>doing heavy squats >notice two thotties behind me >they are looking at me and giggling >probably making jokes about my clothes and how autistic i look going atg >they wont stop staring >see from the corner of my eye how one of them clearly takes a picture of me >probably sharing it with her girl friends making fun of how much of a faggot i look like >finish my reps and walk past them >"hey there big guy" >im insecure about being smoll as is fucking reeeee internally >walk out and leave >few hours later get a notification on my phone >someone liked a pic of me doing some dorky shit 2 years ago on fb >it was one of the thotties >probably liked it on purpouse to let me know she's seen the cringy shit ive done
Man how do i square up with these thots? I dont want to change my gym bc i have a few months of contract still left
Invite her over to your house like it’s a date or something and when she shows up to make fun of you, pelt her with cheese sticks from a second-story window until she flees crying back to her thot wagon
Carson Reyes
Lmao this
Samuel Hughes
Stop giving a fuck. Your at the gym to improve yourself. Not gain the approval of random thots. C'mon OP, you're better than this.
Juan Sanders
report her to the gym. thots deserve no mercy
Easton Allen
Have y'all spergusons considered for a minute that maybe she actually liked op and was trying to hit on him?
Fucking clueless betas
Josiah Brooks
Hello newfriend
Jace James
Alexander Jackson
man this made me change gyms
Robert Hernandez
This is what it sounds like but highly doubtful.
William Wright
Yeah it's gotta be bullying, all thots are fucking evil
Connor Evans
That's the joke you blithering retard
Angel Gutierrez
Throw a 45lb plate at her and fucking kill her
Justin Morales
Suck her dick
Brody Gutierrez
spray the gym cameras with paint,
deck her in the face
Grayson Morris
No you're the autistic one here
Chase Evans
Your gay
Evan Lee
10/10 made me laugh in public
Jason Nelson
How do they have your facebook?
Was it your mum?
Wyatt Phillips
I'm not even sure how I would deal with being bullied by women. I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around looking small enough so that women feel like they can walk up to me and talk shit for no reason. Disregard thots I guess...
Michael Hall
it... sounds they actually like your body and were trying to flirt you humongous hopeless RETARD
Nicholas Ortiz
suck their dicks to show your dominance and steal their protein
>someone liked a pic of me doing some dorky shit 2 years ago on fb >it was one of the thotties >probably liked it on purpouse to let me know she's seen the cringy shit ive done
This. As someone who sees "girls" (thats what they are most dont even count as adults even if they are 30) as inferior beings, i could never be bullied by one anymore since i'm an adult. Why worry about someone who is at least 20 iq points lower on the scale.
Colton Richardson
No one likes op. Op is always a faggot. Every frein tyme
Post body, height and weight and we will decide if you are big enough to at least engage in hand to hand combat.
Alexander Hughes
You don't look autistic You are it's different
Leo Campbell
>Girl squatting in the rack next to mine. Solid 9/10, decent muscle definition and lean, but nothing mannish, and she has a great ass. >I'm doing OHP at the time. >Currently at 105 lbs total for five reps (I know, I'm working on it) on my last set, still resting before the last lift. >Get devilish thought. >Wait for her to finish her current set and get a drink of water from her bottle. >"Hey uh, you can't weigh much more than 100 pounds right?" >"I'm a little more than that, maybe 135. A lot of it is muscle though." >"Alright, thanks. Guess that's what I need to work up to in order to lift a cute girl above my head."
Rate my autism. I'm nearly embarrassed to ever see her again. I wasn't even hitting on her, I just get silly stupid thoughts in my head and sometimes I say them out loud because it's funny to me.
Josiah Sanders
How did she react? That's all that matters
Jayden Baker
She freaked out and started sucking my dick
Leo Powell
Uh, she laughed a little and said I'll get there. Then said she sees me in the gym all the time and it's good I'm sticking to it.
Jacob Gonzalez
bruh she wants the d
Gavin Hill
A few girls were laugning at me the day while I was squatting heavy. They were imitating my face puffing out and imitating my squat motion. It kind of turned me on actually.
You should have racked the barbell, walked over to one of them, picked up the cutest one over your shoulders, and started squatting with them, staring the rest in the face with a maniacal teeth-baring grin and bouncing your eyebrows constantly. Then when you finished your set, put the cutest one back down again standing up, and smack her ass HARD.
That's how you should deal with it next time.
Julian Scott
this made me hard you sound like a stacey
Justin Reyes
wish i was that alpha, it was a slim black chick and a tall asian girl. hngggg
Henry Morales
I'm just a fatty working my way to being a chad.
Dominic King
>forgot I was wearing loose boxers instead of boxer briefs >little pecker poking up in my shorts while benching >these two girls keep looking and giggling
It was becoming increasingly difficult to remain flaccid
Thomas Jackson
Post body
Ryan King
god tier bait, well done
Jason Miller
I have come to hate the start of every school year because it always brings a new wave of gym thots that openly harass me at the gym. Even when I have headphones in
Mason Miller
Best thing I've ever seen.
Logan Walker
How much of a fucking mongoloid do you have to look like to actually get harassed at the gym?
Literally the only time I have ever seen people getting harassed at the gym is if they do really dumb shit, like slamming weights on machines or doing cringe workouts (which are either fatal or do nothing).