The life of a wagie

I got called into work with only 4 hours of sleep after a 12 hour shift because it was busy. Thinking about noosing it up.

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>day starts at 8:29am
>ends at 3:08pm
>took a 1hr 15min break at dennys
>had the supreme omelette and double berry pancakes
>roastie waitress kept bothering me while I was eating but in short it wasn't the worst meal I had
>drove some 200 miles in my 2018 freightliner to a truck stop
>my day ended long ago and currently I'm playing monster hunter on my PSP and shitposting
Sounds like you need a new job loser

You drive a truck? That sounds comfy but Ive heard nightmare stories about you guys getting treated like garbage.

See user, there's a solution to your issue.

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Your mistake was answering a call from work, retard

i turn my phone off or don't answer calls from work.

I'm not on-call.
I'm not paid to be on call.

>I got called into work with only 4 hours of sleep

you're a total bitch

>Working on sitting down

The good boy life it is!
NEET man out

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Your first mistake was answering a call from work. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Truck driving sucks, and is for fat retards like I did that shit for a year and couldnt take all the bs anymore.
No more dealing with shitty american traffic, Dispatch sending you to pick up loads that aren't there, and fucking you over with pay.

I was busting my ass 50-60 hrs a week, making only 400$ a week since we were paid by the mile, not by hrs. I did the math once when I was waiting to be loaded and realized if I put in that much work at a normal job, id be making like 1000$ a week even with min wage.

Fuck truck driving and fuck all truck drivers.

I once worked 60hr/w $9/h for three months straight. I only got a little over $400 a week. So no, you wouldn't be bringing in $1K/w.

lol you're a liar and your bad at math.

When I was a security guard I was making 1600$(10$hr) a month just barely doing 20-30 hr work weeks....
So yeah, you're a retard and need to take a few math courses.

Ok retard. I look at my pay stubs.

This is why college is important. So you never have to do shit like this. Ill take a STEM job anyday than work a shit minimum wagie job

Uh huh
Sure you do, dumbass.

That feel when active duty 24/7 on the job.

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Furthermore your net pay is calculated by taking your gross, subtracting federal and state (if applicable, most states) taxes, fica, and miscellaneous deductions like work provided insurance (which I did not have). Also, $1600 a month makes no sense. 10*30*4 is 1200 and you would net less because of previously stated taxes and deductions.
You literally are a brainlet.

Lets do some math shall we?

10$ph x 30hr max pw x 4.5 weeks in a month (giving you the benefit of the doubt) = 1350$ pm

This is pretax. I dont know why Im giving a math lesson to a degenerate piece of shit like you but there you have it.

Im working as well as studying for my masters. Its only to pay the bills and survive. Its fucking tough out here man.

>not working in corporate

Kek, life is fucking bliss. When I'm working my ass off it's something I enjoy. When I feel like not doing anything, I browse reddit or even go to the free, private gym, all while still being paid hourly. Tons of meetings but they don't care if I'm on my phone when it doesn't concern me.

>seething retards
1350$ >400
You're wrong, just take the L and move on with your sad life.

Im glad thats the wage you were set at. Although even for you I think thats a bit high

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help I need a job. what kind of job should I look for? I graduated high school and have two years of college experience

What country bruv?

Also very orig

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>it's something I enjoy
Observe the bug man's false consciousness. To survive, he must internally justify to himself his position as a redunant corporate cocksucker. Also
Just kill yourself already you cum-gargling cuckold faggot.

burgerland. I served food at a restaurant for a few weeks and quit because I hate dealing with people. don't know where to go from here.

So you're saying no one could possibly be interested in software engineering? Damn, who's making all those threads on Jow Forums then?

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
There's always a Pajeet
Who's cheaper than you.

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Not really, the industry is suffering a shortage of workers.

Thats rough man. If you were in aus I could have helped you out a bit.

Good luck user.

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>he went to a mega
>getting dispatched to a load that wasn't there
>400 a week
JB Hunt or CR England is that you? I make no less than 1k a week and I'm dedicated so all that bullshit American traffic you're bitching about does not apply here
Tbh you just sound like a bad driver who's not cut out to be a road dog
How did you get dispatched for a load that wasn't there when they are supposed to ask you if you want to accept the load in the first place
You got shafted pretty bad my dude but maybe its fate because if I ever saw a faggot like you on the interstate you'd be having a nice dinner date with my DOT bumper
Maybe next time research your company before you work for them retard Dont believe the memes
It's TRUE a lot of truckers are assholes if you work for a mega but you later realize it's just a big circus and everyone is an act
Everyone fucks up in this industry and if you are getting chewed out about it it either is or isn't your fault
But as long as you dont hit anybody le severely damage the truck you'll always have a job
I pass by plenty of regards on the road each and every day
Also towel heads, niggers, old folks and other exneets turned truck drivers
Dont let the memes spook you

>because it was busy
You can always say you are not available.

>I'm not on-call.
>I'm not paid to be on call.
This is the correct way to deal with minimum wage jobs.

I had work starting at 9am anyway. Just them telling me to come in 4 hours early.

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Dunno where youre from but in Aus it is the law there must be 8 hours between shifts

Yeah yeah, whatever im sure you have.
Every trucker claims that he makes over a 1k a week and has the most perfect dispatch in the world and never has any issues....

I don't want to hear it. Fuck the trucking industry. I got tired of being away from my family and getting taken advantage of.
The trucker lifestyle sucked anyway. Never doing that shit again.

>How did you get dispatched for a load that wasn't there when they are supposed to ask you if you want to accept the load in the first place
It wasn't there, because they gave the load to someone else, or my dispatch fucked up.

Either way, that wasn't the first time it happened, but it was the last time. Told them I had enough and to route me in so I could go the fuck home.

>temp job finishes on Wednesday
>Get to go back to being NEET again

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I am in aus. I know its against the rules. I know Im underpaid. I know Im an idiot. Im looking elsewhere.

Im at my wits end.

>I know its against the rules.
Then go to fairwork and get a payout

>Good job

You can stereotype 75% of the industry as either fat, or divorced dad's trying to avoid paying child support.

There's a reason the industry likes to talk up the shortage of drivers. The shortage is in drivers who will take shit pay and agree to be treated like shit.

I got out of the industry due to the shitty pay system. Lots of time working that you don't get paid for. Living in a fucking truck. And never going home.

Post a pay stub. Seriously doubt you are taking in 1k net if you have time to shitpost and play on a psp.

>>I'm not on-call.
>>I'm not paid to be on call.
>This is the correct way to deal with minimum wage jobs
Exactly right user, used to work a a restaurant that would call up every time some shithead didn't go or called off, I would just turn off phone and go back to sleep