
did some coke, k, dxm, and bout to smoke some weed

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woke on adderall. ever tried oxycodone?

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britbong here, just got a taste of that sweet stuff they smoke in legal states and goddamn no wonder so many people love it, shits tight

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what sweet stuff, crack?

Dabs all day since friday. How do other anons do theirs? Low temp? High? Any water? Cap? Tell me.

wait holy fuck I'm actually retarded goddamn

did not fully read that post

Just smoked,,, how do people get pleasure from weed Idk

I wish I had some acid.

I'm excited to start doing heroin again

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>tfw your grandma is tripping on Datura
>it's her favorite drug and she's tripped dozens of times on it
I've never heard of anyone enjoying it, fucking old women druggies are the most powerful druggies in the world.

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What psychedelics can I get legally on the clear web? Britfag.

Weed sucks. When I first started smoking weed I loved it, I would smoke it every now and then and at some point started hanging around stoners and was smoking everyday.

To me it was amazing, it killed my anxiety and depression, made everything interesting and music was incredible on it. I had some of the best times of my life smoking weed with friends and I honestly thought I would smoke it for the rest of my life.

Then one day even though I was in a great set and setting I just started feeling really anxious when I smoked it, I felt shitty and just wanted the high to stop. I tried more times with different strains but it was the same every time.

I quit weed about 3 years ago but I still smoke it every now and then. Everytime I smoke it I get very similar results. I still get music enhancement, and things seem less boring but the negative effects can ruin the experience.

I've seen some people say the exact same thing online and I know people in real life that have said it as well. I just don't understand why it has this effect on some people.

If I drink or take benzos or opiates with weed then the weed is amazing but I don't like it by itself. Who else has experienced this and does anyone have any idea why it happens to some people?

tell me about shrooms

fuckin lsa mate, it's alright but you'll probably vomit and be nauseous the whole trip once you get it down you

Similar experience, I thought weed was the greatest drug ever when I first smoked it, but different strains affect me differently and the one I'm smoking now doesn't get me crazy high. I need a lot of weed and to drink to feel like I'm having fun.

I used to think coke was everywhere, all drugs were everywhere, until I moved to Montana. Sure, the weed is good and way cheaper, but it took me three years to find an acid plug, and dude lives three hours away, and there is NO coke, or anything but meth. Meth and weed, that's all there is in Montana. I haven't done coke in three years, purely because there is none in this state.

ayyy 600mg DXM checking in. lonely, depressed, sad after a few good days. fuck

I'm so bored lonely and depressed. Isolation for years now. I'm too far gone to ever return to earth

you can get 1pLSD in the US and Canada. not sure about europe. its the same as LSD. you can also probably cop DXM, but it's a disassociatve

very intense and spiritual. not recreational. nothing to play around with. take it, but be very intentional. go out to the wilderness. only use your phone for music. read, write. be clean and healthy. it will change your life for the better if you can control it.

I just kept smoking when I started to feel that way. I smoke half an ounce a day now, after seven years of smoking every single day. Got hit by random panic attacks three years ago, really just kept smoking and eventually calmed down. You're just high, there's nothing wrong, and when you realize that is when you can smoke retarded amounts of weed.
I remember when an eighth looked like a mountain of weed and a couple bong rips had me almost tripping, now I just powersmoke for eight hours after I get off work until I go to bed and giggle sometimes at dumb cartoons.

Fairly experienced psychedelic user here.
I want to try my first disassociative, and im too lazy right now to get a hold of ketamine.
Therefore I am springing for DXM. I weigh 160lbs and am looking for a powerful experience but one that doesn't pose a large threat to my mental and physical safety.

How much DXM should I take?
Also, is RoboCough off of Amazon the most convenient to go for?

I've taken a good amount of DXM this summer. I'm like 150 pounds. Go to CVS or ur local pharmacy and cop some capsules. Don't get the drank. Don't get anything that isn't DXM-only. It's kind of hard to find but possible. I can find em pretty easy locally.

There's a plateau thing you might want to research In my experience, 300 is enough to feel good but you won't trip. Nice to take a walk or watch a movie or something. Just be alive. 600 is a bit of a weird trip. Not at all like psychs. I don't know how it stacks up to ketamine bc I've never done it. You feel very happy and it's not very philosophical. Time gets FUCKED up. You can't walk.

I'm 30 mins into 600 rn (I think, LOL). AMA

oh, and cop some cigs for the comedown

>Then one day even though I was in a great set and setting I just started feeling really anxious when I smoked it, I felt shitty and just wanted the high to stop. I tried more times with different strains but it was the same every time.
Same, happens much more often than you think

Smoked some weed tonight for the first time in over a year. Wasn't even enjoyable.

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>the one I'm smoking now doesn't get me crazy high
Oh yeah? What do you smoke user? I try to avoid it but miss it at times.

>I just kept smoking
Got told this advice from a friend and multiple people. Never worked for me. If anything smoking more made it worse.

Yeah it sucks man. Oh well.

I like DXM but hate the nausea and overall taste of syrup. My friend and I were considering the gel tabs. But got told we have to swallow like 50... fuck that.

I was gonna trip on the 7 grams of mushrooms I've been saving for a month but I decided not to. My last trip went too terrible and now I'm nervous as fuck to take them, literally heartbeat raising and having panic attacks at the thought of taking them

Anyone recommend some literature or meditation techniques to calm down/reduce trip anxiety?

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have you tried just taking a little bit, like a gram or 2 at a time instead of all 7?

Coincidentally that was my last trip, 2 grams. But they were potent. And I had a terrible, nauseous, anxious, shitty time pacing around in my room and getting caught in a thought loop until I just lied down and waited for it to be over.

Bought two e-pills and i'm looking into buying some MDA, according to someone I know it's the best drug that cannot be matched by anything

Thinking about buying some seeds from seedsman dot com. should i take the small risk?