I love it how humanity destroyed itself in the 21st century...

I love it how humanity destroyed itself in the 21st century, at the same time it declared that religion is now obsolete and we can think for ourselves.

There is, however, empirical evidence that humanity shouldn't live without God. That evidence is the west in 2018, and it's only getting worse.

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Most normalfags believe in god, at least in Europe. Low-tier bait.

I'm from Finland and like 95% of people here are atheists.

wrong and stupid
try again

In denial


Religion was the thing keeping humanity in check

Now that most people have decided it's a bunch of doodoo fairytales, degeneracy is at an all time high.
I wonder how long it will be until humanity has totally succumbed to evil, it seems to be going at a good pace lately.

People who are serious about religion are kind of social outcasts in Europe.

Calling it now: American and European conservatives are going to adopt Islam in the next 50 years.

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>the west's decline is because of a lack of "muh Jesus"

Yeah, I'm sure it has nothing to do with 3rd world immigration, people raised by single moms, and ghetto blacks. Christfag, pls go.

>expecting mongoloids to have faith
No point in religion if there is no soul to save.

my god, op.
were you molested as a child?

>people raised by single mothers
People wouldn't get divorced in the first place if faith was strong.
>third world immigration
Allowed by weak willed people, which are a result of the above.
>ghetto blacks
An American problem. Europe does not have that nany niggers for them to be a cause instead of a symptom.

That is if all Muslims don't turn into gays and atheists by then
The younger generations are extremely detached from the divine

Normies mock Christians who are their normies but Christians are at an all time low.

Whether everyone being christfags would solve those problems or not is debatable, I still wouldn't want them fixed that way. You can't prove that god exists, so it's stupid to believe it. We could also fix all those problems by becoming a hardcore authoritarian shithole, but that's about as desirable as everyone becoming devout christians.

Even as a atheist I can't say religion is obsolete.
It can give people a sense of purpose and direction.
However I disagree with the notion that humanity absolutely needs religion.

That's a load of kodo crap. Not everyone goes to church, but there's a great deal of people who are either still registered as ''evangelical lutherian'' (about 70% of the population), still believe in God or some deity or at least *try* abide by the Christian dogmas.

right, because life was so great in the dark ages. remember the black plague? they couldn't even figure out not to shit in their own drinking water. want to go back there? join the flat earthers.

fucking cave men child rapists. die.

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That was actually a good one. Have a (you).

Friendly reminder Sodom and Gomorrah = Los Angeles and San Francisco

>going to adopt Islam
conservatives hate islam and sandniggers to.

We're long overdue for some godly smiting action

Yes, goy, filthy Islam want to do all kinds of bad things to you like 9/11 *smirk*, why don't you watch my good friend Ben Shapiro? Don't forget to vote for Donald Trump, he's absolutely based my subservient friend!

Be careful what you wish for.

I'm all for God going "well this shit's all fucked" and hitting the global reset button

Nigga are you listening.
I'm talking about planet wide post apocalyptic gay skull fucking and biochemical warfare

Latin America, Africa and South Asia are all very religious but pretty shitty places to live. Irreligious west seems to prove that abandoning religion has good consequences.

t. american
most normalfags in yurop are atheists, retard

You aren't looking at the absence of religion. You're looking at the presence of Islam. Nobody has actually tried absence of religion yet.
>inb4 commies
>worshipping great chancellor comrade's dogma and Marx isn't religion

depends where in Europe. They are more religious in the eastern and southern parts.