Are there any comfy girls on Tinder or are they all Stacys...

Are there any comfy girls on Tinder or are they all Stacys? By comfy girls I mean the Tumblr type or the type that likes "anime and videogames".

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Yes but be prepared for
>I dont watch anime that much
>I saw it on crunchyroll
>I don't use Twitter like that

Good. I don't even like anime I just want a comfy gf.

Try okcupid then or even better POF

Just had a girl with an actual biography and it said she didn't like traveling, going to clubs and those things. She prefered walking around town and calm stuff. I accidentally hit return on my computer twice and there's a bug on the page when you use the web version of Tinder. FUUUUCK ME, she was the only girl who might tolerate my lameness and sadness.

>being this confident shed reply to an r9k frog

Are there 18 year old zoomers like me on there too or just MILFs?

Bump. l must know.

I want to start using tinder, but I have too low self esteem to put pictures of myself online (whenever I take a picture of myself I think it looks disgusting). I've gotten complimented on my looks before so maybe I could get dates thanks to that, but if I have to use any sort of conversational skills to get dates, it's over and I'll probably become a wizard.

>By comfy girls I mean the Tumblr type or the type that likes "anime and videogames".
You mean the ones with Borderline Personality Disorder and far-left political and social views who try to become e-celebs on Jow Forums and are drug addicts and complete and total whores in addition to walking false rape allegations who use your hobbies simply as platforms for attention from men while not actually caring about the hobbies themselves and often directly causing their implosion? That's "comfy" to you?

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No I mean girls that aren't Stacys and usually enjoy anime and video games.

The kind of girl you're looking for is one in a billion and gets married out of high school.

Also pretty sure you're just talking about Ciara. That's not comfy, that's not what I meant.

Oh, so girls that don't exist outside of fiction. Not to sound disparaging, but how old are you? Why are you so naive?

If you want a girlfriend that has exclusively male interests and has a quiet introverted personality like a man, you don't want a girlfriend, you want a boyfriend.

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I already said I was 18. I know they exist somewhere, even if they already have bfs.

>mfw no Amaama to Izuma gf to feed me and get pregnant with our 5th child like any good mommy

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She's a Stacey in denial.
A me vs other girls type

Girls that like anime and video games are exactly like other girls in the ways you find intimidating.

If it makes you feel any better, you probably would've been swiped left.
>reads tumblr

>Are there any comfy girls on Tinder
No. The girls that tend to use dating apps are extroverts looking for orbiters. The exception are girls with mental problems. Both of which you will probably not like.

>quiet introverted personality like a man
Are you trying to say that there aren't any male extroverts?

I don't know what to tell you. They don't exist. The closest you'll get is the sweet-faking mentally-ill cunts I've already mentioned, and their whole personality is a lie. Girls like the ones you want only exist in fiction thought up by men. If they were real, and that's a gigantic if, if that were real you would be competing with millions upon millions of men who share your positive qualities except are funnier, better-looking, smarter, richer, more charming, etc. The chances of you or me landing a girl like that, even if they were real, would be essentially zero. You need to grow up or else you're going to get very hurt and crushed by some faux-cutesy whore.

You're right. originnirngn

Those girls are quite literally all mentally-ill trainwrecks with a long, long history of sexual partners and "drama." You're being intentionally retarded. The real world isn't like one of your Chinese cartoons.

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where do i find a cute sweater wearing gf that just wants to snuggle?

Not OP, but you do have a point, if what you are talking about is girls who will like you unconditionally.

As far as non-stacy anime lovers, they exist, but are more difficult to find than stacy anime lovers. The videogame part is the difficult one.

Up your ass and to the Ieft.

just got dumped by an art hoe i met on tinder
im fucking heartbroken

>Getting attached to women
She better have been seriously special to justify this retardation, user.

your moms already been there

tinder (and nearly all other internet "dating" services for that matter) is a hookup app, it is not designed for finding long-term partners.
better places to find a comfy gf would be:
>real life

Cancerous website with a cancerous format and a cancerous community.

>literally using a microphone, ever

>real life
Well, shit.

>Cancerous website with a cancerous format and a cancerous community.
tumblr's a pretty big site, you can't just generalize it like that. the kind of people you meet on there depend entirely on who you follow.

>>literally using a microphone, ever
you don't need to use a mic for discord. most people don't use vc on there, in fact.

Expect your heart to be broken, she's already had someone the same teir as you or maybe better. Maybe if you're lucky lucky you'll find someone who isn't so much of a douche but then again...Tumblr? 2013 calling

>tumblr's a pretty big site, you can't just generalize it like that
That's what all tumblr users say, but my experience is always equally shitty independently of who I follow, because the very format of the site is terrible. It rewards an attention-seeking mentality where you want people to check your shitty-ass board, where you reblog other people's "wity" jokes or whatever fucking images you are into. It incentivises a type of shallow interaction based on the appearance of your blog. It is completely incompatible with my personality, and no amount of use has ever made me change my mind on that.
Trust me, I've tried 3 times already, all of which for at least 2 months straight.

>you don't need to use a mic for discord
What's the point of it, then?

Did you answer the phone? What'd 2013 say?

ive had 3 longterm tinder partners

it really kind of depends what you look like and/or what your standards are. last time i downloaded tinder i got a girlfriend within 2 days that i had for 3 years. we hung out all day every day took naps together and played games until i moved to a different continent

i just downloaded tinder yesterday and picrelated messaged me a cheesy pickup line and is now arguing with me about how tom holland is better than tobey maguire (he isnt)

plenty of people use tinder to take naps and cuddle and play vidya

you just have to "follow rule 1 & 2"

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They're all Staceys, they all dress slutty, they all just want Chad, they're all party girls. Give up, there is no point on Tinder. If there are even a few comfy girls in your area they are scooped up by Chad who marries them

I don't know where to go irl.
Discord is good if you want to get catfished or want a long-distance relationship with someone you've never even met.
Same with tumblr except even worse because it's not a chatroom like Discord, it's just blogs.

Fuck off Chad, wow "follow rule 1 & 2" no shit retard. I love how you're giving advice but if we had your looks we could also get girlfriend easy. Your advice means nothing, none of the things you are doing or saying are the main aspects of your success

user he asked if there are any comfy girls on tinder

the answer literally just is: there are depending on what you look like

you don't have to be chad. i literally type like a child and look like im 16, BUT i have a pretty alright face sometimes and can keep an entertaining conversation going

with that said, i honestly dont entirely understand tinder. there's some fat ugly girls that have bios that say "6'0+ dont message me if u arent interesting" which means they clearly have a decent selection to choose from even though theyre fat and ugly

Do you guys ever turn off the show me on tinder option or just leave it on all the time

I often wonder what percentage of tinder girls are actually underage

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>comfy girls on a prostitution app

that's not comfy
that's not comfy at all

i was paranoid about people recognizing me but once i got a few matches it gave me the ego boost i need to stop giving a fuck

If people recognise you, it is because they also use tinder, so they can't call you out on it or make fun of you for it.

I have a feeling theyd show other friends like >guess who i saw on tinder xDd
for some reason thinking they belong there more than me

Might happen, but you shouldn't worry about it. Everybody has used tinder at least once.

this even though im im definitely not the kind of person that uses tinder. im certainly if a girl recognized me she'd tell everyone she knows in class like "look user uses tinder lol!"

even though its normal its just embarassing