>just lose weight brah
Just lose weight brah
He looks great but he probably has excess skin on his torso must be a pain in the ass
>He looks great
why are you lying
to what end is this
It's an obvious improvement. Now he can look normal while wearing clothes, whereas before he would've always been seen as just another fat guy.
His face looks much better too.
his hips are wider than his chest and shoulders. No amount of exercise will fix this.
it's the camera. the biggest flaw is he is poo
doesnt looks like hips to me
looks like love handles as a result of being hella obese. Id still be his gf he has a qt face.
it looks like he just starved himself or did a harsh diet and didnt work out along with the weight loss process. losing weight wont solve everyones problems but the guy in your pic isnt a very good example of following the advice
>being skinny fat is leterally worse than being fat look at these momsci articles
>he's still fat nyeh
>n-no don't lose more, just put on muscle bro
>get fat again breh it's the only way
Exactly this! He still looks better, now that he's lost weight, but he put on absolutely no muscle mass at all to round him out.
If he bounced over to /fit they'd sort him out.
>the guy in your pic isnt a very good example of losing weight
I'd date him despite his long-ass neck. Still looks nice to cuddle.
>Those hips
Does he have Klinefelter's?
this, start working out and eat less. i was 150 when i got my wheelchair. i stopped eating cookies and started working out. i'm now 144 last time i weighted myself. i need to start working out like what i did before my car accident. i use to work out five times a week and weekends were breaks.
He should have lifted too... Being skinnyfat with that narrow ass frame is pitiful
I'm sorry user. I love you. I'd feed you homemade protein cookies!!!!
sorry i meant to say losing weight in a healthy manner. not saying he starved himself but without enough exercise to help him on his way, he just doesnt look good
He looked better fat
>be obese with possibly a fat ass
>lose weight and look like an abomination due to your pear-shaped figure
He should've just stayed husky and took HRT.
he unironically looks better on the right. whats the problem here?
Male or female?
Not surprised this is unoriginal
210lbs, 5'11" here. How do i lose weight without feeling hungry all the time. Im more interested in cutting fat than building muscle right now, just having a hard time changing my diet to healthier options.
Drink water when you feel hungry. Also, stop being a fat fuck and change your diet already. You know what you have to do. Laziness is unacceptable.
It's over for me lads...time to an hero
Its just hard to change my diet when im not buying 100% of my meals and controling everything thats coming into my house. I was close to 180 a year ago when i was working a very physically strenuous job and only eating 2.5 meals a day but now that im in an office with little excercise and 3 solid meals a day all ive done is put on more and more weight.
>he lost weight
>he didn't build muscle while losing weight
HAHAHAHAHA nice rookie mistake
Exercise 4-7 times a week and add more non-carb calories to your diet and you'll be fine
Id be more likely to fuck the before pic. He looks like the alien from American Dad in the after pic.
you have to loose fat and gain muscle
ur head's too big for ur body, get some muscle
now just gain weight the right way