Hairlet & test inhibitor exercises thread:

Am I on the way to hairlet status or will I continue to be a chad? Also, what fitness exercises could help inhibit the kind of test that results in MPB?

Attached: IMG_6697.jpg (1280x960, 206K)

sorry user but you're balding

Better picture

Attached: IMG_6715.jpg (536x501, 77K)

That's not bad as-is, but it'll always be a nagging reminder that it'll get worse.
Also you can always use that toppik keratin fiber shit to fill in volume

Just take fin/minox immediately or buzz your head immediately. Don’t do what I did and wait and do neither

Thanks for the advice anons. My maternal grandfather is bald as shit but my dad's family keeps their hair to their dying day. My only consolation is that the mom's side relatives started going in their teens and I'm 24 with no hairline recession. We'll all make it

It might be the start of balding but not necessarily. You even see kids with thinner hair at that point. It's called a natural cowlick

Literally just your hairline, brainlet. Stop buying into all these retards baiting you.

Ignore all these retards telling you to shave your head.

Your hair s fine as is, but if you want to take some preventative measures you can do two things:

1. Use Nizoral 1%/2% (depending on how sensitive your scalp is) once a week to help remove excess DHT from your scalp. There's some evidence that suggests the ketoconazole in the shampoo is beneficial at helping hair loss.

2. Buy natural peppermint oil (its like $6 on iherb) and put a few drops in your conditioner when you condition your hair. Leave in for 5 minutes and wash out. You can also put drops in your hair before bed and leave it in overnight. If you have doubts, google the link between peppermint oil and hair growth in mice.

This should basically keep you where you're at until proper MPB kicks in, from then you can start looking at fin, minox etc.

Better paranoid than wrong.

Thanks user. Good advice

Looks like a natural whorl to me. If you're seriously worried take fin. The sides aren't NEARLY as prevalent or severe as naysayers make them out to be, besides the HL community is moving onto doing actual HRT to fix their hair.

>besides the HL community is moving onto doing actual HRT to fix their hair.
You mean taking estrogen? wew lad

Many are moving on to using harsh anti androgens:very spironolactoneAcetate, bicalutamide, and yes, some even add estrogen on top of it. The results are extremely promising, but you'll have to put up with feminizing effects.

I meant spironolactone and cyproterone Acetate*

Fucking hell, bicalutamide? That shit is hardcore and practically guarantees gyno development too. I guess this is an example of sunk cost fallacy. No head of hair is worth all that shit. Just get one of those wigs you glue down every few weeks or a transplant at that point. Or just accept it.

>Better paranoid than wrong
Never gunna make it

Can confirm this, been taking fin for a while and everything's good.

That seems too hardcore for me. I already have a chest that's borderline gyno if I don't work out. I'll probably try to get on fin since everyone's shilling for it if a derm says I'm balding.

Same here. I didn't have any issues with finasteride in terms of libido or erectile dysfunction. Only difference was that my jizz was more watery

Literally everything on this board is about overcompensating for a hypothetical physical deficiency

>Looks like a natural whorl to me.
That's literally all it likely is. I've had mine since forever. If the barber cuts it one way or combs it in a different direction it can be more obvious.

These threads are getting paranoid too. You people are practically parting your hair with your fingers and freaking out at the line of skin exposed. Everyone thins with age. Everyone recedes with age.

If you're shedding you could have a thyroid problem or be really stressed out. In high school I was so stressed out my hair was falling out in the shower. Take care of yourself and learn to relax and it will grow back.

That's understandable. For me, my appearance is everything so I'm willing to tape my chest down if it means I can have beautiful hair

>I've had mine since forever. If the barber cuts it one way or combs it in a different direction it can be more obvious.
Fucking same bro. All these threads freak me out and I check mine daily now. Hasn't changed for years

You guys should go run some errands and observe all the middle aged guys. It's likely thinning hair grown to mid length and combed FORWARD to cover the scalp.

You think the undercut is overplayed then get a load of this: The Official Boomer haircut.

Attached: boomer haircut.jpg (640x426, 28K)