I seriously hope you guys have claimed your Wheyfu

I seriously hope you guys have claimed your Wheyfu

Attached: 40670485_2387870311239335_7301295367252179294_n.jpg (1080x1350, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 8FAF9C6E-A5E1-402D-9041-DBB3B6334CE8.jpg (800x447, 52K)

>tfw massive fetish for asians
>tfw massive fetish for beefed up woman
>tfw massive fetish for short haired girls

Attached: mad.jpg (480x480, 64K)

This guy is really cute. I'd roll around in bed with him and run my hands through his hair while smooching him. Yes homo.

fuck off faggot

1. Swole
2. Worships Scooby

Attached: scoobyprep.png (658x658, 959K)


A what? For what purpose is this Wheyfu?

No and pls go back to your female Jow Forums and stop chilling this unhealthy disgusting lifestyle of scum females.

I like the Augster

Attached: k9o2w1v3joh01.jpg (2048x2048, 210K)

Here's mine

Attached: wheyfu.webm (640x640, 2.77M)

You guys are just closet gays man. There's a yolked chick in my gym and it's so fuckig weird and sureal to see it that i can't imagine anyone turned on by it

Attached: IMG_0271.gif (200x242, 866K)

Those are just roid monsters user. Here's a good one

Attached: 1522380608689.jpg (791x960, 185K)

What do you mean "you guys", my wheyfu looks cute as fuck

Except they sound like smokers more often then not due to the roids

Attached: 1422901166267.jpg (1125x1038, 191K)

>You guys are just closet gays man
>saying this while posting anime where man literally ignores any sexual advancements from females
>calls us gay
user go find help.

>looks like a smoker

Based yikesposter

Did i say look? no i said sound

But how do you know that anime in the first place?
Checkmate, weeaboos.


Attached: Screenshot_20180911-094416.jpg (1080x1920, 751K)

Korean fit chicks are amazing

Attached: Screenshot_20180911-100001.jpg (1080x1920, 698K)

Delete this now shes mine

But Korea cosmetic surgery

Attached: 39754866_676208246090746_4204410045162586112_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.34M)

Attached: 1238.jpg (960x960, 73K)

Sophie is amazing. Sky is the limit, though.

Attached: 1476045368296.jpg (985x605, 253K)

So good I don't even care she's likely a jew.

Nah she looks 100% Ukrainian

God I love thick ugly asians with too much makeup


Attached: 1536339137259.webm (640x800, 2.44M)

>turtle shell mode

Attached: 1536659895747.jpg (640x640, 90K)

You mind if i steal your wheyfu real quick?

Attached: CarrieJune Midget.jpg (481x601, 119K)

She looks like a hapa

>tfw she lost her gains

Attached: 1525544138556.jpg (1536x1536, 203K)


>She knows

Attached: gg.jpg (400x300, 78K)

>But how do you know that anime in the first place?
>Checkmate, weeaboos.
Hey I'm not the one calling people gay, I know my place.
You however........

It would be less gay to fuck a twink than one of these 'Women' as you call them

BASED and red pilled


my GF is my ideal waifu, im not posting her on here but imagine a hotter version of luna lovegood from harry potter

>im not posting her on here
Because she isn't real, and you're secretly gay.
How is this not hot to you .

>Im not posting on here
I got you breh

Attached: 12345.png (509x505, 366K)

this is me and her.

put a crew cut on that 'women' and take away the tits and you would call it chad you gay fucker

Attached: 41430490_236146820393656_3086293499528609792_n.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

Asian enough to my dick tho

>tfw no teensy swolemole gf to carry around one armed and OHP at music concerts

i claim whoever this is i guess

Attached: img-insane-legs-and-abs-vivi-winkler-viviwinklerwellnesssubscribe-awg-674.jpg (720x720, 47K)

Attached: 1535835785615.png (916x335, 266K)

>Whale lying on top of you

How can you breath boi

yall are fags
except for
good taste

Attached: 96fd2004d0429523c15bf5e3b7c73be4.jpg (1667x2500, 201K)

i have a HUGE crush on girls with similar face + full lips

like she's beautiful to me, but she's so fucking jacked now it's going into homo territory

she's 130 lbs max

Mfw I thought that was the blanket
At first, I was kind of sad now Im disgusted.

Attached: 1536512868980.jpg (639x479, 20K)


>this is me and her.
user how do I know if that's not a man's back with a blonde wig. Or some gay dude.
You really aren't making a case for yourself.
If anything I could call you gay for this.

sure mayn

Attached: QT1.png (750x559, 659K)

she looks like she puts her face on with a clothes iron every morning

>hiding half of her self out of frame.

ahahahaha she has wider shoulders than you little fuckboy

>tfw no pro surfer gf
this whole being alive thing? it's NOT GOOD

Attached: 879cd5cce8e5e8cfdfcab52c183621c1.jpg (1080x1080, 167K)

she doesnt pal, and i mogg nearly everyone

Attached: IMG-20180527-WA0000.jpg (1600x900, 280K)

That her on the right?

Why are you posting here? You clearly don't lift and nobody cares about your hambeast excuse of a 'gf'

Attached: niUFyTvf.jpg (1252x1252, 118K)


>Weird ass cleavage, either not wearing a bra and has saggy tits. Or a transvestite with a poor boobjob.
>looks to be balding
user you sure she wasn't a man in the past?
If not good on you user you have a gf. I'm glad she's not mine.

Attached: Anon has a ''gf''.png (750x559, 657K)

I can almost see the pussy

im sure your gf is lovely user

Lol that cleavage. Lol that dyel. All this S O Y

>a hotter version of luna lovegood from harry potter

Attached: 1043056.jpg (1080x1127, 1.22M)

>im sure your gf is lovely user
I don't have one right now. (shocker)
Either way, I'm not the one bragging on this board that I have a GF/ideal waifu who is ''hot'' (looks to be 5/10 at best without face) while calling others gay.
Should have seen this coming user.
Don't post you trash waifu while calling others gay.

Nice same fag

sorry if youre a little hurt that finding masculine features attractive even if theyre on a woman is gay user. it's 2018 being gay isnt that wierd anymore you dont have to feel bad about it

you cant help being a gay faggot can you user?

Good job user, you made yourself look like a retard

Attached: Anon thinks he has me..png (562x158, 10K)

You look so gay.


I am, user

Attached: 20180905_185403.jpg (2976x2976, 1.15M)

>you cant help being a gay faggot can you user?
user, all I'm saying is we all have our tastes.
And should respect one another. Sadly you didn't and brought your GF into the mix only to be called out on her trash tier appearance.
And now you're seething that some ''faggot'' is calling her trash.

Claiming Chloe

Attached: 20171114_211008.jpg (895x1193, 333K)

>be me
>have qt gf
>have muscle girl fetish
>gf asks me to train her
>she makes really fast gains
>delts pop
>bis go from 10" to 14"
>tfw she was on var but didn't tell me because she wanted to surprise me

I finally have a wheyfu.

Attached: 1533821386346.jpg (450x600, 87K)

>I finally have a wheyfu.
You know the rules user. Pics or it didn't happen.

Attached: 92486A2C-3B6D-4597-A465-23AAA2096D92.jpg (1080x1080, 105K)

>booty workouts
>cooking food
>bikini pics

Attached: 35276692_2260669370617492_2447113734938689536_n.jpg (1080x1080, 109K)


Sophie Arvebrink is Swedish, brainlet

>>bis go from 10" to 14"
I have to see this

Attached: 1531220970612.jpg (1768x969, 266K)

Progress vid.

>tfw she said she likes this size but wants to get "a little bigger"

Attached: gfgains.webm (640x748, 2.8M)

>dat hair

God fucking damn user, bless your soul.
That second part of the vid. Lucky man.

Thanks bro.

My non-white wheyfu is better than yours

holy shit

Bad curl form

Kek she just sent me a vid with "the sickest pump ever" if you guys want to see.

>tfw she looks bigger than last week

I think she might be on more than var because she's growing too fast. I like the results but I don't like being lied to.

She's on gear m8, she makes gains even with bad form.

No. She has been claimed. But I will do you a favour and continue sharing Korean wheyfus.

>Kek she just sent me a vid with "the sickest pump ever" if you guys want to see.
>if you guys want to see
user you know fully well that we do. God bless you.

>I think she might be on more than var because she's growing too fast. I like the results but I don't like being lied to
What if she gets bigger than you?

Just doing God's work of introducing yaall to Korean fit chicks

Attached: Screenshot_20180911-231128.jpg (1080x1920, 526K)

What level of turbochad do I gotta be to get a girl like this. I know we shouldn't lift for women and I don't, but I'm sure it's gonna feel good to be acknowledged by someone who looks like that

Attached: Screenshot_20180911-231048.jpg (1080x1920, 1013K)

> That girl you like? Take away her feminine features and you would call her a boy!

>a fucking gook

Literally just be white you asspie

Teach me your ways.