Can anyone explain why "degeneracy" is a bad thing and NOT use memes?

Can anyone explain why "degeneracy" is a bad thing and NOT use memes?

Attached: yxf54.jpg (980x1400, 160K)

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Things are better when people behave better. I don't know why that needs explaining.

But having sex is fine. How does that hurt others?

Sex outside of marriage does hurt. There are probably tens of thousands of songs that you can go listen to on YouTube right now about the emotional turmoil that normies perceive that they go through.

Because they are a burden on the tax payer. For example they get into a car accident because they were drinking. Then one person died, the ambulance costs money and if your country has "free healthcare, you're paying for that too.

Just be normal. It saves society money

>Sex outside of marriage does hurt

Yeah, because normal, people don't drink? Stop shilling for normiedom

If it's a "one man, one woman" common-law marriage, I don't think anyone would judge, but it's more than common for two people to become intimate, and one of them to think it was special and the other was "their one," while the other goes off and fucks someone else.

>but it's more than common for two people to become intimate, and one of them to think it was special and the other was "their one," while the other goes off and fucks someone else
Most people don't really give a fuck about it. If the person has been a huge slut then maybe, but if that person had sex a few times before, most people don't mind. Also, it's pretty easy to see if a person is virgin or not, so no-one's deceived.

Most people are not God.

uh? What's that supposed to mean?

Things like Bestiality; you're more attracted to animals than humans which doesn't help society, and you would have to go way out of your normal every day routine to do stuff like that

Actual pedophilia; This can traumatize children if its acted upon, complicating things for the kid and making them unstable,

Casual sex; This can be complicated, its a case by case thing, PIV sex can produce babies and complicate things, and even protection can fail. and you have to trust your partner to help, this situation can be avoided unlike just normal living, since you have to trust everyone not to kill you. But of of both of you are the same biological gender its okay and there's no complications,

Also I'm dxed with autism, so I'm a degenerate by default and hated by everyone, ironically enough I'm smart enough to avoid degeneracy and want to wait until marriage for sex. This is so dumb.

It means that you should not follow other people. Follow God. Doing what other people do is like being an "original"fag on Jow Forums.

Morally questionable sexual acts and the normalization of them slowly erode monogamy and break apart the family unit.

Monogamy is a meme

opinion discarded
OP said he didn't want memes

define "better" retard
y'all need to get enlightened on moral relativity

You know what a better life looks like.

This is true.
The familial unit (extended family as well as immediate family) is the only thing that truly matters in the end.

If you don't have a basic social structure like this, you get fucked-up shit.

This is very true
can't stop anyone though from doing it though

I'm autistic and normies are more degenerate than me, dear god

What does it look like?
>inb4 more weasel words

I know what a materially happy life looks like but I myself am spirtually destitute so really, I don't

It means waking up and being happy. It means going to sleep happy. It means being happy at every point in between because your needs are taken care of for you before they are even externally perceived by the universe.

because the heart is valuable

Attached: Netero-Hunter-X-Hunter.jpg (1920x1080, 352K)

appeal to authority. Not a valid argument.

One can be a "degenerate" and wake up happy and go to sleep happy

Elaborating on this further;
The concept of keeping someone around to laugh at them, you're actively dehumanizing them, but I think there's some people who actually enjoy this kind of situation? Like I don't understand why you would do this? It has no benefit and there's no wholesome connection, its mindless raw human satisfaction

>having someone in your life who you just laugh at maliciously instead of actually connecting with them is degenerate
And I don't mean like, someone you're forced to hang out with IRL, if you can't get along with them its best to leave it alone.

>Most people
appeal to authority. Not a valid argument.

That's chemical happiness, that's happiness for retards, that's fucking shit full stop
happiness is not the goal of life, but who knows what is

Not him, but appealing to "most people" is actually argumentum ad populum

for how long, user?

Degeneracy is beautiful.

Attached: Doggo.gif (854x480, 222K)

whatever internet argument nerd

spiritual fulfillment is the goal of life

How would I know? I can't see the future
How many unhappy non-degenerates do you see around you?
Maybe we should let em be degenerates to acquire a modicum of happiness in what is otherwise an empty existence

every degenerate that I know is DEEPLY unhappy
they literally piss themselves at night because they can't control themselves during the day
the practical answer is less than 100 years. p a t h e t i c

That picture you posted should be all the answer you need.

Maybe you shouldn't seek out unhappy degenerates user
Maybe they're degenerates because they were unhappy to begin with
Maybe you should have better arguments than appeal to repugnance

>How many unhappy non-degenerates
they still have thoughts of degeneracy and wishful thinking all involving sex and cum in their lives
how many of the incel virgins who don't even know what the sun looks like living in this board talk about sex and fucking many times a day?
the problem is that it's reaaally hard to convince somebody that sex is not important in the society that we grew up with

Explain how in words or you're just making emotional arguments

we are all made in the image of God from birth
stop all the blasphemy

>Can anyone explain why "degeneracy" is a bad thing
it's literally not a bad thing
t. degenerate

I can't see how a degenerate would embrace such a label. Aren't you just alt-generate?

spiritual fulfillment i complete upon the realisation of christ (or god of your choice, faggot), then the goal of life is death
then again I'm definintely going to hell because I'm such a fucking faggot ( but that is the hubristic belief that one's own sin can trump divine benevolence which creates shame about shame vicious cycle) really I'm not sure but the alcohol makes it liveable

death is just another word for change
it seems we've reached the middle of the thread :)

Degenarcy leads to moral, social, and ethical decline. People become a lot more nihilistic, self-absorbed, and hedonistic and care more for the pleasures of themselves than the betterment of them or others (society).
Chasing pleasure leads to a hyper-sexual society where people care little for emotional connections and purely for physical which is terrible for the long-term and makes it harder to create and maintain a normal nuclear family unit.

The nuclear family unit is important as it is how one passes on their genes, heritage, bloodline, etc, and how one procreates themselves (through the bloodline etc) which should be the main goal of every human and is engrained in basic human nature.

People who fall into degeneracy will say anything to make it seem like its A-Ok to live like that and that they are happy, but i gurantee in the long-term they will be regretful.

you will dismiss every answer because it is totally subjective. Degenerating is when people stray from what we consider moral behaviour. we reinforce traditional norms because we think society will function in a healthier, respectful manner.

it's just a difference in worldview.

>not adhering to strict ex nihilo logic
Bovis stercus

>Degenarcy leads to moral, social, and ethical decline
Citation needed
>People become a lot more nihilistic, self-absorbed, and hedonistic and care more for the pleasures of themselves than the betterment of them or others (society).
People also become that for a host of other reasons. Like being a wagecuck
>Chasing pleasure leads to a hyper-sexual society
Hvaen't demonstrated that's a bad thing
>where people care little for emotional connections and purely for physical which is terrible for the long-term
>which is terrible for the long-term
You haven't explained why
>and makes it harder to create and maintain a normal nuclear family unit. The nuclear family unit is important as it is how one passes on their genes, heritage, bloodline, etc, and how one procreates themselves (through the bloodline etc)
You haven't explained why a "normal nuclear family" is better. You've just stated how reproduction works
>which should be the main goal of every human
You haven't explained why it should except some vague implication that that is how things have always been
>and is engrained in basic human nature
Weasel words
>People who fall into degeneracy will say anythingto make it seem like its A-Ok to live like that
You haven't demonstrated that to be the case, you've only suggested "degenerates" who speak up will say anything to make it seem like it's A-ok
>and that they are happy
Being happy is quite pleasant, can't argue with that
>but i gurantee in the long-term they will be regretful.
You don't know that unless you can see the future

You've literally said nothing of substance

and you are nothing of substance, alt-generate. no wonder you felt the need to reply.

because the more premarital sexual partners a woman has the more likely the marriage is to fail. So individually the guy has a higher chance of being subjected to alimony which is bad, but moreover the kids are more likely to grow up in fatherless homes an atomized families. single motherhood is proven to stupendously harm a child's development

maybe i could. are you religious?

yes. god is real.

which religion specifically?

>I have no argument
>I'll just call him a degenerate for disagreeing with me

>Citation needed
what degeneracy specifically are you talking about? Drug abuse? Sexual immorality?
>People also become that for a host of other reasons. Like being a wagecuck
You're moving the goal post. No one here said they supported spiritually devoid 9-5 life of capitalism.
>Hvaen't demonstrated that's a bad thing
Look up affects of single motherhood and how it relates to promiscuity.
>You haven't explained why a "normal nuclear family" is better. You've just stated how reproduction works
The nuclear family is the foundation of a healthy society. Again look at the affects of single motherhood. Or more primitive cultures who didn't abide by the nuclear family
>You don't know that unless you can see the future
There's plenty of women who are 30, childless, single, and incredibly depressed after they spent their youth and prime riding the cock carousel

Attached: single-mother-hardships.jpg (1082x792, 114K)

i dont want a mom that people pee on

degeneracy is a catch all term that's basically what society considers unacceptable, like necrophilia, pedophilia, and pissing in/on someone.
it resides from animal instincts like not eating crap or not doing this
some things considered degenerate are definitely bad but others are just taboo because the powerful people, mostly religiously motivated, want it to be so its easier for them to push their ideas or control others.
these days things are becoming less taboo but there's still a lot of gray area stuff that is called degeneracy

I love degeneracy just as much as the next fag, but even I can see how taking sex lightly leads to a far less efficient society overall. Its leads to single parent households, which lead to children being raised poorly, which leads to more degenerate adults walking around fucking shit up. Not to mention the spread of stds.

>what degeneracy specifically are you talking about? Drug abuse? Sexual immorality?
I don't know - he never established what type
>You're moving the goal post.
Maybe a tiny bit. Point was there are a host of other things that would cause said unhappiness that didn't involve convicting others of thought crime.
>Look up affects of single motherhood and how it relates to promiscuity.
In a bit, but I'll take your word on it for now. But that has little to do with chasing pleasure and more to do with having unsafe sex
>The nuclear family is the foundation of a healthy society.
Haven't established that. You've simply asserted it.
>Again look at the affects of single motherhood.
There is far more variation in the family unit than simply a mother father and children, or single motherhood. Like step parents. Or parents who have adopted. This has nothing to do with degeneracy and only one of the potential outcomes
>Or more primitive cultures who didn't abide by the nuclear family
Myriad of other reasons why this was the case. You'll need to establish that it was "degeneracy" which was directly responsible for the fall of said culture
>There's plenty of women who are 30, childless, single, and incredibly depressed after they spent their youth and prime riding the cock carousel
Seems simple enough to have parents raise their children with a greater emphasis on living responsibly, like getting educated, and using condoms. Nothing to do with why "degeneracy" is intrinsically good or bad

I never called you such a despicable label, brother. You're alt.

Hold on, what the fuck is an alt-generate lol

now, reality check time, how much do you have to prove to people on the internet?
to me it seems like a lot even though you'll never meet and this thread will be gone in an hour, so like cool your crap

Those who are still on God's path and creating good, new genes that NORMIES don't understand

A moral code is important to have or else you will become easily persuaded

But nobody's getting outright upset (I don't think)
I don't have to prove anything to anyone. But allowing the discussion to be seen is good enough. Maybe it'll get the noggin joggin in some user's minds

>"Those who are still on God's path and creating good, new genes that NORMIES don't understand"
never thought i would hear a guy disassociate normies with the religious

like normies are religious

I'm lost now dude
>you are nothing of substance
>but still on God's path and creating good, new genes that NORMIES
not sure if you're shitting on me or not. Thanks I think? I'm not religious at all though lol

define "better."

God acts through everything, even the clueless.
not sucking.

meant to say
>define behave better

behaving like you don't want to suck

>judges someone for using invalid argumentation to gain leverage in a discussion
>when judged according to the same standards immediately resorts to ad hominem attacks
spotted the nigger.

who determines what that behavior looks like?

ad niggerum attak

how does God communicate his determination of what "better behavior" looks like?

A normal person knows there limit, and won't drive if they've had too much. A degenerate gets behind the wheel thinking it's no big deal, crashes, and kills themselves or someone else in the process

Emotional appeal

to the first thing you said to the other guy
>god acts through nature
>god acts through animals
>god acts through his people
>god acts through the "clueless"
well then
>god acts through himself haters
>god acts through satanists
>god acts through anyone who commits unspeakable acts
god's plan starts playing

>lack of pair bonding is responsible for the wfall of the romans
>grasping at straws this hard because "degeneracy" makes you feel icky

>Emotional appeal
are you saying im using the fallacy of emotional appeal or God uses emotional appeal to communicate his defintion of better behavior?

the latter, anonymous

Degeneracy is the right's version of oppression. It's a buzzword and a spook used to smear things that offend their feelings without need for argument beyond "well I don't like looking at it and neither should you".

how does God do this, then?

You should have the freedom to commit any voluntary, consensual "degeneracy" you want to, but be informed and aware of what the consequnces might be for yourself and society at large.

I dunno man. Can you explain what you feel?

speaking of which you cant be arrested for most degeneracy so the only thing stopping you is societies views of you
>don't be an opinioncuck

can you without every explanation being GOD because lets just say, they don't write the single word GOD as reasoning in their thesis'

This unironically
>implying they will see the similarity and not just say b-b-but x y z means i'm more right!

>basing your values and personal beliefs on things set out by others
dropped, unless you come to god on your own you are a shameful disgrace to our lord.

Different people will have different things they find degenerate. The answer is it depends. Sometimes it's a sanitary issue, and not normalizing certain degenerate fetishes and finding disgust with them is appropriate and good for society and the majority.

yeah, i stub my toe, neurons and sensery organs alert my brain to feel pain and that i stubbed my toe. my mood worsens.
so can you explain how God uses emotional appeal to communicate to humans what better behavior is?

I grew up in a "christian" house.
I left it at seven and came back at twenty six.
better behavior is learning from your mistakes.

No, those links each answer different parts of the question. Casual sex decreases pair bonding in couples, stats show that there is an inverse correlation between the number of partners before marriage and the length of said marriage (this could of course also be due to other cultural factors, but I do think that pair bonding takes a hit from having many partners before marriage). The fall of the Western Roman Empire was caused in part by "degeneracy" which demonstrates why it could be bad for society. The story of the Eldar is an exaggerated version of this. I'm a relativist and libertarian myself, so I don't believe in forcing people to act in any certain way, but I understand how "degeneracy" can slowly erode society, as has happened in the past.

>better behavior is learning from your mistakes.
what does God have to do with that?

That is for you to learn.

>That is for you to learn
You came off as an evil villain with that sentence alone.

God is the monster under your bed. God is the thing that you are most afraid of. God is evil to the evil man.