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Why do you lift and NoFap?
Robert Mitchell
Other urls found in this thread:
Kevin Carter
Quest to become chad
Aaron Young
threadly reminder that there's no actual evidence that no fap has any benefits at all
Gavin Scott
that stuff is pretty self evident. just try it out.
Jayden Brooks
It does wonders for you mentally. Iirc masturbation itself can be harmful but the act of stopping yourself from doing a certain habit creates so much willpower and new-found energy
David Miller
How about you try it before you argue against it.
Luke Kelly
I will not fall for your Jewish trickery
Liam Gray
Jason Cook
I don`t do NoFap why would I quit a habit that burns extra calories and helps me falling asleep? I mean come on I tried it for a while but I didn`t feel any different. These stories where everyone is a social butterfly after not jerking off have to be memes or real good placebo effects. I bet if we could make something to give you more confidence we would read the same stories.
Jonathan Mitchell
Its my last hope
Alexander Wright
*make something up
Jacob Ortiz
im on nofap and it has sent me into a depressive lull.
this is the worst ive felt in a long time.
it either makes me a horny degenerate (wanna fuck fat people and prostitutes), or it kills all my energy.
Julian Gray
Masturbation burns tons of calories. Also helps you get to sleep earlier. Keeping semen in your balls for a day or a month doesn't matter, the same amount comes out nomatter when the last time you came was. The body produces more anyway. So if you don't fap, your body stops producing as much semen (making you lower testosterone levels).
Noporn is the way to go, with masturbation 1-2 times a day. Remember most porn companies are owned by Jews.
Easton Price
The amount of people that are strongly against No Fap is enough evidence for me
Austin Ross
Isaac Morris
Spoken like a true sheep.
Cameron Rodriguez
>t.schlomo moishe goldstein
Jaxon Howard
that actually makes sense
Dylan Hill
>the only way of proving something works is by having hundreds of studies done with the scientific method
>he NEVER relies on his own experience to learn new things
You are retarded. If you want to know if it works, then try it for some time. If it doesn't do shit, then you discard it, that simple. But you are the epitome of the disgusting modern man which relies on random people in a random part of the world deciding what is good or not for you instead of going out of your way to find what actually is good.
If you discovered that smoking heavily in 1900 made you feel very bad, and more tired, would you have waited years and years for "muh evidence" to tell you the contrary? Nope, you just stop smoking. The same with nofap, we don't need anyone to tell us what we can confirm with our own experience.
Dominic Mitchell
Based 1337 poster
Isaac Green
damn NPC
Jordan Gray
You smell Beta
Leo Ward
Colton Young
Just a reminder that nofap is only for low-test betas. If you are in any way high test, you will wank to relieve yourself of the urges. If you can manage to not wank from the urges you are low test.I have sources btw
Cameron Lopez
>the amount of people who are against drinking poison is enough evidence for me to start drinking poison
well, what are you waiting for
Nathan Smith
No fap actually does cause a spike in testosterone around the 7th day.
Austin Cooper
I unironically imagine Kaz and Ocelot shouting at me down the radio while I’m lifting to keep myself going.
If I’m stalling I’ll imagine them both saying stuff like
>come on boss, you’ve got this!
>finish this and they’ll tell stories about it, boss!
And then, when I’m done, I imagine Kaz saying
>set completed, and how!
Ryder Cook
Adam Johnson
This. Just because it was MIRACULOUS for you or another person doesn't mean everyone responds in exactly the same way.
Jaxson Scott
>i have sources
prove it
Gavin Ward
I can't tell if this is fucking cringe or epic.
Cooper Russell
James Murphy
Pretty insane that there are literally shills all over this thread trying to prevent people from breaking free from their masturbation habit.
I trust the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius more than I trust international globohomo institutions and the porn industry.But I trust my own experience the most; which has been overwhelmingly positive. If you’re on the fence try it. Worst case it’s just an exercise at one of the most tough/fundamental forms of self discipline a man can have.
Luis Richardson
Enjoy wasting all your protines
Caleb Brooks
It’s probably cringe, but it works
Lucas Adams
Jordan Clark
No fap just makes me insanely horny. I've noticed no positive side effects the few times I've tried it.
Daniel Walker
nice smoking analogy
Camden Hernandez
there's a(?) study that showed that it raises test. But that levels off after 5 days, so the entire "nofap" thing is bogus, yes
Jayden Cruz
The irony
Samuel Baker
It can depend. It wasn't good for me because of other issues. I'd associated the act of masturbation and watching porn with feelings guilt and inferiority. By gaining control over habits like that I ended up feeling better about myself. Doesn't really have anything to do with whether or not masturbation is good for you.
Caleb Reed
>t. expels life energy freely
I-it'll keep me from getting cancer r-right?
Bentley Gomez
Lincoln Price
okay listen up boys
i broke my 100 day nofap yesterday
this is what i gathered from it (it may not be applicable to you):
>increased energy
>constant sexual desire, faltlines few and far inbetween
>meditating sessions filled with sexual desire
>lack of concentration (i was all day thinkning about bustin a nuttè)
>0.5-1 wet dreams a week on average
before nofap (1-3 faps a week)
>decent amount of energy
>flatlines more often than nofap
>colder mind, more relaxed, more concentrated (not constant thoughts about sex)
both in those times i smashed PRs and had good and bad lifting sessions, i can't say i have noticed a big difference.
Now i cant stress this enough this is only MY experience. I encourage you to go ahead and trie a 3 month nofap, maybe it will do you good, maybe not.
The only purpose of my post is this. try it and see for yourself.
Logan Brown
I mean I don't know whether NoFap does any good at all (when I tried it just gave me mood swings) but that's not really good evidence. Like if someone says, I'm gonna eat nothing but my own armpit hair for the next month, most people reaction will be "that's fucking retarded", so maybe the resistance is more out of concern than protecting their own habits
Christopher Anderson
Don't get it.
Gets it. Sort of.
The point of No-Fap is often lost on people, because of the unintentional misleading name.
It was designed as a way of breaking free from Porn Addiction, due to the commonality of Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction, or PIED.
All other benefits are hard to verify, but the one thing it is good for is treating PIED.
The problem functionally with simply ceasing porn use, but continuing to masturbate is that heavy porn users will reply on the same mental pathways to achieve orgasm. Basically the visual porn memories are so strong that he can recall them in order to cum, thus keeping the pathway alive. As the porn memories begin to fade, it's hard for them to not simply go back to porn use. So from a functional stand point NoFap is useful in the early stages of breaking porn addiction. This can mean 6 months in many cases.
Eventually it will be ok to masturbate again, once actual sexual memories OR mental fantasies self created are able to be used.
Masturbating to your own fantasies or real sexual memories doesn't cause erectile dysfunction. Human men have been doing this since the dawn of time.
Obviously if you over do it your sex drive will be lower because you're getting off so much, but who has time for that? You'd have to jerk off a lot for that to happen.
Anyhow, the POINT of this is that the Porn is the issue, and the point of No-Fap is to help quit porn, in order to cure P.I.E.D.
David Edwards
reminder that jews broadcasted porn 24/7 to occupied palestinians
Lucas Jones
I lift because i want to be stronger, look better and live longer.
I DON'T nofap because it's actually helped my mindset more to fap to very specifically controlled porn instead of whatever happens to be on /b/ that day.
Jayden Gray
Or just screw around with your honey. Pussy makes nofap really easy.
Easton White
because i hate jacking off
Camden Phillips
Brody Evans
>Why do you lift?
For my Lancia.
That's my nickname for her.
>and NoFap?
Not doing it anymore.
I experimented with it for a good 5 or 6 months or so.
I still exclusively fap to mai waifu, I'm just going to stop planning my abstinence.
I'm going to go with the flow for a while.
Dominic Diaz
>porn addicts arguing there's no proof
kek we're just trying to help you cucks
Lucas Wood
For my 16 year old qt gf
Luis Diaz
That right there is why you're the best Boss, the One and Only!
Hudson Price
placebo retard
Lucas Campbell
nice wallpaper, saved
is there a set? a FOX, MSF, Outer Heaven one would be S++
Nathaniel Collins
More inbound.
Alexander Jenkins
The one I use mostly.
Anthony Gray
Robert Stewart
And another
Eli Gonzalez
There once was a pilot you see,
He piloted Choppers with glee,
He said with a nod,
This is Pequod,
Arriving shortly at LZ
Liam Jackson
Rose are red,
Violets are not,
This is Morpho,
Comin' in hot!
Cameron Nguyen
I broke NoFap today and I'm already realizing what a mistake it was.
Hudson Peterson
thank you for clarifying
Kevin Stewart
Study showing 3 weeks of nofap resulted in increased test. Cyclers btfo.
Evan Roberts
Legendary. Thanks for the lifting motivation user. May you be blessed with many gains.
Jonathan Perry
This guy gets it. You are addicted to porn, that is why people vehemently say "nofap is a meme" They need to keep their addiction going and can't even fathom going without their drug.
They will learn when they actually go to fuck a chick and their dick doesn't work.
That is what happened to me. Took 3 months of nofap before I was able to start easily smashing again.
The human male isn't wired to see that much ass. It fucks with your brain.
James Brooks
Cheers brother, right back at you.
Zachary Jenkins
>7 days of nofap now
>disgusted by shemales/traps (used to be my favorite porn)
>uncontrolable urge to bury my tongue in some thicc booty
Is creatine supposed to increase libido? I feel like a pornstar ever since I started taking it last week
Adam Turner
Withdrawal effects. Literally evidence of the damage it has done to you. It'll be better soon.
Hudson Martinez
thanks for addressing the jewish MUH STUDIES syndrome
Christian Williams
Chad faps, but its not a part of his daily routine -- hell his weekly routine.
Chad's natural affinity for an active lifestyle, rewarding job, quality women he cares little for, means he has little time for self-caressing -- and his mind rarely goes there in his quiet moments.
If you want to be Chad it will take more than no fap. You'll have to change your LIFE. STYLE. Significantly.
Chad confronts challenges with a steely glint in his eye because he doesn't fear pain, failure, retribution, or humiliation. He only fears the disappointment of his father (who must also be a disinterested Chad).
No fap is supposed to heal your brain from the constant (and eventually damaging) surges of dopamine to the brain. Its about healing -- not becoming Chad. Your brain needs to feel rewards again, not constantly expect them.
I did no fap for 2 weeks until last sunday when I flopped down on the couch and randomly fapped (no porn) and came in about 3 minutes. My gush was strong but my orgasm, without the visual stimulation my broken pleasure center expects, was weak. Its a sign that I am progressing. Fapping isn't supposed to feel "good" in the way that porn has wired us to.
I'm on day 20 of no porn. I crave it occasionally, but having gone 35 days earlier in the year on both no fap and noporn and felt and seen the great improvements I don't think I'll ever go back.
By all means fap. But fap once every few weeks. Not every week. Sperm is your life force. Don't fucking waste it on pleasure. Find a cutie and breed her.
Adam Scott
B-But.. guys need porn!
Aiden Richardson
Does fapping while sexting count as breaking a streak?
Surely it doesn't have the cuck association of porn cause I actually fuck this girl right
Samuel Turner
oh jesus what level of autism do you need to be on to think that it's a good idea to create something like this
Bentley Clark
holy shit man that's embarassing
Isaiah Adams
you are looking at a screen and jerking off. yes it counts.
Free yourself from the unnatural stimuli of technology.
Chase Lee
Venom Snake is my lifting inspo because's a 5'10 manlet just like me
Aiden Jackson
>summa cum laude, baby!
John Phillips
I've reached this conclusion as well.
Wyatt Robinson
Because i started looking at increasingly gayer stuff
Parker Evans
>it has no benefits
>aside from this one thing universally agreed to have a huge benefit