Post actors/people you wish you look like

Post actors/people you wish you look like.

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He complains about his nose but if hes really bothered by it then I hate him even more

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Commeno originalo

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He's sexy in an ugly-sexy kind of way, and I'm mad jelly how he can pull it off

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I've met girls who thought he was attractive. It's how he carries himself I think.

I really wish I was a big guy.

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based goblino

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If speaking of actors, I wish I looked like him.

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rly wish i had this guy's looks

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as chad as one can get

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Can't even begin to imagine how easy life must be for this guy
40 years old and still looks like a fucking god

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ryan obvs

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hes kind of weird. To look at him straight on his face is kinda... off? But as a whole package yeah hes pretty high tier.

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This Danish faggot

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He's so attractive but cuddly at the same time, unlike someone like who just looks intimidating

I love josh, he looks a little weird when he goes full bald though IMO

Unironically Bieber. I dunno if his looks would still hold up without the fame/talent, but I basically just look like budget bin slightly fatter Bieber anyway

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Body of Noriko Kijima with the face of Yuka Kuramochi, probably or aome jav girl, not sure

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Not sure of his name, but he played Le Chiffre in Casino Royale.

I look like pic related

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Mads mikkelsen
>what is google?

yound johnny Deep or Young Leo are the most attractive beings to ever exist

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>tfw you'll never cuddle with Ryan, watching bladerunner 2049
>you'll never fall asleep in his strong arms, listening to his deep, laborless breathing
>you'll never wake up to those gorgeous blue eyes smiling down at you

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scary scary sexy lady

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A fine choice my friend, tho I think Flint looks even better...

Especially since he gets to fuck that big tiddy qt

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One of the greats...

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Flint was gay, user. He got back with his slave nobleman boyfriend in the end rather than keep the billions in gold.

B-but he looked cool tho

He looks interesting. Like he has a mysterious expression.

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Imagine the cute boys he could have bought with all that money. Instead he chose a grown ass dirty man who had been sent to a slave labor camp for the past twenty years.