What should I drink tonight robots?

What should I drink tonight robots?

I am a lightweight and suggestions?

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Get trashed on boxed wine my dude

I really think you should drink 1lt of vodka

I had white wine last night. Finished the bottle. Feel like the cashier is mocking me when I take it to the counter

Who gives af what some roastie thinks

Fuck what the faggot cashier thinks, piss in his mouth and rip out his jugular vein if he so much as looks at you while ringing your boxed wine out

They don't say anything its just a feeling I go there almost everyday alone

rolling rock dude

Learn to not give a shit, you'll get there eventually if you keep trying

Drink Absinthe you R-Tard

Attached: absinthe.jpg (181x278, 9K)

That's what myself and my party buddies would do in our long gone scum bag days. We'd actually steal it from my parents. I miss those days of old and would do anything to go back.

I downed three cans of cberg, a can of guiness draught (fucking fenians) a shot of one of those tasty almond liquers and two shots of GOOD OL CAPN'S and I'm fucking rubbered already
whatever gets you going mate; I can already bear to look at myself in the mirror

Oh yeah you would feel grate after than. You can't but absinthe here.

I always forget how happy I am when I get drunk

Gin and juice, my favorite drink

It is a good combo. What juice though?

Wine is cheaper than beer but roughly on par with malt liquor. About 50 cents a drink

I used to drink a shitload of malt liquor but I am now a boxed wine man.
No bottles to clean up, no cans, no more daily trips to the gas station, just a big ass 5 liter box of red wine to drink at my leisure throughout the week.

Why can't you look at yourself in the mirror? You Orange cunt.

Since you're a lightweight, anything. You won't be out much money.

my all-encompassing self-loathing, you 5 6 percento pseudo-human

gin is good with fresh lemon juice and ice.

Degenerate scum.
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Don't ever give me a (you) again you piece of shit

Smirnoff, get a flavored kind since you're a lightweight

I got 4 (you)
Fuck you mommy's boy