Give me your most important life advice please :)

Give me your most important life advice please :)

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Take care of your teeth. Seriously. That may not be THE more important thing, but it's up there.

Don't smoke crack

thot #2 4 ya

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Start making money as soon as possible and save it.
Life blows ass and the older you get the worse it gets.

Thanks senpai, good advice.

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Don't be a stupid faggot

You're saying that from experience? :)

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this x100

My parents never taught me to brush my teeth. I didn't start brushing them at ALL until I was 15.
Since then I have been brushing them twice a day and flossing daily, and my teeth are still getting fucked up from the years and years and years of abuse.
Unless you're a multimillionaire who can afford dentist visits weekly, TAKE FUCKING CARE OF YOUR TEETH

>Give me your most important life advice please :)
Don't seek advice on a board full of failures.

People here went through terrible life experiences so I am curious about what kind of advice I can get from here :)

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Always have a plan for where you want to steer your life.

2) Always have a bank account with some cash in case of emergency, if you think you're too poor you're just not being frugal enough.
3) Never let someone else treat you as less than an adult or else you might get into the habit of letting people step all over you.

Don't go to college or university; waste of time, money and health. Do everything possible to create your own business, learn to code on computer as a hobby too.

LMAO who gives a fuck about this thread
I just came here to save the pic

I never got this coding meme. Chances are you wont be next big app maker then what is even worth learning it for?

aren't you a little too young to be on here

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I'm being honest, I really don't care and the fact that it bothers you is hilarious.

This kid is so cool wow!

>not man child

Yet you stay on this thread waiting for replies kek

You're not wrong about me.

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Nihilism isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Yeah you don't matter but on the flip side you don't matter so you can fuck up life completely and it'll all be okay cause the day after you die the grass will still grow and trees will still blossom and birds will still sing. So don't let anxiety over mundane shit fuck you up. You very well might be right and you might fuck up that job interview completely but you can try again somewhere else or even at the same place and just explain you were nervous or something. Life happens no matter what, just try your best.

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If your weenie is under 18cm you have no chance

ameritard brainlet here how many inches is that

Bullshit. Woman will gladly use you for money if your dick is small.

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As much as you think things matter, they do not. Set some money aside and do not touch it.

Always have a back-up plan.

Assume you will be fucked over and plan for it.

NEVER under any circumstance tell people how you truly feel. You will regret it.

No one deserves happiness or love.

Women will always lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want. It is better to avoid them.

Do you really want to be that man though? A cuck?

When you're having buttsecks with somebody make sure you *don't* take the cheapskate route and use cocoa butter or some other kinda body lotion instead of lube. It'll get you in for sure, but dry up real quick start burning to the point where your partner wants you to pull out, but you can't cuz even that causes friction, essentially leaving your wiener stuck in somebody's butt like Excalibur in a rock.

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follow what your heart says the first time and don't take no for an answer

It's a strong marketable skill. Coding is needed everywhere, whether your boss is looking for someone to code a program to make business more efficient or whether you specifically want to get into the industry. Very useful and it looks great on a resume.

Quit now, it doesn't get better

>justz be yourself :^)

don't bother trying to learn shit that you're bad to, just improve your natural talents
in other words, max out your highest stat and don't waste points on others that won't work on your build

For context: I'm 34. Went to uni for art. Was a graphic designer for several years. Hated it. Quit. I now moonlight as a security guard and day trade on stock market.

Devote considerable thought to how to make money with minimal effort. If you're thinking you wanna follow your dreams and be, i dunno, an artist or something, you may not understand as a young adult just how much of an uphill battle that will be.

Learn how the stock market works. It's critically important to even the playing field in competition against boomers and wealthy immigrants, especially now with real estate costs and costs of living in general being sky high. If you choose a vocation that allows you to work from home from any location that's best as you can then live in an area with relatively low living cost.

don't be afraid to stop.

Go to sleep early everyday

Take care of your personal hygiene. Being well hygienic is a must if you want to get anywhere in life

If you find a good porn video save it just in case it gets lost or deleted

>don't browse facebook
>don't save images from facebook

ANYONE STILL HAVE THE OFFICIAL unb& Jow Forums map did it really get jewed without no one saving it or making a proxy ?

>pick ironicallysemirelated

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I need to find this to give it as Jow Forums's it's biggest life advice

forgot to reply

I hope someone saved it or Jow Forums is kill

What are you talking about? What map?

If you dont know what google is just leave this thread cause no matter how much advice some one gives you you will never make it.

they was an user meet map a year ago and It go populare and I've even seen people from it irl, it was really interestine to find people with similar interests

thx user your really nice.


aaaaaaa i need to sleep

Personality doesn't change

The sooner you take the blackpill the better.

are you on discord ? cause the reponse que gave to that guy was 100% the mbti type that interest me, probably

pic unrelated for shits and giggles

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don't give a fuck about society's norms because god knows normal people don't give a fuck about you, also don't do anything for women they don't deserve it

Find Jesus and stop fapping

>Make a To Do List
write shit you have to do in notepad and make it your phone lock screen

>Take your youth seriously
Your teenage and college years is what sets you up for later in life. If you start to focus on improving yourself career wise while your a teen you will be ahead of the game by the time it starts to matter.

>Save 20-40 Percent of everything you can
Budget your life around this cause if you make 3000 a month and spend 2900 of it your going to be fucked on day.

>have basic hygiene
come on just take a shower bro you smell really bad.

>nihilism is not the answer
nihilism will make you give up on life but wont make you kill yourself. Living like a theres no point will decrease your QOL so might as well try while your alive.

>Make yourself first in your life

Why can they see if you download things?

im on a discord atm but i was deafened.

nice trips doe lucky 7's

Thx fren. Remember to have her sit on buttplugs for a day before the big night so as not to hurt her.

buy an electric toothbrush, they are way better than the regular ones
floss everyday, preferably at night don't go to sleep with food festering in your mouth
make sure your toothpaste has fluoride in it
use a mouth wash with fluoride

Think before you act.

Happiness is like a cat, If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you, it will never come. But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you'll find it rubbing against your legs and jumping into your lap
- William Bennet

Dont get fat
Spend money on clothes
Dont be autistic

You will always want to have sex even if you're not capable of getting it, so learn how to cope.

I'd like to make a more interpersonal MBTI /silly tests discord with less circlejerk and empty relations, and more people fiding someone similar to them or completary to them. This might really help some anons and I think some people that are neither normie nor robot could make this work, all in all we need a lot of different types of people for it to work well.

I might make a new thread if anyone is interested

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Shave every two days.

>Spend money on clothes
Dropping a hot word on this. Stop wearing autism shoes for the love of god.

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thicc thighs save lives mother fucker

Shoes dont really matter as long as theyre not sketchers or some shit like that

Just go with vans

source of this girl pls

Van's are shit, go for a pair of Stan Smith or Reebok Club.

Vans are cheap look nice and hold themselves together for a decent amount of time.

and stan smiths are gay asf

Well they may be cheap in the US. But I experienced a real decline in the quality of their products. I've been a huge Vans afficionado until my shoes started to rip off after 4 or 5 months.
Going from Vans to Adidas I felt that the latter was way more comfortable too.

But hey I shouldn't have said they were shit, do with what fits you the most user.

Big 5 already exists and the hierarchy of needs is bunk.

>newfaggots don't know zee

Buy a few academic books about the stock market, read them, wait a bit, then read them again.

I feel like I betrayed the bog by viewing this picture...

but that's a terrible place to put a seat. There's two door's range of motion it limits!

im lazy sometimes to do something that simple, but i did end up finding out my weenie is not big enough.

Dont orbit girls hoping they will become your gf or that they will leave their bfs for you because they wont you are just a brother to them

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>Save 20-40 Percent of everything you can
I save over 60% of my income (most of my spending is money that I give to parents to somewhat make up for my living expenses) but it's still not enough. My mom keeps pressuring me to find a better job, being obviously disappointed in me. But I don't even know what to do because I find work so unpleasant and now I'm supposed to just find a good one as if every fucking person out there doesn't want a good job. I'm simply not good enough fucking damn it I wish she'd bloody understand. And I'm supposed to work for 50 or so years before I retire as a broken husk that has no value anymore. I will certainly break long before I'm free.

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Be the human you want to attract. The world is full of different people. Treat others the way you want to be treated and be patient about it.

Give up, it's not worth it even if you succeed.

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If you are going to put stuff in places they aren't supposed to be, like your butthole, make sure you use a retarded amount of lubricant

This post is 1000% bullshit. Colleges and universities are great and learning is only half of it, the other half is networking and using the services offered by the college to better your life. They will help you with your resume, clubs to join to socialize, and parties that people are hosting. Plus 6ou meet very diverse people (mentally)with radical opinions many might contradict yours. It was a great experience for me.

I think they made them lighter and more flexible because people walk in them more than they skate, so they don't last as long.

Adversity= purpose
It's kinda edgy, but without adversity we have no purpose

Never open to anyone, never tell your true intentions, they will try to manipulate you so you need to manipulate them. Also "friends" don't exist it's a meme (i learned it the hard way).

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tfw it was too late but instead pay alot just to restore your innocent smile.

Don't give up, my guy.

Kek, you're right originally

Eye contact is important. If you can't look people in the eyes you'll be written off as beta in every situation. You also shouldn't look directly into someone's eyes for more than a few seconds. You also shouldn't dart your eyes away quickly because that's a tell for anxiety. You can look down at someone's nose or mouth briefly as a quick break in eye contact if and when needed.

i wish i heard that tip about looking at their face earlier. ive been having fucking staredowns with people for years because i wait for them to break eye contact