Hello, you all should join our discord...

Hello, you all should join our discord, its a semi-old MBTI and personality focused server with a nice and active community. The invite is


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bumpity bump
this is an original bump 100% absolute bump of the bump kind

Well shit wrong bump, this is the real 100% authentic bump

now, this bump is a truly epic one

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this bump is for the lads

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and this one for all the cute girls

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this one i dedicate to all the faggots in the server

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Fuck off discordnigger.

sorry but I have to keep bumping, the co-owners have my dox and they want to kill me if the server dies

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no but really, join people its comfy, a lot of diverse discussion topics for everyone

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*phone call*
bamp it

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also if you know about MBTI already, we do not bully feelers in the server. Not that focused on typology

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techfags also welcome

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polfags also, we have an unironic neonazi you can have retarded arguments with

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*teleports behind you*
psst you should join

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weebs welcome, we already have a ton of them, but have to live with it i guess

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Do you like pipes, we do too. The server ISTPs with INTJ help want to build a giant one to space. Join to find out more

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intelzzz is a cuck tell him that if you join

Join pPEN9bq. We discuss anime, vidya, and many other things as well

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its a gay server for summerfags, don't join it

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We also like cars, so join to talk about some

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friendly people too, if you are not me at least

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Join or this bug guy will deal with you

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also i love tanks, if anyone who loves tanks could join that would be very appreciated

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An OC image, if you like photography come join, we talk about anything and everything

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p-please join guys ;_;

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