Want to cope with no gf?

Buy a fun car. Driving is the only reason i haven't hung myself yet
Pic related, i pretend i am a rally driver everyday

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>tfw i will never get to drive perfection in car form

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Thanks user, my only reason to live is to buy a fast non-shitbox car.
I hope it will be nice to drive, what ever it is.

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>inb4 cool spyder

Get a drivers car. The fiat 124 and the miata are great choices. The 500 abarth is good if you dont wanna spend as much

Save yourself the trouble and buy a motorcycle. Fuck up you die. No friends? Well your bike seats one.
"What did you do this weekend user?"
Rode my bike.
Easy, perfect robot hobby.

Motorcycles are fun too

I get self conscience when im ouy driving. I hate being seen and judged for my bad driving.

>Get a car
>Remember there are speed limits, cops, and bad drivers out on the road with you
>Gas is a thing

I don't see how you can turn "driving" in to any sort of hobby unless you are in some kind of racing club and have a track to go to.

i want to buy a mustang but my economic situation doesnt allow me, it wont happen in the next 5 years being optimistic, im stuck driving a shitty car that i hate and feeling like im not earning anything in life, fuck.

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>fearing cops
pussy. just keep an eye out for them
>fearing bad drivers
drive around them

driving is based

If you can raise $500-$1500, you can afford a Mustang. (yes, even one with a V8 or turbo 4)

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Invest in pic related; kept me from being fined/jailed more times than I can count. costs about the same as 2 speeding tickets; it pays for itself VERY quickly.

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So what? You don't need ungodly stupid high amounts of money to have automotive fun.

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Ya same, cars and motorcycles are keeping me from offing myself.

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> cops

If strict traffic enforcement is a problem where you live get a motorcycle. They are harder for cops to see and you can escape them easily on one to. I've escape cops twice on pic related.

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>tfw dont need to cope because have gf
>tfw i already have a fun car



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Can confirm op motorcycles and cars are the only thing I look forward to these days
>pic related
How I imagine myself when I ride

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>tfw alfa romeo won't bring us mutts stick shifts and the giulleta

> tfw don't need cope

More like:
>tfw I larp on Jow Forums because i am a cancerous redditor that needs to go back

You'll have a fun car and a gf one day. No need to lash out at me.

I have a 500 abarth, I get so much attention from dudes but no girls :(

go back niggar

This is r9k most of us have or can get the former but never the latter

driving slow got really boring very quickly
the only way i can have fun on the roads now is by going over the license revoking speed limit and trying to race every car that isn't a Prius with my 100hp civic

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Based Rossi poster

the answer to "which car is the ugliest?"

I like to think of myself as street Rossi

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Beautiful. What is that?

A 140cc pitbike engine bolted to a beach cruiser bicycle frame. Can go 60-70 mph depending on the carb tune.

take it back

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fucking based.

I love driving but lately I've been too poor to spend money in gas ($6/gal in my country) and maintenance, the brakes feels soft and gritty and I don't trust them enough for hard driving.

Sounds like an extremely fun way to die a death

It is probably the most likely to kill me if all tha passively suicidal things I do.

What car do you drive?

on a very tight road hp doesn't matter. Find some hairpins to drive on.

>so what are your hobbies user?
>I drive

>Currently drive a 94 Camaro
>Had it for a year, dump all kinds of work in it
Motherfucker has an engine misfire and I can't get it fixed yet.

'15 Focus SE, 5-speed manual.

Parents bought it for me to drive Uber but it turned unprofitable quick and now I'm stuck with it.

V8 or v6 user?

But at least you're having fun right? Was I talking to you in the other thread? I'm rally car guy.

Got a shitty job two weeks ago, don't like it one bit. Yesterday I decided I'll stay until I'll make enough money for driving school and a cheap used car and a few months of gas. Then I'll look for a better job or go back to my parents place, I dunno. Thought about getting a bike too but the idea kinda scares me.

Oh hey evo user, it is me. I do have a lot of fun in the car especially when it backfires. A backfire a day keeps the suicidal thoughts away

Go WOT everywhere. Backfire all day keeping the suicidal thoughts away. I got my car when I was sad because tfw no gf. I went to tons of car meets and made lots of cool friends because of it. Everyone grew up and had families though so I don't talk to any of them anymore.

I'd only want a car for racing, and my eyes are completely shot to the point I can't reliably judge distances that are probably 10-30 feet ahead.

ariel atom. ls7 v8 twin turbo in a car that weighs less than 2k pounds.

I got my car just last year because I was so lonely. Tried going to car meets but everyone is chad and don't like betas like me. If you want you can add me on discord
Bashar Al-Assad#0941

Request sent. I felt like a lot of the chads were the dudes who did ricer mods or drag racing. All the chill people liked doing track, autox, or touge.

>tfw I have a fun car (2017 MX-5) and hardly ever drive it because the roads are full of cunts
>cycling is more fun anyway
next week I'm going to make my car more relevant to my interests by putting a fuckin hitch on it so I can put a bike rack on, drive to places with less cunts on the road, and ride biek

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Do HPDE or autox. Only time I have fun are those events or doing late night mountain runs. But yeah I agree I like bikes better sometimes.

>tfw I'll never be a group B rally driver.

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Cycling is legit better than driving though.

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More based Group B rally pictures to keep the feels away.

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Mountain biking for sure. Road biking is kind of boring but it keeps me in shape during the week so I can shred singletrack in the mountains on the weekends.

Racing is where it's at, my man.

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i know that feel user.
Also Lancia>A*di

this was the superior rally vehicle

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Ah a man of culture i see.


>own a shitty car
>speed down winding roads without slowing down, unless it's a tight corner

I like both, but good singletrack near where I live (portland fucking oregon) is almost non-existent. Bombing around g-roads on one of my stouter road bikes is fun tho, and there are tons of those to faff about one of. I'm thinking about building up a gravel meme machine with a Ti frame at some point.

Whenever I get that feel when no gf...I drive.

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Faggot government made it illegal here because revenue.

Not anymore! Live in LA no one gives a fuck! These rich fucks don't give a fuck about speed limit or illegal tint.

I don't have a driver's license nor a car.
Costs way too much here, it's way too much of a hassle to get license, registration, insurances etc.

Now I need to fap and/or play some GT6