Non-white fembot feels

>ywn match the beauty of white women

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The fact I would bleach you right now means you can't call yourself a bot

male hands typed this post

>non-white females think they're robots because they refuse to date anyone of their own race
Big kek

Looks like there's something wrong here, I wonder what it is

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i feel this feel and literally cried several times this week about not being white or even light skinned

Can I console you while I watch my white cock penetrate your non-white pussy?

Don't worry femanon this is a struggle for all. I'm white and constantly trying to get paler, have lighter hair, ect. There is no winning this game.

>this pathetic attempt at relating to non white girls

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Q: What is loud and obnoxious?
A: A woman!

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I want to choke a fembot to death

they are worthless no one would miss them.

>tfw no fembot gf who feels so worthless she will do anything sexually degrading just to desperately try to please me

I want to give a fembot my unconditional love

I was just tryna make her feel better. People will always be unhappy with their appearance.

i know I'm just trolling

o, sorry have aa good day

Yeah, but once they hit the age of 25, they look like leathery cows. I once went to England, I was optimistic. A young American, in the land that started it all. I was eager to escape the stereotypes that American woman are hamplanets. Then the plane landed. So I went to Germany instead. Same thing. White women my age are fucking scary.

if it helps i'm white and the beauty of white women online is pretty unfair. these are literally the top 5% of white women

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I feel no sympathy for you traitor, it's your own fault your alone.

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Idk but I'm a hapa and I'm okay with it

>tfw no black fembot gf to lewd and hang out with

youre mixed, you dont understand the full extent of what suffering and undesirability is like as a non-white women.
In fact since mixed raced women are closer in proximity to whiteness they are the second most sought after right after white women.
Full blooded non-white women, however, will always be at the bottom of the dating chain.

I guess... I never really fit in with whites or asian so

I knew a hapa girl when I was in grade school
She have the nicer pair of titties I've ever seen irl

i would rather you be mean to me while doing so for not being good enough

And mine are small
Guess I got screwed

I mean I guess
But I'd rather bring you up rather than tear you down

Damn that sucks
Still there's guys who prefer that

I guess It just makes me more self concious sometimes I'm a mess

white women are corrupted whores after the age of 14-15 so who cares?

Why would you be self-conscious?
It doesn't matter in a non-sexual situations and even then it's just fluff
Bit like no tits hinders your ability to fuck like a small dick would

Stop larping please. Men of every ethnicity would find you attractive.

I will admit tho that very dark skinned west african women are SOMETIMES unlucky but still.

I guess it just adds on to my insecurities if that makes sense

I can understand that
Just remember nothing can be more attractive than being someone to cuddle with
Just to have a girl who would fall asleep in my arms is all I want
Doesn't matter if she's not white or flat or whatever

Forgive my tone, fembot, but I don't know how you don't know that there are lots of men who like small tits (and i'm not sure there are any men who would 'disqualify' you for having small boobs)
Literally every body type under the sun
Nothing to feel self conscious about, at least when it comes to how others see you

That sounds really nice, to fall asleep in someone's arms. I can't remember the last time I had that..

Third post best post oriorioriori

if you hang out with white 6/10s and asian 6/10s theres no competition that white 6/10s beat asian 6/10's. the asian scale on a white scale is automatically minus 1-2

t. asian tranny

give black weeb gf please

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Alright I'll keep that in mind thank you user
im gonna get into bed soon

as if yours were any better, either they put me deaf by their loudness or by the spit that comes out of their mouths..

>forgive my tone m'lady!
She knows she has options she just comes here for attention you retarded cuck.

>Forgive my tone, fembot
oh nononon chek out this fucking guy

big tits are superior to small tits every time, keep that in mind aswell dumb attention whore

>stating opinion as fact
flat is justice

Like emma?

I don't follow Jow Forums whores user so you'll have to be more specific

Well I cant even sleep anyway my mind is racing... this sucks

wanna talk instead?

That would make me feel uncomfortable. It makes me sad but I don't think I can be with anyone better than an abusive person at this point.

do you really think dating black guys is a viable option?

I'm willing to go for just about every other race as long as he isn't darker than me. And that's mainly for our kids' sake anyhow

>I'm a fembot

No your fucking not, the fact I would facefuck you regardless of what you look like means you'll never be a bot. You fucking WHORE.

t. white knights

the reason robots and Jow Forumstards put "white beauty" on such a pedestal is because they're insecure in their own white maleness and need to both affirm it and have it affirmed

strong, confident white men know that brown and asian women are generally superior in every single way except for the pesky fact that they're associated with non-white males

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be my bedwench gf I only keep around to throat swab

sad but true. also theres the "kinda "white"" poltard type thats looking for a white woman to feel more white and bleach his kids. its pretty sad and self hating

these ppl are p funny tho. ive spoken to an irl racist and his reasoning is this: if a white guys gets with a non white girl, its a good thing because in his eyes he is "whitening the genepool." ironiccall,y if a white girl gets with a non white guy, it is not the same, perhaps even the reverse. had some good keks irl ngl

why wouldn't it be an option? because some dumb nerds on Jow Forums said they're all thugs an sheeit?

you clearly don't know what a white knight is

>being mad that I "white knighted" her before they could
>don't know what a white knight is

Kill your self eboni you stupid sad bitch

Are white eyes more desirable than non-white eyes?

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I literally want a black bf but the ones here are all yellow fever and snowbunny chasers

lmao right. prprrprpr

Are any non white fembots into being sexually degraded.

I'm a black guy who prefers black women. Do you use discord?

>still thinks white women are beautiful

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Non white women all have boyfriends. Youre not a robot

Because whenever you see a non-white guy holding hands with even a 5/10 white woman, you can tell by the look on his face that he feels as though he's won the lottery.

if white women are not beautiful why are men of all races are chasing them?

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nice tits and glass of piss

I'd drink her piss if you know what I mean

>delusional Asianmasculinity cope

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>delusional Asianmasculinity cope

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You think that's bad? Try being a failed white male
>expected to succeed because all white males are
>no one wants to help me because I'm not visibly a minority
>not attractive anyways, I'm gonna blame my Anglo genes for that
>no women, white or not, would want me anyways

Attractive or not, non-white women have it the easiest from society out of any group of people

fuck off, white males have no reason to ever complain

Wtf snowbunny means?
t. Eurofag

>poor family
>raised by single mom
>genetically defective despite supposedly "Superior" genes
>can't live up to societal expectations for being a white man

No reason to complain my FUCKING ass

Oh come on dude, im white as well and its quite clear that you just want to victimise yourself. Stop acting like a nigger

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Not my fucking fault white men can still inherit defective genes

I love how even blacks are aware of the asianmasculinity cringe these days lmao

OP here. I realize white men can be disadvantaged in some ways. But lets not come to the conclusion that non-white women have it any easier, especially if youre ugly as fuck, no one wants you and everyone treats you like the subhuman garbage you are.
White women, on the other hand, are the most privileged groups of people on the planet. Its brutal to see how so many of them are living live on complete easy mode, effortlessly

>the subhuman garbage you are
pol pls go and stay go. That isn't true at all

Wanting tofuck white chicks obviously

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>being white and trying to get lighter hair while being pale
You dun fucking goofed femtard. Light hair and pale skin is a no go. Pale girls are shit tier unless they have dark brown hair.

>Be black guy that likes black girls
>Not "cool" enough to attract black girls outside my hobbies of vidya and anime because Big Bang Theory didnt make it OK to like that stuff yet
>Black girls that do like vidya and anime are either obese or chasing white dick.

I don't think beauty/attractiveness is exclusive to white women, just that they are statistically more likely to posess such traits that give them easy effort free lives.

to be honest for me it's brutal just feeling like such a fucking failure compared to everyone else, compared to what is expected of me by society, compared to what everyone told me how I'd be great doing great things as a child. I fucking despise my existance on a level you might be able to understand.

No I don't care that her hair is dyed

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Don't give up blackbot ;-;
You will find your perfect black waifu

If you think this girl is anywhere near pale then you're fucking colorblind...

>be black grill
>apply to job with trendy hip cool laid-back tech startup
>they're so cool and laid-back that the application form even asks me what my favorite soft drink/TV show/meme is (not joking about the last one)
>it's the type of comapny where they'd be perfectly fine with you showing up to work in Rick and Morty tie-dye shirt
>basically, the company is nu-male Redditor central
>nu-males are the types who only feel comfortable around a very specific type of person because they're so used to being bullied/disliked/judged by almost everyone else outside their narrow "safe-space"
>the type of person they feel comfortable around probably isn't going to be a quiet black girl who uses psychs, dresses "weird", unironically goes to noise shows, and doesn't care for nerd culture
>my existence may as well be geek guy kryptonite
>go to the job interview
>step into the building and immediately feel myself changing the "vibe" of the place with my presence
>just sit in the foyer waiting for the interviewer to see me and sometimes geeky nu-males on their way somewhere will do double-takes as though they've just seen bigfoot
>hear back from them a few days after the interview
>"You passed our technical tests and everything but we just don't think you'd be a cultural fit."

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>i don't know how shadows work

I wouldn't be a cultural fit either if it makes you feel any better, too much of a history autist and also right wing

>Pale girls are shit tier unless they have dark brown hair.
.t niggress, seriously normal men of any race don't think like this

>>the type of person they feel comfortable around probably isn't going to be a quiet black girl who uses psychs, dresses "weird", unironically goes to noise shows, and doesn't care for nerd culture

Replace black with every other color.
You are just pretentious hippie, it is not about your race but your personality. Reading this post makes me appreciate I don't have people like you around me at work.

>white males have no reason to ever complain

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>tfw I wouldnt mind a guy an inch shorter than me but he likely wouldnt give me a chance because robots are shallow and mean like the normie next door

you wore a skirt above the knee line didn't you you slut