Have you ever considered what a ridiculous burden it is to be a human being? We're born like the animals: we're finite. We live for a while then we die. We work, we struggle, we try to pass on our genes.
So far, this isn't a problem. Being an animal is not a problem. And on the surface of it, the human looks like a superior animal: more resources, longer life expectancy, vast amounts of technology that give him (I mean the collective 'him') control over the entire planet.
But the problem is that the human has something animals don't: self awareness. A human being is able to recognize what he is and what he isn't. Ideas like "immortality" and "life after death" and so on seem theoretically possible to him. So a human being starts to develop an ego, to want to make himself into something more, at least in his own and other peoples' eyes.
But it never really works. The human doesn't overcome death by making money or acquiring fame or whatever it is. He's still an animal who lives and dies, goes to dust. But self awareness makes him wish he was something more, like a god. But the universe thumbs its nose at us, with stuff like the knowledge that our whole planet is just a speck of dust in a vast cosmos. We know intellectually that we are animals, but the desire to prove we are gods persists.
Heaven and hell exist there all here happening right now and annything in between
If your thinking like that your probertly close to hell You can pop into heaven by just switching your mind set
Christian Jones
These thoughts are pretty fundamental to the human condition. What I describe is pretty much what Genesis is getting at in the part where adam and eve eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and realize they're naked. Self awareness and morality represent a loss of innocence.
Easton Ross
Awwwh. Babby's first existential crisis.
Christopher Young
>Reminder that every "hot" girl you see is just an animal, who takes shits, pisses, has intestines, and smells horrendous without continual and frequent care.
Jason Ramirez
Apparently according to the jews the solution to the existential crisis is to marry and have children. the jews who told me this said that all the philosophers who talk about existentialism were unmarried, and this is why they worry about the meaning of life so much: because they missed the boat. do you think this is correct?
It wouldn't surprise me if the Jews were on to something here. You'll note that even their priest classes are prone to getting married and having children, so it's a culture that's very family-centric. Is this perhaps why they approach life with energy and enthusiasm, as opposed to the navel gazing of the goyim?
Cooper Ward
How come, no matter what someone posts on this website, whether it's entry level or genuinely advanced thinking, faggots always go "bleeh babbys first". I feel like if you fags met Plato himself you'd just go "babbys first". You're not smart user.
Owen Robinson
this site generally has an attitude of wanting to seem 'above it all'/'too cool for school'/etc
Luke Young
pseudo intellegent posters piss me off.
literally write normally, faggot.
Christopher Bennett
Sick of this attitude among people where they assume everyone else is deliberately trying to come across a certain way.
Maybe that's genuinely how they talk you absolute fucking mastercunt
John Mitchell
Plato was a stupid retard.
Colton Richardson
And who are you anonymouse?
Daniel Wilson
What about the post is weird or confusing? It's very low brow
Robert Gonzalez
To be fair what op posted is basically on the level of a platitude.
Juan Perez
Its that self awareness that maybe makes life so great, whereas animals are driven by biological instinctual forces, humans are aware enough of life to be able to appreciate how grand it can be.
Jason Gomez
regardless its gay annoying and offputting. its like he thinks he's blowing our minds. writing casually would make him seem like less of a faggot
Eli Bell
I really doubt he thinks that, you underaged fucking moron.
Jeremiah Jenkins
Gods are immortal men, and men are mortal gods. A human life is a blessing.
I think the idea of having children is close to being correct. The way out of an existential crisis is to dedicate yourself to appreciating the small things when they present themselves. You have to fill your life with enough things to take your mind off of the overwhelming pressure of the universe. Jordan Peterson talks about this with his "Take time to pet a cat" chapter in "Twelve Rules for Life." This is synonymous with classical religions as well. You have the practice of humility and humbleness to God in Christianity. The practice of Zen and meditation works like this for the Buddhists. The Hindus, and their new age hanger ons, try to be "mindful," or aware of the illusion of maya. The philosophies of the world all basically agree on existential dread; "Ignore it, distract yourself with appreciation of your life, this isn't worth worrying about."
Alexander Russell
>t. OP
learn to write normally so you dont get called out for being fake smart
>Implying Jews are and have been the only natalists in the world. If all of that conservative horseshit was really so reliable and wonderful and existientially satisfying, our civilization would have never begun to collapse in the first place. As a matter of fact, NO civilization would ever have failed and disintegrated, in the whole history of the human race.
Dominic James
Having children instantly gives you a set of objectives and priorities. You're no longer living and worrying for your own sake, all of a sudden there's another life you have to support, and your brain helpfully releases the necessary chemicals to make you focus on that instead of on whether or not your life has any meaning.
David Moore
My family went out to pick blackberries on our property the other day. We have a bush that was grown into a pine tree, up into its branches. The berries hang down in low, long, easy to pick bunches. They ripen fat in the sun, and stain your fingers. My mother comments "How beautiful! It's like the berries grew just like this for us!" However, no one notices what's beneath the berry bush. The pine tree, beneath the lush green of the blackberry leaves, is dying. It's bark damp and flaking. It's branches strangled and dropping needles like matchsticks. The blackberry was killing this tree, like a wolf easily consumes a rabbit. No one sees that, however, over the convenience of the berries.
This, to me, is how people view nature. By ignoring the constant struggle and war around then, even in the local greenery, they find some sense of false peace and reality.
Nathan Jenkins
This is very true. I had a period where I believed people would be happier if we went back to nature and lived like humans did pre agriculture. I gradually realized that human existence in nature must have been horrifying. Humans are very fragile when exposed to the elements and large predators and other things that are not problems anymore.
The suffering we endure in first world countries is largely in our minds. We can choose to be content with life, but it takes a lot of work. We can't be happy all the time though, as happiness is a fleeting feeling.
Our current way of life is unsustainable though, so we will need to scale back some. The unhinged consumerism that is currently the norm needs to go. Eventually we will find a stable middle ground between our current way of life and living in nature. If we don't deplete the planet first.
Juan Williams
this user generally has an attitude of wanting to seem 'above it all'/'too cool to agree with r9k'/etc.
Andrew Gutierrez
>The suffering we endure in first world countries is largely in our minds. Oh fuck off with your Marxist third world romanticizing relative privation bullshit. You think mudslimes and niggers and pajeets and other room temperature IQ subhuman occupants of third world shitholes give a fuck about the squalor they live in and the suffering they experience? They don't care one iota, one must possess a modicum of emotional intelligence and self awareness to realize the extent of ones suffering and to take action to change it, which they never fucking do. Assclowns like you are always like >"Durrrr be thankful you were born in the first world! Think of all the privileges and advantages you have compared to the rest of the world!" When in reality the only reason any of us are afforded those "privileges" to begin with is because it's expected that we'll use them to be good little goy indentured servant corporate cocksucking consumerist wageslaves for the majority of our fucking miserable empty lives, because in a postindustrial technocracy, a literate wagecuck who us tech saavy from being tethered to a computer/phone for literal years is more valuable than one who isn't.
>When in reality the only reason any of us are afforded those "privileges" to begin with is because it's expected that we'll use them to be good little goy indentured servant corporate cocksucking consumerist wageslaves for the majority of our fucking miserable empty lives Welcome to society. That will be $9.99 plus tip. What's the alternative? Anarchy? Tribalism? Libertarianism?
Kayden Gomez
Ethnosocialism obviously. Anything that doesn't involve being pimped by Mr. Shekelstein and his elitist shitlord friends on the coasts.
imagine thinking you understand the entire world just because youre rascist
Andrew Williams
>race was mentioned in some form in the post so his entire argument must be hinged on race and he must be a racist mental midget
Luke Long
says you... how do you know a dog cannot appreciate life better? why do you think dogs are always happy?
Juan Allen
>his entire argument there wasn't one just racist conjecture with a sprinkle of unprovoked antisemitism by a person that has probably never left their country. the ignorance is palpable and the entire post is laughable replying as if it isnt you also doesn't help
The funniest part is he thinks wageslavery and consumerism is exclusive to the first world somehow
Oliver Clark
How is the OP pseudo-intellectual? Maybe you disagree with him but go ahead and express that disagreement through rational argumentation rather than just insults
Julian Myers
It's more that it's a very basic concept OP seems to believe is somehow new when in reality it's been discussed for thousands of years
Henry Turner
>tfw ants have enthosocialism before humans
Well for one thing he's just regurgitating Peterson bible babble. For another this is literally just basic human condition shit. Ops like that guy in high school who said some shit like "isn't it amazing that we're all alive just think about it" as if that were a deep thought worth sharing.
Isaiah Hall
yeah OP just literally stop being literally cringe
Hunter Sanchez
I wouldn't say they necessarily ignore it. Some say to overcome it by knowing there is a promise of an afterlife. They live for the afterlife instead of living in the momentary pleasure of this painful world we live in.