chad would never brag on an indonesian basket weaving imageboard, in Jow Forums of all places
Go to bed summerfag
Lies, all 9/10 Chads spend their saturday evening calling others losers on Jow Forums
Jow Forums are virgins but we are proud of it
Jow Forumsfags on the other hand are virgins but larp as normies
this. Jow Forums is basically Jow Forums but with larping users deluded enough to think they're above all the rest.
80% of men are beta cucks, any website where men spend their free time and pretend to be Chads are just larping
That board is full of edgy teens, some of them starting puberty only a couple years ago. Who gives a fuck about them. Literally just kids dude
no, Jow Forumstards are just people with not enough hobbies, friendships, real life experiences and ambition towards a certain thing
you know those annoying internet feminist instagram hoes and ""artists"" who keep using words like
>expressing my sexuality
>discovering my sexuality
>sexuality for me
thats it, they cant talk about anything else in life and they are so stupid they think there is anything deep about getting fucked in the ass while handcuffed and spanked. not like its the one thing humans have been doing from the very first day. no. its surely the millennials that discovered spanking and anal.
these people are just plain dumb, they think they are deep and interesting because their personality is so non-existent the only thing they can talk about is fucking. because no one other than them makes post where they "express and learn about their sexuality" they wrongly believe they are smart for doing so. what they dont realise is most people are too busy studying, working, making a living, achieving something, having fun. they reason they dont talk about their "sexuality" isnt because they are dumb, but because they have other things to talk about.
Jow Forumstards are basically the male version of these dumb cunts, they keep repeating the same shit and think they are woke for posting a bunch of autistic memes while everyone else in life is busy actually achieving something.
overall Jow Forumstards have it worse because all those insta hoes and internet feminists are from the top 1% umc families with a flat and a brand new car in a nice suburban area by 20. their life is so easy they have time to blog about stupid shit
Jow Forumstards are mostly 3rd worlders and neets from Jow Forums families so in the long run they are doing damage while those dumb cunts gonna get a job from daddy after graduating from feminist dance diversity
>Jow Forumstards are mostly 3rd worlders and neets
This is true, the only people who care about white "purity" are poor shitskin themselves with white women fetish, Chad is banging both Stacy AND Chaniqua, White women are also tasting all shades of cock.
Considering that conservatives are the only Europeans (as an ethnicity) above replacement level and that women find coservative men more attractive than feminist men you have to prove first they get less girls than average Op.
Reminder that every american flag you see on Jow Forums is a shitskin
>Europeans are a single ethnicity
lmao at this retard
Ignoring that, women don't give a shit about politics. You can be a liberal or a conservative, they don't care, as long as you express confidence in your beliefs and aren't a mouth breathing ugly retard, both things that Jow Forumscucks lack btw.
Also considering that I bet Jow Forumscucks can't shut the fuck up for 5 minutes without mentioning something about jews or niggers, is a huge turn off for women because it gives out insecurity
look at all those degenerates in that photo kek
>the chubby dude with the frizzy hair on the right with a woman hanging off him
user... I-I...
>being receptive of trannies or traps
fucking, praying to shitty fairy tales and dying in a pointless war is peak higher purpose. really profound stuff
Higher purpose in life is doing shit what you want and finding maximum enjoyment of the time that you have.
For me it's literature, films, vidya and music.
I'd want to kill myself every day if I had to support a nagging wife or some stupid retard kids.
I'm something of a Jow Forumsack and I don't have problems with women. I'm not quite Chad level, but I do well enough. I mostly became right-wing because I got disillusioned with left wing ideological garbage once they starting pushing transgender bullshit down everyone's throats. Once they went full unapologetic anti-white male, I began looking at other systems of belief as more coherent. Combine that with living in a poorer neighborhood out of college and generally maturing and continued learning and I wound up somewhere between fascism, libertarianism, and traditionalism.
>do you think Jow Forumstards would still be Jow Forumstards if girls liked them?
mad props on your stupid social engineering bullshit but so the fuck what
you have no way to change this even if it is the case, the sexual market is downstream of so much shit you get murdered just even touching that there's just no way
I doubt it if a girl liked them they would just act autistic so they can make a green text
>fuck off with social engineering
>fatalistic thinking
>mgtow talking points
guess he hit a nerve
Become dateable you fucks
>or a Polish
fuck off you dumb burger or bong, I'm Polish and handsome.
t. ((((((poIe))))))
t. ((((((britcunt))))))
perfect analogy. i used to call them the /mlp/ of Jow Forums. other boards hate them and they can't understand why.
>TFW 25 year old fat weeb manchild virgin loser
>Never got to experience this
Feels bad. I mean, my circle of friends had like weeb nerd parties, but it was mostly lesbians, fat chicks, and horny fat virgins at those parties. Pretty sure nobody wanted to see the fat lesbians and SJW girls stripping in front of everyone.
Because of college. When a place that was once meant and known for higher learning became a normalfag cesspool of drugs and sex, then you know society has meet either a huge bump, or an end.
So the Ferengi will come from Poland.
no one can or will become dateable because that's impossible under the current conditions
It's either be angry or kill yourself.
It certainly is with an attitude like that
>Become dateable you fucks
You think these people haven't tried for years with nothing to show for it?
Many girls like me and i hate niggers and hook nose people
dont know why im replying to this obvious jew bait thread but i dont use pol but im not a leftist so im a "poltard"
i have a bf and i still dislike people that act like animals (most blacks)
being bitter, despairing, and then blaming everyone around them and circle jerking on r9k/pol doesn't count as trying for years
The "if you can't love yourself you can't love someone else" meme is true, generally speaking.
if being rejected ever evokes rage, perhaps you aren't ready to be dating
>i have a bf and i still dislike people that act like animals (most blacks)
Good girl.
>higher purpose is hedonism
oh, how I laugh
im male
women are usually leftist pieces of shit
>literature is hedonism
laughing indeed
fucking racist FAGGOT
calling things as they are is not racist
blacks have lower iq on average, blacks are genetically predisposed to violence and criminal behavior
>blacks have lower iq on average
>blacks are genetically predisposed to violence and criminal behavior
An observation without any testable conditions
How is reading books and creating music hedonistic?
"Girls don't like them" is just a part of the general alienation and social rejection that plagues the Jow Forumsack and modern Jow Forums denizen in general. It's more of a symptom than a cause; the real cause is an inability to plug into society via marriage, strong friend groups and gainful employment. Men are already on the outside and less plugged in to start with, and a society that pushes people towards atomization therefore hits them first and hardest, which is what we have.
You could hand them a government issued waifu and they might be mollified but they wouldn't be changed. Honestly, for any over 25, change is a foregone conclusion; they'll never trust their communities again.
>40 hours a week
You call yourself a productive member of society? If you aren't working at least 18 hour days, everyday, then you are doing nothing for anyone.
Where can I buy pants like that guy has?
Doesn't most chads/gym bros vote right wing/republican retard?
Theres literally a woman hate thread on this autistic board the actual fug are you on.
most poltards aren't virgins.
t. poltard nonvirgin who has had cock sucked by a diverse group of gals.
im trolling r9k bc im sad and alone right now in my life and pol doesnt appeal to me
The honest answer is yes, no matter how much people try to deny it. Let's be honest, what we desire more than anything, is attention from pretty girls. We can try to make all kinds of arguments and justifications for how this is not true, but is IS true, and that is the harsh fact of life. If we got regular attention and affection from pretty girls we would be much happier and not always feel so full of angst.
how to spot the chad in any group; look for the tallest. The tallest sperg in this is a fat wide hipped no beard having Frodo looking ass bitch and he has a qt 3.14 hanging off him, it's all height
>hurr durr everyone I don't like is a virgin Jow Forumstard
Is this 2005 xbox live? Everyone is a virgin that I don't like?
>evil does not exist externally
I will now use this small inaccuracy to disregard the entire thing. Haha!