hello my frens
how are you tonight?
Hello my frens
I'm good. Thanks user
I'm just ok my fren
Pretty good, picked up the grenade launcher I bought, did overtime at work and visited my parents to work on my car and show them said grenade launcher.
Actually good user how are you doing?
I'm good, drinking some wine right now.
Oh, that's pretty cool.
Glad to hear it.
Better than yesterday, how about you op?
I'm glad to know you're better, I hope you can be even better tomorrow.
Just got back from my latest child fight. I beat the reigning champ "Timmy Two Teeth" with a K.O. in the 8th round. People told me it couldn't be done, they said it would be my last match, many people asked if I had a death wish. It goes to show that with hard work and training, anything is possible. Considering Timmy has killed his last 6 opponents, it was safe to say I was very intimidated, but in the end, I somehow prevailed. It's hard to make a decent wage as a professional child fighter, but it is a solid job for a robot, would highly recommend. Welp, time to celebrate tonight, and then get back to training tomorrow.
henlo user am good thankk
just got off of work.
nice to see an innocent thread between us anons
I've decided to give up learning to play the Ukulele.
sad to hear it :( was it more difficult than it looks?
why? ukulele is pretty cool
No I'm just inept
After a lot of practice, I still can't play anything, because I cannot switch chords fast enough or strum properly. Going from any chord to G is just beyond me even though it's the simplest thing.
wow user your going places
what were your winnings?
I'm good, OP, thanks for asking.
Just got a new job at the start of this month and I'm able to juggle the work life with the study life pretty well.
Still friendless and girlfriendless, but that's not bothering me so much anymore.
pretty fucked up fren
awesome user!
im in a similar situation except that I start college this month and its kinda stressful
As I stated before, making a decent wage as a child fighter is very rough. Even though this was a championship fight, I only ended up walking away with $300. It really isn't that much considering the high mortality rate of the fighters. You never know when your next match will be your last. I have recently been thinking about looking for new work, but child fighting is all I know. It has been in my family for many generations. My great grandfather was one of the first professional child fighters in the late 1800's. Back then they were called "Baby Bashers". It was a form of entertainment, and away to get rid of many unwanted children that that poor couldn't afford to take care of. Baby Bashers were like rock stars in those days, and could make a hefty sum of money. These days it is now frowned upon for a grown man to beat a child to death, and such mention of child fighting has been all but erased from the history books. A once honorable, noble profession is now shunned by the modern world....how times have changed. I must continue to fight, for not only my honor, but my families as well. It is a rough life, but at the end of the day.....it is the life I have chose.
not bad fren
just watched some wrestling. now i might smoke some weed.
Hey faggots I'm getting high af, chilling with some normies.
im drinking wine and listening to some fine tunes myu brotehr
what wine tho
what was your favorite fight?
Help fren i sont fel gut i cant sleep and i feel like somethin is watchin me help fren its a house from 13 century not a joke.
I'm so fucking lonely. Why doesn't anyone ever get to know me. I'm such a waste of time probably
i am lonely, user
currently crying in bed
I'm completely alone and no one cares about me or likes me. Everything in my life so far has gone wrong and it's only going to get worse. I'm feeling a million negative things all the time and I'm alone with it all. I just live inside my head and it tortures me and drives me crazy.
I want to cry. I find that suicide has become more and more of my only option.
Can't shake this groggy feeling, think im addicted to porn again. Fuck me.
no worries i love you faggot
I wish I had someone to cry with
can deeply relate
had it kicked for a long time and fell back into it when I thought it no longer held power over me. its like a drug and as soon as I get my fix I hate myself for it
My favorite fight had to be against Freddy "The Spider" Hernandez. It was back in 2013, when I was really in my prime. Anyway, week before the fight we were supposed to submit a drug test, as doping is forbidden. Freddy's team refused to submit a urine sample. The fight was gonna be called off, but I needed the money at the time. Now I don't know if you have ever seen a toddler yoked out on steroids, but it is a sight to behold. I don't know if anyone has fought a 4 foot toddler before, but it was quite the challenge. Finally I got a KO in the 10th round, I still remember it as if it were yesterday.
We've all been there, user. Don't beat yourself over it. It gets better.
I just want to die. The usual. I have no future.
>It gets better.
Honestly fuck off. I don't need you feeding me fucking vague normie bullshit. It doesn't get better. Things can change, but not for the better. Go fuck yourself.
Sorry for bothering you, friend.
I'm doing okay. I'm a little hungry, but I'll look for something to eat later. Right now I am in a nice thread(this one) and talking to my frens. How are you, OP? Anything new?
Its all good here
i'm good, thanks user
coa o brao
i feel shitty, im lonely, im a recovering alcoholic, im 30, im balding, im gaining weight around my mid-section, my parents still pay my therapy bills, it's just all hitting me at once for some reason
usually im a. pretty happy guy, have a good job / nice apartment / good car, just kind of wish I was Chad Chadson with a million dollars in the bank
We all wish we were Chad chadson with millions user, fact is we're not.
But you can make the best of your situation. Use your history to help others, being able to relate to people who've gone through bad times makes it easy to help.
And helping people will make you feel a lot better than just about anything else.
neck and wrist hurt from playing vidya
I just can't play non stop like I used to.
thanks man, yeah helping people is a big part of my AA program...i appreciate ur words
Okay. Got like 10 levels in wow done with.
Part of what I'm trying to do now user, gotta help people.
Oddly enough I've gotten lots of help from the chans over the years so I decided it's time to give back.
I'm bored of life. Nothing interests me. I'm not depressed I think.
some say that feeling is God calling you to be closer to him
>encouraging suicide for someone feeling mild dissociation
Fuck off user.
i wasn't suggesting suicide, i think your mind went there
i was saying it's God asking you to develop a relationship with him
Eh, that's still predatory behavior aiming at making someone give up their personal lives.
Sure it's not permanent, but fuck religion.
Sorry but I'm not much of a religious person. I appreciate your (you) I suppose.