Is it true that americans think it's enough to just smear shit all over their ass and go about their day like normal?

Is it true that americans think it's enough to just smear shit all over their ass and go about their day like normal?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>A study found that Americans buy 10 new white undies every month.

>carrying a watering can around all day so you can take a butthole shower in case you poop

the absolute state of eurocucks

I always take a shower and wash my ass out after I shit. I can't do toilet paper.

lmao so thats why they carry water bottles everywhere

sadly yes. bidets never became a thing here and honestly its disgusting.

lol are europoors so broke they cant even afford toilet paper?

When is the west gonna get standardize those squirty toilets they have in Japan?

Smearing water all over your shitty asshole isnt much better. Disposable wipes or shower are the only civilized options.

In Southamerica we have trashcans.

>walking around with your shit smeared but
>on a hot day and on public transport
>yes, everyone can notice your fucking stinky ass that smells like shit but too polite to say anything

Wash your filthy disgusting asses. Not to mention that it increases your personal hygiene as a hole and you are less prone to dried bits of shit causing hemorrhoids.

tl;dr wash your filthy fucking smelly asses

South America is a trashcan

Mostly. Some of us at least try a little harder at being clean though
>pic related

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Question: What did the high Priest comment
before he flushed the toilet?
Answer: Holy Crap!

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>mfw have to take a shit 5 minutes after getting out of the shower

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Hello in india we have entire streets

>There are people browsing this board right now who dont wash there buttholes with water and soap because its "gay"

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Question: What does Beyblade and farts have
in common?
Answer: 3,2,1... Let it rip!!!!!!!

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What do you call a person that doesn't fart in public?

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>6.82% content still more than twitch thots

Toilet paper is just to dry your ass after you WASH it with water. Paper is not really a cleaning method by itself.
I don't even use it to that at home, preferring a towel instead as there's only water on my ass after I washed it. Toiled paper for me is just to blow my nose or something.

>public transport
Glad I'm not poor

here you go get one of these.

i have an actual byday that needed a electric man and plumber to install it.

>smear all over

i bet you think you should be sitting down when you wipe too

>not just wearing diapers

lol @ having to use bathrooms

i live in south america and we do have bidets, maybe you are just poor or live in one of those disgusting shitholes like peru, bolivia or paraguay

grew up poor so my mom cut toilet paper from our budget. we switched to peeing/pooping during our morning/night showers. with the right diet you can avoid making a mess in the tub by shitting over the drain with poop that is easily broken down

Are you a pajeet by any chance?

Get a better diet and chew your food well. Then when you wipe no poo on paper.

>installing bidets in bathrooms so they're not running around like the eternal shittybooty

shower after poop master race here.

Question: What do you call a bathroom
Answer: Flush Gordon!

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>washing my ass with a shower after pooping
>water stream hitting my butthole makes me horny
>relax my anus, water starts pouring in
>start squirting water while jerking myself

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Tell em!
>just fold the fucking paper
>wash your ass you filthy subhumans
>say "JAWOHL MEIN FUHRER" when finished

Chaika is a filthy trap with benis?

i havent smiled all week. thanks but i think it was the pepe that made me smirk

Pajeet my son, you must make choice either shit in shower and stompy or save up money for tp.

>you're poor
>no you're poor
>everyone shut up, everyone but me is poor
Why is the world comedy gold

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do public bathrooms have bidets too?

yeah thats true. its a huge motivation for me not to feel the need to kill myself. im interested in this shit and have too much fun keeping an eye on the world. watching what people do. human behaviour. thats what i like

You mean you don't do a soaps suds enema immediately after you take a shit and irrigate your colon with rosewater?

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Dubs confirm wipes

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those things aren't actually flushable despite their name/branding. toilet paper is the only thing that is, and it sucks at cleaning you. so fuck you, basically, is the message being sent by our infrastructure

>be white American
>live in India for several years
>back to visit friends and travel around
>every decent bathroom has a proper western toilet with paper and a bidet or hose
>never have to worry about my ass being dirty

>use bathroom in bookstore in Delhi
>toilet paper but no watering hose, can or tap
>reel back in disgust and consider complaining to management

>tfw flying back home to America in another week

Fuck. I have an Arab friend in the States, and I'd always make fun of his family for having an in-seat bidet attached to their toilet. Now that guy's house is my favorite place to shit.

my mom sent me this the other day. we're Indian

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Made the post above you. Even though I'm not Indian, that's totally fucking true. As an American, I never realized how much better water is than just toilet paper. I feel like a fucking barbarian for the first few weeks whenever I go home.

I'm american born and raised.