Why are incels so insane, r9k?

Why are incels so insane, r9k?

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People go insane when denied fundamental needs.

What was that website and what is going on?

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Yeah seems its down for maintenance right now, what was it?

An incel forum for crime chat.

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This would've been a better OP image

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Why not use onaholes, prostitutes or go homo?

Starving man. Why dont you just eat the grass on the ground?

Can't drink milk? Just drink almond milk.Honestly relationships are overrated. It's better to be your own person.

Because human stomachs can't digest that and you'd just end up puking.

I mean, in what universe is this shit normal?

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Celibacy is only the tip of the iceberg. Romance builds on top of Family, Community and Friends. If you don't have those then you're probably not going to have romance.

Then they should make friends.

Why was I not in on this what the fuck

why is your response to people losing faith in your social order to double the fuck down on the clubfooted swagger and limpdick hollow braggadocio and force laffs just as hard as you possibly can

like the two main things you have the capacity to do at this stage in the crisis are
>that HAW HAW HAW thing angry women do where they force laughter to look like they're still in control of the situation
>the "I don't get it"/"what is this I don't even" thing, where someone points out that you did something stupid and you try to place the noticing of it outside the Overton window/space of discourse by massively overreacting to what they said
>except usually what they said isn't wrong, so you have to rely on context-driven refutation, i.e. "neckbeards.doc"-style shit where you frame it with little to no packaging and rely on the presence of other cherry-picked shit to take it down

i mean do you honestly, truly, and with all sincerity believe that you can social-proof men into not noticing that they lack girlfriends and are unlikely ever to have them
that's some black magic shit you're trying to pull off, sempai

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Starving man. Why do you insist on tendies when we are out and can give you steak and whatever else you want?
>Fuck you normie I am starving there is literally no food here gimme tendies

Well, the guy who owns incels.me wants to bring it back.

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christ on a cracker caked in cheeze whizz

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That guy is right about chads doing that though

They could go lack girlfriends in their basements and leave the rest of the world out of their IMPOTENT angst.

That's retarded. Chad would go straight to the jb without having to pass through the mom. Most Chads are in their 20's, anyways, so most people won't think it looks too weird if they fuck 16 or 17 year olds.

To elaborate on that: the ones who date moms to get access to the kids are true blue pedos, the kind of guys who want to diddle 5 year olds. After puberty, girls date whoever they want and they'd probably rather not fuck their mom's boyfriend

I really don't know how to explain this to you then.

I sympathize with involuntarily celibate males, but this shit is fucking crazy
Chill your goddamn tits

but that's what they did and you made a thread about how you have a problem with it

What a gold mine.
Sending these all to medium and thoughtjournal writers.

oh no you fucking don't
the incel beat is MINE

Is what shit normal? How abusive men/women/employers/societies do their thang by isolating their victim and making them completely dependent for food and shelter? Yeah that's extremely normal behavior and has been going on since forever.

Master from incels.me is the one who runs blackpill.online now, it should be back up in a few days I think.

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>After puberty, girls date whoever they want and they'd probably rather not fuck their mom's boyfriend
But they do want their moms boyfriends all the time it's an easy in for jb for older chads.

incels are fucking dire you normgroids are in trouble. volcels are laughing and unfazed

And if they somehow live in a household where they still have a father, they go after their dad's friends like woah.

Sounds like you're pulling that out of your ass, captain.

Source on that? I doubt he'll do anything.

see the content of this post

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his name's master

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No. All the girls I knew in high school were either after their stepdads or their dad's friends. Sometimes they even wanted to fuck their real dads.

Pretty hot desu
would pump over 9000 times and dump

if you're so concerned maybe you should let an incel fuck you, if you're a woman

if you're a guy with a gf you should share your gf with an incel

Okay! Wanna fuck?

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Based and redpilled post