Raped her over 400 times

>Raped her over 400 times.
>Beat her several times.
>Starved her.
>Hanged her body from the ceiling and used her as a "punching bag"
>Dropped barbells onto her stomach several times.
>Forced her to eat live cockroaches and drink her own urine.
>Forced her to masturbate in front of them.
>Inserted foreign objects into her vagina and anus.
>Shoved a still-lit light bulb into her vagina.
>Set fireworks into her anus, vagina, mouth and ears.
>Burnt her vagina and clitoris with cigarettes and lighters.
>Burnt her eyelids with hot wax and lighters
>Tore off her left nipple with pliers.
>Pierced her breasts with sewing needles.


monsters in human skin

Attached: junko-furuta-split.jpg (600x318, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah this one's pretty fucked up.

Should have said yes and went out with him. Regret it in hell, roast.

roastie deserved it, kek

Attached: 1528410082032.jpg (179x282, 8K)

He was a bad boy though. I wouldn't call her a roast for rejecting him.

she was not in the wrong here

Interesting that the yakuza chose not to kill them. That seems to mean that they approved of what they did.

This shit makes me sad
And those fuckers just had to pay a fine for their crimes, or something like that

if you read the wiki page, you would see the leader got 20 years in prison

I just read that yeah. And the mother of one of the boys vandalized Furuta's grave for "ruining his son's life"
Their parents are to blame too, but in the end those guys are the worst scum on earth, shouldn't be released again in any society. I can't imagine the pain Furuta's parents felt knowing about this shit
Also as a woman I can't begin to imagine the pain those kinds of turture inflicted

>as a woman
opinion discarded, sorry

>sad ugly little bitter virgins hating on women thread

Who's the one they cemented into a safety barrel and poured hot wax on her?

>monsters in human skin
Aka women

beyond fucked up

>Set fireworks into her anus, vagina, mouth and ears.
Roastie got literally toastie

Attached: 635455.jpg (762x429, 68K)

>saving thumbnails
You deserve it too.

CHINKS truly the insects of all races

Attached: 1531599406612.jpg (240x240, 12K)

She must have liked it, otherwise she would have desperately tried to escape by any means necessary. She enjoyed being sexually dominated by Chad.

Quite based.
This. You want the freedom to only fuck Chad? Well men aren't just going to let you and do nothing about it.
Toasties spotted. You all deserve the same as her.

If she deserved rape and torture then you deserve to be eaten by Jeffrey Dahmer
Everyone knows you're just a larper who would never say that within 500 miles of her actual family members

Still doesn't sound much. The accomplices only got 5 to 9 years too. Even when it was one of their home.
No wonder everyone of them turned back into crime right after release too. Doesn't pay off to be kind to criminals like this.

Still the sentence here in Finland would have been even shorter.. With less money paid too

If she said yes and went out with him, he could have turned his life around and loved her. But she chose to humiliate him which caused her death. Should have went out with him and sucked his dick like her life depended on it.

Guys come on, this is like the one woman in the world that didn't deserve it. The guys weren't robots, they were lowlife gang members that disliked her because she was intelligent, pure, and willing to wait for marriage.

Reminder that after all of that she still absolutely destroyed them at Mahjong. Pretty based desu.

Attached: 1402005350927.png (696x720, 598K)

Looks like the real romantic sex is at it again

That's hot.
Turns me on in a femdommy kind of way

Nice impotent power fantasy

Some people suffer such a terrible fates. How anyone can believe in God when stuff like this happens is truly confounding.

The only reason you say she's pure is because she didn't get the chance to be a thot in her 20s like all women do.

I don't save thumbnails. I open the picture first. I saved it from someone who saved the thumbnail. And if I did save a thumbnail, it wouldn't get larger when you click on the picture you fucking moron.

you were with god before you were born, none of this type of shit happens when you are with god. You came here of your own choosing. This place, earth, is without god, thats why this type of shit happens.

Yeah it is a bit. I bet that victory was sweet as hell even though it pissed them off because she had nothing left to lose anyway.

>On 4 January 1989, the four boys challenged Furuta to a game of Mahjong, which she is said to have won. Out of frustration, the boys beat her with an iron barbell, kicked and punched her, and placed two short candles on her eyelids, burning them with the hot wax.

The Yakuza was fucking insane. Japs have no souls. one of their own cutie perfect virgin girls and they brutally murder the girl for no real reason.

Einstein had Asians pegged correctly when he said that they were bug people.

t. charmer

>saving thumbnails
neck yourself mobile poster

And just like anything else that's Asian, Yakuza is romanticized in the west.

Is it? I never heard about them until 3 years or so ago when I looked up about mafia related stuff all around the world. Do many people know about the Yakuza history?

What pisses me off the most is the fact that the parents and the neighbors of the boys KNEW that they were keeping the girl there and done fucking nothing. Maybe because they were afraid of Yakuza but still, Japs are some of the most fucked people in the world.

They just cover themselves in their cleaningness and cuck mentality of social hierarchy. But everytime there's a crime there it's some of the most fucked up shit in the world. Also, this guy ate a girl he was dating AND HE'S FUCKING FREE.


The fucked up manga and doujins should be a warning about on how fucked in the head these insects are.

He didn't date her and I also don't agree though. Japs have some fucked up stories because it's probably well documented. Never visit 3rd world countries like Brazil or Mexico. Some parts of those countries a lot of fucked up shit happens. Countries with shitty government. Maybe it's their aztec genes. When you see the gruesome videos that get released so often you realize that it's probably humans who are so fucked up. and yeah it's usually gang related like the Yakuza.

I guess it's the same shit in these countries you mentioned too, just cartels killing each other all day.

Why are Asian """men"""" such soulless monsters?

They've literally been that way for as long as their recorded history.

>tfw also female
>have guro fetish and this always arouses me
>tfw no abusive boyfriend to punch me in the belly and put a candle inside my pussy

We will survive for millennias to come, meanwhile you shitty dumb Whitoid will die out, just like the Neanderthals.
This just shows that intelligence has little to do with being wise and having good surviving/preservation skills.

Now just go die out, won't you?

well which race hasnt been a sicko ? ill give them $10

>Japs, kill people on the most gruesome way just for the taste of it
>Chinks, insectoids who won't even flinch if their closest family member gets run over in front of him, he'll just walk away and ignore
>Gooks, starve each other for death and torture animals

In fact, why these countries like to torture animals so much? I mean, they do it just for the "fun".

the chinksectoids strike again

this was at least 30 years ago

Polynesians are pretty chill.

youre wrong about the Chinese, they can be very good people.

Considering that Asians and the American Natives are closely related genewise, that'd explain a lot of the gruesome violence when it happens.

polynesians practice cannibalism. next

thanks for the irrelevant factoid, faggot

What kind of underage frustrated psycho are you ?
For fuck's sake, this place is so poisonous....

>strike again meaning present tense
>about something thats over 30 years old

looks like youre the faggot here.

maybe those islanders on that Andeman islands in India or whatever are innocent but who can know

Idk man, most chinks i met are autistic as fuck.

Maybe. Like fuck, just shoot the girl if you want her dead, don't need to go full Nanking on her.

the good ones are nice but admittedly they chill with other Chinese mostly

They killed some fisherman years ago.

ya but arguably in self defense

>">strike again meaning present tense >about something thats over 30 years old"

sounds like god alright

Attached: thisfaggot.png (469x470, 323K)

>just relinks his post

ultimate brainlet

HAHAHAHAHAHA the poos are already beating you. Not to mention all the Asian women with Mexicans and Hispanics. Face it lil boi. Your children will be speaking Spanish. No go play on your little video games cafe beta.

Who knows. Mainlanders seems to be hated worldwide.

Idk, i think the just got stranded there.

>jelly beana boi flexin


Maybe if chink women weren't such race traitor whores, this stuff wouldn't happen. She caused this herself.

Stay mad lil rice """"boi""'" we won't be barbarians like you. You also make some nice women ;)

>said the white guy fedora for the 1000th time, wiping the cheetos crumbs onto his shirt

im not mad, cabana boi. glad you appreciate our women.

>Raped her over 400 times.
>Beat her several times.
>Starved her.
>Hanged her body from the ceiling and used her as a "punching bag"
>Dropped barbells onto her stomach several times.
>Forced her to eat live cockroaches and drink her own urine.
>Forced her to masturbate in front of them.
>Inserted foreign objects into her vagina and anus.
>Shoved a still-lit light bulb into her vagina.
>Set fireworks into her anus, vagina, mouth and ears.
>Burnt her vagina and clitoris with cigarettes and lighters.
>Burnt her eyelids with hot wax and lighters
>Tore off her left nipple with pliers.
>Pierced her breasts with sewing needles.
muh dick right now desu senpai

Attached: 1d5[1].gif (367x265, 558K)


Topkek, you people have iterally 0 significance in this world.

> the poos are already beating you

At what?
At being DESIGNATED ....?

Based and redpilled as fuck japs
an inspiration for us all

Well, thank you, just got an hard-on that now I need to take care of...

>now he's denying it
Wew lad. You know you envy us. Literally every race lusts for us. Stay mad. And don't shoot me up when you see me with your women. I'll might even buy you a new body pillow!

and retards shit on women when they mention they have a soft rape fantasy
so unfair

This man is based and literally /ourguy/

its 4 teenage japs who murdered and raped her

How come less guys have fantasies like this? I find beating women way hotter than a woman cucking or stepping on me. Yet it seems more guys are masochists.

So, have you guys read her manga yet?

Attached: by6uG.png (970x1400, 443K)

>retards shit on women when they mention they have a soft rape fantasy
who said i do?

I did it in my edgy phase when I was 15 or something, good times

no i didn't
give me sauce

Asian """men"""" are like fucking ants. They'll rip each others' heads off, boil dogs alive, rape babies, etc.

No wonder their own women want nothing to do with them. They're disgusting.

Junko makes me sad, very time. WHy the fuck haven't the Japanese just fucking killed the guys who did this walking free? Hang, draw and quarter the fucker.

not even funny

>ITT: Jow Forumstards who worship Asian women
Lol at all the moralfaggotry here. You'd all be celebrating if she was a white roastie. But yeah, keep feeling bad for the pure Asian qt who totally isn't just like all the rest of the roasties on the planet.

nice projection, white incel

If it was a white woman, it would be just as bad.

He says, speaking a white language in a white country.

>I don't want some slut who rides the cock carousel
>If she had just said yes to having sex with this random dude she didn't care about....

I love robot logic

do you not see the nig hate threads where people post about nigs rapemurdering white women?


Modern Stories of the Bizarre

I must admit, with a white roastie that would be even more glorious

White women were made for BBE (big black eye)

Attached: dumb bitch gets fucking slapped.gif (200x119, 1.05M)

I don't think it was justified or anything personally, I just rejoice in the suffering of a female.

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humans are the real monster

Attached: 1521903064271.png (128x128, 22K)

I wonder why do I only feel bad about this stuff if she's asian

Gaubni must have been happy.

ok i'm done with it
nothing special desu
but 2d porn was never my thing to begin with