My girlfriend is overweight (5'5 and 210/220~lbs) and I really want her to workout with me... how can I convince her to...

my girlfriend is overweight (5'5 and 210/220~lbs) and I really want her to workout with me... how can I convince her to, and how should she get started?

(We have already discussed her doing a caloric deficit plan, because this is something she wants too)

Pic is unrelated

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She isn't overweight, she's obese. Drop that fat fuck

nah shes a goodie, and she is a hard worker. i know shed do this

In the garbage. Don't call a fat pig your girlfriend you low self-esteem cuck.

She's 5'5 and over 200 pounds. She needs to stop stuffing her face, that's how she should get started.
She doesn't need a plan at that level, it's not a mystery where her calories come from, they come from everywhere.

Mine's the opposite.
She's a skelly

well aware the calories come from food u numb nut, that's why we are starting a caloric deficit for her..

I am a man, 6'3, 191 pounds and I STILL am too fat to have visible abs. Your girlfriend is a sack of shit who is literally incapable of putting down the fork

If you really wanna keep her knows what's up. Basic calorie counting and portion control should fix her up in a little over a year, but you can go faster with basic cardio and light lifting if she's willing to stick with it.

like always Jow Forums cant give any actually helpful advice... both her and i are already aware that her eating habits are not good and we are going to change them. My real questions is how i could get her to go to the gym with me and what she should do.. like should she actually lift weights first or should she do cardio for a while until she loses some weight..

oml thank you, gosh now i feel bad that i said

what exactly would light lifting encompass tho? is there areas she should target specifically?

She just needs to eat less. I wouldn't bring her to the gym yet. If you bring an out of shape gf to the gym she's gonna be done in less than 30 minutes and keep bugging you to leave.

If you weren’t expecting any actual useful advice then why the fuck did you even start a thread you autistic sperg. Nobody here gives a shit about your ham planet of a girlfriend.

user, if she takes "convincing" to better herself, she's not worth it. I know that sounds shitty, but if change doesn't come from inside, it won't stay
t.guy who wasted six years with a 5'4 girl over 200lbs.

>my girlfriend is overweight (5'5 and 210/220~lbs)
LMAO dude, go check out a bmi calculator that is considered morbidly obese

i definitely used the wrong wording when i said convinced, she is willing, we just don't know where to start in the gym.

She doesn't even need to go to workout, obese people have really high bmr.

Doesn't matter how much she works out, if she isn't in a caloric deficit, she won't lose weight.


Your first priority should be to explain caloric intake, and work with her to eliminate shitty food from her diet.

we have that already set up, and we are starting it today, idk why its so hard to see that ive already said we have a caloric deficit plan for her...

dieting will be hard enough for her as is don't make her quit with exercise on top of it

>has obeast gf

break up with her. if she is obese before having kids she will only get worse.

also if your girl doesn't stay in shape she doesn't respect you and she will be a nagging cunt because she thinks she owns you

okay thanks for the input my guy

I'm pretty sure OP is the fat girl and there is no bf.

As long as you have an established diet plan for her, the rest doesn't matter all that much.
Fact of the matter is that most women don't like the gym, and don't like lifting weights. Start going on walks with her, or go do physically strenuous activities with her and treat it like a nice afternoon date or something. I'd recommend indoor rock climbing, boxing/ MMA (that's specifically for beginners) or something fun that couples can do. Then after a couple weekends of that, consider taking her to the gym.

>states incredibly common issue
>cheers for your opinion bud
Really dude? Why are you even here? You've already gotten your answer.

>shitting on someone that seems to sincerely want advice
Really dude? Why are you even here?

To shit on mongoloids like you; nigger came in with preconceived notions and seemingly unwilling to take good advice.

Eh, fair enough

yah we've already done a bit of stuff like that, she even suggests the idea of going out more then me cause im usually a lazy pothead myself when im home.

i am the bf its okay tho