Tfw Chinese American

>tfw Chinese American
>go to China to get in touch with my roots
>turns out China is really fucking awful
>now feel uprooted and without identity

now what

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stay in china you chicom fuck

Should've played Dynasty Warriors instead.

Identify as American you cum musk inhaling turbo retard


third post SHIT post

Just focus on the American part
and let encourage your sister to be COLONIZED

No, you're not and you never will be. Do you think it's somehow appropriate for me to move to China and call myself an "American Chinese" person? God, you fucking chinks have a nation with billions of you parasites, yet you decide you need to come to my country and whine as if you're some minority in the world. There are billions of you. Billions. You and your kind have destroyed California, Canada, Australia. We need to exterminate you all, but it looks like you'll be the new world hegemon. Fucking insect zipperheads.

All I ever played was Lu Bu desu. Fond memories.

You're not american either bucko. Your ancestors left europe because they were too weak to compete and were living lives of destitution so they came here as a last ditch effort. You're a failed european, not an american.

What kind of idiotic mindset is this?

Go to pol you thin penisd degenerate

Chinese culture got wrecked by the cultural revolution.

Go to Taiwan, chinkshit

Go do something then.
Oh wait, you're not because you're a pussy who's all talk.

Please. My family might be "failed" Europeans, but we made America the nation it is today. Chinks hopped on at best in the 1890s. My family has been tilling the fields of Minnesota since the 18th century, feeding America. Feeding you ungrateful little slants.

Ah, welcome to how I've been going through life for a very long time.
Fuck people, Fuck countries, Fuck the whole shitty game, you are you and that's all that fucking matters.
Take advantage of it, be american or chinese when you need to be. Do whatever you need to do to get ahead of the scum who cling to their identity and derive their self-worth from it.
It's all fucking worthless.

have to feel proud of what others done, but not proud of what you've done?

No wonder you're a loser.

Chinks didnt destroy California, Australia, or Canada. Rich spoiled entitled trust fund liberal fag self hating whites did. They are the ones who vote for socialism and anti white policies. Xing and Liu arent why those places are shit, its because of Connor and Dustin and Katie. Blame them.

t. Asians
Please go back to your country with billions of your fellow countrymen. Why do you think you belong in a nation founded by Europeans?

Find a non-Asian gf and contribute to the mongrelization of America

Attached: Half Peruvian Half White American.jpg (1080x1080, 111K)

This is your future. At least try to gain some insight on how to adapt in a way that would be beneficial for you and for other white people rather than posting pointless, vitriolic messages on Jow Forums.

What exactly have Asians done in the United States that could not have been done by European settlers?

Because we didn't choose to be born here. Why you think every European have your back when most European think you're a no body?

We don't need the validation of other Europeans, I'm just pointing out that's where we came from; that's who civilized and conquered the country, who spread the lines of electricity and railroad tracks across it, and farmed its fertile lands.
You guys moved here in maybe the 1890s, crowded San Francisco, fished the Bay to exhaustion, built little shantytowns everywhere, laid some miles of railroad, and have since been able to take advantage of only the most lucrative period of our history. Total opportunistic parasites with no sense of identity. My ancestors left because we couldn't practice our religion and worship Christ in the way God intended. You left your country because your parents wanted a slightly better job. Now your own countries are modernizing and far outpacing the rest of the world in pollution. YOU are the problem, not the tiny fraction of whites left in the world that created all the wonders you reverse-engineer and call your own.

ITT: Whitoid butthurt and reacting like they on period

Topkek, really amusing

I hope that all these Whitoid worshipping Chinks will realize the truth about Whitoids being a pest.

Imagine an unified East Asia under one banner to go on a mission to exterminate the Whitoids that are left on this planet.

I was born here. didn't moved here. My ancestor came here to get the gold. And no Christ has nothing to do with science.

So your family ran away because they were butthurt about some made up sky fairy while the chinese left for the US seeking wealth and opportunity? No wonder asians have higher IQs, lmao.

Stay in China, ricebot.

I have no problem with you people on a person-to-person basis. In fact, I think you guys have a pretty remarkable culture (before communism). But you know, it is seriously insane that you now outnumber us at Berkeley, founded by a "whiteoid". You have your own countries. You didn't help build America in any real sense and today you remain culturally and linguistically distinct from the country that allows you to live here, vote, attend our schools, drink non-polluted water, etc. I just don't understand why I'm supposed to be okay with you flooding into California by the MILLIONS and now OUTNUMBERING the people who built this place.

They are disturbing my swimming pool and sauna experiences.

Yep, the "made up sky fairy." And your family moved here to, what, piggyback on our innovations and societal structure?

Go to the Republic of China (Taiwan), which is the true China. Mainland China went to shit thanks to Communism. I've never been there but I've heard Taiwan is a lot more like Japan, and they actually still have their folk religion practiced there, whereas in mainland China the temples are all just for show. I'd love to visit both Taiwan and Japan, maybe Hong Kong but I doubt I'd ever set foot on the mainland.

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You know how this ends, shrimp dick.

>tfw Polish American
>go to Poland to get in touch with my roots
>it's fucking based and the last hope for the white race in Europe
>finally feel proud of being Polish

Communism was introduce by Russia.
A lot of Asian was thrown in America because of war of the past and present.
South East Asian, the war in Vietnam. where you think Vietnamese got M16 and AKs?

War in the middle east. Where you think they got the guns from? the mess cause by the U.S and Russian government.
Now Muslims are getting thrown in the U.S.

I don't know why we're expected to pity these people. They have so many countries to inhabit. They have an entire region of the world to themselves.

Attached: YellowTerror.jpg (476x530, 109K)

You mean the Jews, the Kissinger group. That's the (((government))). Look, I'm sorry. I actually have respect for you guys; I'd rather have you than the Mexicans or blacks. But America was founded by whites, for whites. It should remain a white majority country, and unprecedented mass immigration from the third world shouldn't be allowed. If there were simply fewer of you guys, it'd be fine. Nothing personal. If you're on Jow Forums, I like you person-to-person. I'm just talking demographics.

That's the government? Is it the U.S government you're referring to? Which doesn't change any of my statements?

Mass immigration. are we swimming over from Asia or something. I don't think we're coming by boats anymore either. Better get tighter harbor patrol.

Blame yourself

You Whitoids are all devils in disguise, stirring up shit in this world, enabling this and that and then cry about the consequences.

But don't be too sad, your problems will vanish like your race and all is fine.
Neanderthals ceased to exist eventually as well.

Just be american bro

Preach original