That fat person at the gym who smiles and is having fun working out

>that fat person at the gym who smiles and is having fun working out

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i love seeing fat people who keep coming back and a year later look 10x better

it gives me that motivation to keep going forward

I'm going to be that former fatty by next year. I'm so fat that I need a year and a few months. It's been a few months and 40 pounds lost. I've got about 130 more to go at least.

I always bully the fat kids and dyels that show up in september and january so they don't take up the squat racks

>not helping your fellow humans become better
Never gonna make it

Reminder fatties don't deserve kindness

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keep going, we are all gonna make it

you help others like you when they see you change.

>that old guy at the gym who's getting eye surgery and might not be able to keep working out

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>That 80 year old schitzo who shaves in the change room and mumbles the same phrase over and over

Unrepentant fatties do not. Those who are finally seeing the error of their ways will receive some sympathy from me.

I already try to help other fatties who look kind of lost. Nobody accepts it though. They continue to do meme shit with bitch weights. Well, at least I tried.

>that young retard that goes with his mom and both have a good time and everyone is nice to them

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>That dyel manlet who fell for the SS meme

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>that dyel indian kid that does SS and doesnt stink up the whole gym

>that Jow Forumsizen carrying milk jugs in his backpack
>that willingness to share

>that boomer repping 110kg on the bench
>that massive bodybuilder that all the noobs are intimidated by but is actually super friendly and helpful

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That older 60 to 70 year old man doing deadlifts with perfect form.

Yeah, you should mock fat people until they realize they have some problem.
At this point they have two choices: either they ignore you and die at age 40, or they want to get in shape and you motivate them.

>that massive bodybuilder that all the noobs are intimidated by but is actually super friendly and helpful

that noob was me. he looked like a roided meathead but he's actually very nice

>That fat beta, that skinnyfat thot, that skinny guy, those massive guys and wheyfus who have all been going to the gym for months and look the same

I know its not possible, but it's almost like im the only one who's getting gains

>that fat person who clearly did research and is actually lifting with better form and weight than most of the fit guys there
Makes me cry. He's gonna make it.