
Wish I never threw away my Pokemon cards lads edition

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ORIGINALLY Where my /TimmyLads/ at? What do you think is the quintessential Timmy environment for a photoshoot? With pictures please.

there is this hot ginger trap who some people I know know but I've probably only seen in passing once or twice. Just been fantasising about fookin them lads

bit gay laddy

I'm not a trap you basterd.

There's tons of WMAF lad

Aww, mine are rotting in my loft somewhere. What was your best card?
Coincidently I just started watching the x and y anime today.

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to me. to you.

same. I bought pokemon cards again last year. Proper comfy it were.

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i wonder what sophie's pussy smells like

i bet it tastes minging

What was the worst date you ever had?

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All ginger girls taste like ginger you utter dunder.

*thinks about it*
*never had a date so can't answer*

apu wants to see the chatlogs

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Idk I will tell you when I eat it
By the end of the year for sure

And their bumholes taste just like ginger bread. Same texture as well

All this propaganda and still no Asian gf

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Bloody turks are taking over this town

We've got several kebab shops, 2 turkish barbers, and now a turk run fish and chip shop. They're probably a large proportion of the local mosque clientele too

Fucking roaches

Show me at least a couple of British adverts showing wmaf

Bonus points for paki females and white males

What do you mean lad?

I think the flat in Marlow was the quintessential Timmy shot, or in Oxford Infront of the bodelian library

My birth date

Apu is a fucking legend


Give us some examples, then

we tekkin ova cuntree. wite basitds

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You're just piggybacking pushing your gimmick now lad

I dont watch actual television so cant really comment. It's probably more to do with not wanting to hire white men that anything sinister though.
all these

I don't eat dates or raisins.

apu is the nonce poster

Best was a Shiny fossilised Gengar I think, was watching a video earlier about Magic the Gathering and it made me think of playing pokemon as a kid.
Watched a few episodes of x&y myself, not too bad but not a massive fan of the newest cartoons.
Didn't even realise they were still out desu, or do you mean second hand?

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>paki females and white males

No need for propaganda. Paki females and white males are naturally drawn to each other.

>larping as a girl in another thread
>people are buying it

Turkroach barbers are amazing though! I will never let a white man touch my hair again

Can confirm this is true lads

Cards are still coming out. There's a recent Charizard that is already a couple hundred quid.

>Scott Pilgram
>I think one of The Mummy
>anything with Lucy Lu
>Hell on Wheels

>a video earlier about Magic the Gathering
link it

t. flipmong aka boxlad

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Trying to get some nice scenery for a potential timmy helper I'm working on. Not sure if park or rented flat is best.

No he's just using it, ah actually DM posts apu's, you've posted an apu, ye fackin nonce

You just know some seething chink kid made this to post on r/hapas

Yeah he TCG is still big. They even re printed updated versions of the original set like in pic related which is cool.
I wish I had a group of friends to play mtg or Pokemon with
Yeah you have to have a kids brain like me to love it I guess

Who me?
I'll do a flip and punch you in the face mid flip

get tae fuck


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i have a few hundred quids worth of pokemon cards in my holo binder.

Why do you have to derail every thread? The lad was posting about The Chuckle Brothers ffs

>>larping as a girl in another thread
>>people are buying it

ebin trol lad ! xD

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Oi Franky, wot you doing in here?

don't tell me that I can't afford to get back into card games like this oh no
Just popped up on recommended, never played it myself but the card he's talking about is interesting.
Yeah, finding people to play it with would be the main problem

- HC to dm when he persisted with his demands for nudes

anyone wanna lend me some pokemon cards to go and trade in the playground

Ever planning to part ways with them or just gonna keep them for old time's sake?

oh you can afford it. some cards are just super rare and expensive though for lads who like to collect.

Tim looks like he eats a tub of vaseline a day


Brit/pol/ hates me

I didn't derail anything, i was retaliating. The nonce poster derailed it. And why link me and not him
Veru suspiciu as the japanese say

stole someone's pokemon card when I was a kid, gave it back when he cried and I felt bad

Do older poofers have to wear nappies, lads?

It's bio oil. He saves the vaseline for Teddy.

I kept getting scammed out of them

t. fight dodger

they're mainly new cards that are just rare. I have a full Eeveelutions EX set for example.

>why link me and not him
sorry desu my mistake.

activated your trap card innit

Make sure you get a good night sleep for Church tomorrow lads.

Why are a lot of incels on the internet so butthurt about interracial?

but once you start down those rabbit holes there's no going back
Glad you gave them back, we don't have bullies here
stop making me want to spend money on cardboard reeeeeee

Some little cunt tried to steal my beyblade in primary school.

HC handed out nudes like it was nobody's business. posted a bit of her nipple in the thread a while back

Everything that will be invented has already been invented lads

Make sure you get a good sleep so satan can mince into your astral plane.

No worries, made the same mistake myself a few times

comfy boys playing comfy saturday night tunes

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except the things that haven't been invented

My farts literally smell like sewage and rotten meat at the minute

but it's takeover tonight.
i haven't bought pokemon cards in a while, the new sets don't really interest me. I mainly just get the full art trainers and wank over the girls.

Because other people having sex is even worse when they arent even white or something

still feel like my mind is slipping boys

do you lads think its worth getting some benzos off of my GP, or should I try to willpower through this till I get therapy

Can't blame dmlad for trying to get his end away with the slut

Good luck getting them, GPs have been warned not to prescribe them as freely

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They're cattle rustlers, we're going to form a posse and head out on the prairie and go shoot them, you coming?

Never mix weed and lsd

If it's any consolation I don't think you're a bad poster. It's just Eddie spazzing out when the thread isn't about him.

I can blame nonces for noncing.

Alright, Crona?

not original kek

Funny thing is there's a lot of other /britfeel/ lads who have actually tried and even met up with the tranny, and they don't get any shit but DM does. Funny how that works

well bun getting anti-depressants
I'll just hope the suicidal ideation doesn't get too big

I'm sorry lads can someone link me crona's blog? Want to read about his heroin fuck up

no need for slander lad

>some concert in old trafford again
>the place is sprawling with white trash now that its over
>loud as fuck with that disgusting northern accent

God I hate chavs, I think they are legit worse than the fucking pakis in the shithole we call the north

He hasn't posted about it so don't bother
Also Hi Crona lol

I'm pretty sure the nonce poster has some sort oflove/hate thing for DM since he posts like him. Weird he stop posting all those wrestling webms since he left innit?

These lads talking about pokemon. Any yugioh man in?
>tfw got buster blader in a tournament

Post the logs DM, you noncer.

everyone is a little gay

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bfsn tbqh

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Oh you mean like SP, Andrew and Zeus? I also hate them.
I never left.

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Yea that was bizarre. He's clearly mentally unwell

>imypling the meme has any moral motivation rather than being mean "for a laugh"

That bald nonce Andy deserves to be mockedd into the ground if anyone

stan rogers is banging lads

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