You objectively cannot refute this.
You objectively cannot refute this
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Because no matter what, someone out there is wrong and must know they are.
For the sheer joy of it?
fuck off you nigger cunt faggot tranny.
Because it's fun
The lack of reasons to do X isn't refutable. Someone can have any motive to do whatever they want.
is transphobic a word now?
why are boomers always like this guy
Because this is what happens
Uh yeah I can, all of these words are engineered political words to push an agenda. Who actually gets to determine who is racist, sexist, homophobic, etc? It's just personal opinion
Because it's important to exercise free speech, no matter what that looks like.
It's been a word for such a long time. Have you been living in a cave?
But why would I want to be quiet?
Why be a nigger, a fag, or a tranny when you could just be dead?
Despite being gay I'm all of those things. I'm just a bad person.
Pretty much. Pic very much related
Because the other side is too loud and tries to force things on me.
You're not the boss of me you fucking weakass womanish nigger faggot tranny fuck.
Ill do that when they stop shoving pride flags and trans characters in movies/vidya down my throat
It works both ways
Because minorities, women, fags, and trannies won't shut the fuck up about themselves and their outrage at every imagined slight.
I'm sure you entertain all your friends with tales of being quiet all the time.
Why be racist though?
Everybody is racist.
The people that go out of their way to not be racist, all live in sheltered white suburbs. And they treat minorities like pets who can do no wrong.
Because that's not how ideas spread. That's how they die. And I don't think anyone with a strong belief in anything, especially people with opinions like that, would be content with their belief dying off.
No you are a racist I think . And you try to justify it by saying that everybody is.
It litterally makes oerfect biological sense to be "racist". Racism is just agknowledgement that there is difference between races.
Hatred of other races might a different thing, but recognizing races is pretty much just common sense.
Every race hates each other, everybody is racist. This is instinctual, as much of an instinct as motherhood. No matter how hard you try you cannot change that in people.
Because racism and tribalism is an extension of the familial instinct. You want to be surrounded by people who look like you. People that don't look like you, or behave like you, are outsiders to the tribe and by extension the family. You cannot change this no matter how much you want to program people.
look at the crime rate
>Every race hates each other, everybody is racist
I think you just are. We are not tribes.
Why be factual when you can just be quiet?
>We are not tribes
You're a fool. You might as well say we are not simians, either. Humans do not exist in a vacuum or some kind of observer strata. We are part of nature just as every other living thing. And we form tribes and social communities just like every other social mammal.
?? what's wrong with getting the kid treatment before he/she grows the wrong set of secondary sexual characteristics?
puberty is really distressing for trans people and lots of them kill themselves as teens because of it
There is no reason to appeal to nature to justify your hatred for other races
Homosexuality has been observed in almost every species with sexual dimorphism
Homophobia only exists in one
How is that nature?
They should stop playing the race card to begin with.
How do they play the race card?
>something doesnt go their way
Happens every time.
You close your eyes and ears and hum blissfully at the idea that humans hate other humans who don't look, behave or sound like them, a trait that has endured for literally all of human existence. You picture me as some kind of vile, hateful oddity in a world of increasing tolerance simply for stating the obvious and blatant truth, because you have been programmed, socially engineered through your childhood years to your adolescence all the way into adulthood, to be demoralized and subverted in the name of the false religion of diversity and multiculturalism.
Your mental image of a racist is someone, probably an old white man wearing a Confederate hat on his shirt, who goes out of their way to assault, torment and verbally abuse minorities, because he is a hateful, spiteful caricature of a person and completely unlike normal people like yourself, who just want to live happily without bothering anyone, and it isn't a big deal if anyone, of any race or religion, lives in your community and enjoys their lives the same as you.
What you are really calling racist is the entirety of the human species from the basic caveman all the way to the sophisticated gentlemen of the 19th century, and your false god of multiculturalism has existed only in the last 50 years.
How is homosexual activity related to tribes? Is there a tribe of entirely homosexual simians out there?
I have literally never seen this before outside of cherrypicked stories and anecdotes
I'm not the tribes user
I'm saying you can't support homophobia with the "it's nature" argument
It's nature for humans to shit outside and eat with their unwashed hands but we don't do that in polite society, do we?
Just because you turn a blind eye doesnt mean it doesnt happen. This comes up especially when police are involved.
Humans still shit, and still eat, that is the crux of the argument. They shit, and eat, and form tribes. It doesn't matter if they wash their hands, or shit in a private toilet, or call the tribes nations. The veneer of civilization is a paper-thin plastic bag covering the mound of our natural instincts.
*worn by a niglet*
Oh god are you one of those Jow Forums fags who think black kids deserve to be shot for looking suspicious
It's literally the police's job to de-escalate situations and arrest without killing
If a CC permit holder did the same shit cops do they would go to jail for life, or at least never be allowed to possess a firearm ever again
Homosexuals don't reproduce. In the natural order it doesn't matter what they do, they have the same niche in a population as cancer patients and birth defects.
The other races are part of your damn tribe
Xenophobia is an instinct - an instinct that should be ignored
Why be a black, female lesbian if you could just be a straight white male?
>It's literally the police's job to de-escalate situations
>arrest without killing
No. That's just a recommendation. They're not doctors.
If it doesn't matter then why do you care enough to hate them?
Homosexuality exists so that children whose birth parents die can still be cared for. That's why it's coded in our genes and the genes of every other sentient species.
>Oh god are you one of those Jow Forums fags who think black kids deserve to be shot for looking suspicious
I did not say that anywhere in my post. I was implying that black people are crybabies. You are an idiot.
>The other races are part of your damn tribe
No they are not. That is the whole point of a tribe. A tribe is not the entire species.
>Xenophobia is an instinct - an instinct that should be ignored
Instincts are honed over thousands of years of evolution. Instincts are there for a reason.
Because I live in America, and I won't be fined for all of that.
But when they get trigger-happy and kill without good reason they face no consequences other than a slap on the wrist. There are so many cases of black people being shot and killed when they were weaponless.
Also, the police of other countries don't have the same problem with killing people. This is because American cops are racist. IIRC there was one Southern police department that used pictures of black people as target practice.
You directly compared a tribe to a nation. Other races are part of your nation.
Dogs have the instinct to pee on things to mark their territory, that doesn't mean it's at all necessary in the world they live in today.
Bodycams proved otherwise that those blacks were clearly trying to assault cops.
>If it doesn't matter then why do you care enough to hate them?
I don't. Like I said, they're just aberrations.
>Homosexuality exists so that children whose birth parents die can still be cared for
This is done by heterosexuals more often than homosexuals, across all species.
>That's why it's coded in our genes
No it isn't.
>genes of every other sentient species.
What an absurd, broad generalization. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
You actually can
>What an absurd, broad generalization. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
"No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue."
Fucking wikipedia knows better than you dude
You don't need a weapon to be a threat.
>Also, the police of other countries don't have the same problem with killing people.
What is Brazil? There are more cop-related killings in one month of Brazil than an entire decade in the US.
>Brazilian police killed 4,224 people in 2016
>Police shot and killed at least 963 people in the US
>This is because American cops are racist. IIRC there was one Southern police department that used pictures of black people as target practice
Basketball Americans live up to their stereotypes way more often than not, cops have a good reason to be racist. They also make good target practice, given how they shoot each other more than cops shoot them.
Wow a country with significant racial issues and the highest murder rate in the western world also has lots of police killings. I'm so surprised.
That doesn't disprove my point. Show me a first-world country with more police killings than the US.
>Petter Bockman, the scientific advisor of the exhibition Against Nature? in 2007, speculated that the true extent of the phenomenon may be much larger than was then recognized:
Very nice of you to leave that part out.
>wow american cops are racist!
>wow it doesnt count when brazilian cops are!
>wow the police of other countries don't kill as much as the US
>what about brazil
>b-but t-that's a third world country, that doesn't disprove my point!
Yes, yes. Keep moving those goalposts. So typical of you lying shitstains. Brazil is a first world country by the way, you absolute idiot.
You cherry-picked one sentence from the article that appears just before the observation that 9 out of 10 giraffe mating pairs are homosexual, ignoring vast amounts of data that refute your point.
A for effort, user.
I could show you literal genocide at the hands of the government in non-Western countries and say that makes the American police look not so bad and that they don't have a problem. Brazil is a developing country, I didn't say third-world.
This is whataboutism. "But Brazil is worse, that makes the US police killing black people okay!!" that's not how shit works.
>But when they get trigger-happy and kill without good reason they face no consequences other than a slap on the wrist. There are so many cases of black people being shot and killed when they were weaponless.
Also, the police of other countries don't have the same problem with killing people. This is because American cops are racist. IIRC there was one Southern police department that used pictures of black people as target practice.
The police is not racist. You have to ajust your approach when you are dealing with a demographic that is 14% of the total population yet commit 52% of violent crimes.
>>Brazilian police killed 4,224 people in 2016
The media bashes the cops here.
This guy was killed by a cop while he was fleeing. There was a huge backlash from the media against the cop and he ended up facing sanctions.
Other races may exist in a nation, but they will never be part of our tribe. We tolerate each other's existence, and that's all.
Brazillian cops aren't racist.
It's the negroes who are too violent.
>adjust your approach
I agree with that and I actually don't mind racial profiling by the TSA, stop and frisk, etc. but killing them when they're unarmed is extremely unnecessary to say the least.
Just because you're not saying racist things doesn't mean you aren't a racist
>accuses me of cherrypicking
>literally cherrypicked one quote from the entire article
Read the entire article on wikipedia
>Many of the animals used in laboratory-based studies of homosexuality do not appear to spontaneously exhibit these tendencies often in the wild. Such behavior is often elicited and exaggerated by the researcher during experimentation through the destruction of a portion of brain tissue, or by exposing the animal to high levels of steroid hormones prenatally.
That's the thing about cherrypicking stuff like "muh 9 out of 10 giraffes are homos", you obfuscate the reality of years of research in a field.
The cops usually don't know if the guy is armed.
And blacks are know for resisting arrest. Look at the Rodney King example.
>Look at the Rodney King
t. trayvon martin
>Many of the animals
Just because some aren't homosexual in the wild doesn't negate that many, many species are and it's completely natural.
There is literally a huge list of homosexual species, and concerning animals closely related to humans:
"Homosexual behavior forms part of the natural repertoire of sexual or sociosexual behavior of orangutans. Male homosexual behavior occurs both in the wild and in captivity, and it occurs in both adolescent and mature individuals. Homosexual behavior in orangutans is not an artifact of captivity or contact with humans."
"Bonobos, which have a matriarchal society, unusual among apes, are a fully bisexual species"
"With the Japanese macaque, also known as the "snow monkey", same-sex relations are frequent"
I can go on
>I could show you literal genocide at the hands of the government in non-Western countries and say that makes the American police look not so bad and that they don't have a problem. Brazil is a developing country, I didn't say third-world.
Holy fuck, are you actually clinically retarded?
How the fuck does a genocide compare to police shootings? We're comparing two countries of similar population in the exact same field (police-related shootings and killings), I've shown you Brazil is higher despite you saying "nuh uh that only happens in the US", and now you're saying it's like comparing a fucking political GENOCIDE when it literally is cop shooting vs cop shooting?
Are you... unironically using the Rodney King case... as an example of justified police brutality...? Lmao
Police brutality is never justified. If they're resisting arrest then tase them, don't shoot to kill.
Like I said, it's an aberration. As natural as cancer cells. It happens in nature but it's not part of the natural order. Like masturbation.
Show me which animals exhibit solely homosexual behavior their entire lifetimes. You can't because they would literally not reproduce.
It's not that they're the same. It's that two bad situations can exist at the same time.
American police are racist and kill black people.
Brazilian police kill more Brazilians. That doesn't mean the American cops aren't fucked up and racist and killing black people for no reason.
>literally exists all over the place in nature
>"it's an aberration"
>Show me which animals exhibit solely homosexual behavior their entire lifetimes. You can't because they would literally not reproduce.
"Show me which animals are solely female their entire lifetimes. You can't because they would literally not reproduce."
It's almost like multiple traits are valuable to a population!
Black people should stop commiting crimes desu
Why?? Sometimes tasers are unneffective.
And to be honest, this is what is wrong with multicultural societies.
This sort of thing does not exist in whites societies, yet whites are forced to put up with it because blacks don't think it's that bad.
To be honest, i think it's always justified when a black guy attacks a white guy (or a white cop), When blacks are commiting crimes against their own i don't really care how the police chooses to deal with it.
American police kill more white people than blacks you fucking retard holy shit
>You objectively cannot refute this subjective statement
And neither can you objectively prove it. The entire question is nullified by it's own logic; however for the sheer amount of you's that you have garnered alone I'm giving this bait a 9/10.
Congrats user, you have my approval to marry the daughter I will never....have.......
>"Show me which animals are solely female their entire lifetimes. You can't because they would literally not reproduce."
Black people are 13% of the population and 23% of those killed in police shootings
whats it matter how many die? black kids breed like rabbits and they live just as long
>To be honest, i think it's always justified when a black guy attacks a white guy (or a white cop),
police brutality* is always justified in that case
Because sexism is a just female weapon against guys and doesn't exist.
It asexually reproduces.
Technically all their sexual activity is homosexual!
Congratulations, you played yourself.
You also ignored the point. Traits are valuable even if they aren't directly conducive to sexual reproduction.
Because I like to talk and anyone who gets upset at "transphobia" doesn't have the strength to silence me.
This is circular logic
Racism is okay because racism
>On the most extreme use of force -officer-involved shootings - we find no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account.
>When African Americans and Latinos are stopped and questioned by police, they are no more likely to be killed or seriously injured than are white people drawn into similar encounters with the police
Brainlet requesting help understanding. How is this different from asexual reproduction? Asexuals don't undergo meiosis?
>Why won't you let me spout my uneducated opinions about a fantasy society without confrontation?
>asexual is the same thing as homosexual
Jesus christ you fucking retard holy shit
>Traits are valuable even if they aren't directly conducive to sexual reproduction.
Like racism and tribalism, which was the original argument? Thanks for clarifying it.
Do these kind of people(hardcore anti-racist virtue signalers) have any real intrests or interesting hobbies. Seriously, who honestly cares if someones racist? Its always the ugly, fat, unsuccessful, poor and monkeys virtue signal and shame others for their perfectly normal thoughts. Its almost as if they are compensating for something. It's pathetic. Unless you're anti-white, fuck you whites are awesome.
I sexually identify as racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic and you're oppressing me you cockhuffing niggercunt
Why not be?